Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Ahobilam to Tirupati---tour diary of 14.8.12

After a wholesome dinner at the priests house at Ahobilam, to the accompaniment of yelps of a huge Labrador , his pet [strange , priests raising dogs!]we returned to our lodge ,with well fitted rooms ,but right in centre of poorer and lower class dwellings who lodge not only themselves in their houses [which are however larger and more spacious than the flat i stay in the city] but also buffalo's, hens, goats ,dogs etc whose earthy smell assaulted my sanitised urban nose.

Of late priests with a business turn of mind are cashing on the flux of religious tourists from middle and upper income groups ,by providing good home cooked food[Brahmin women are adept in rustling tasty meals in a jiffy]as well as adding more rooms to their houses or building newer rooms with all facilities like TV, AC heater etc . A boon to pilgrims and travellers to such remote areas where these divyadesams are situate.I came upon this trend few years back itself when i visited Kumbakonam,inTamilnadu.

Having worshipped Prahalada Vardhan once again, to satisfaction last evening, and admiring the sculptures of Krishna devaraya in a leisurely fashion [ that ruler was really extraordinary in his contribution to Hinduism and remains to date incomparable in the services rendered in fostering the same]we were heading to Tirupati for the annual pilgrimage.

Naturally Professor Higgins has to show his hands.How could he let go off such a golden opportunity to educate his ward about real rural Bharat , like as if i haven't seen and observed it earlier umpteen times ! I played along his mega delusional mentor ship about my ignorance of my own country. Had nothing to lose.

The ostensible 'owner 'of the lodge that had been built on a land bought from the beneficiary of a govt's scheme, hitched a ride and took us through bumpy roads, fit only for bullock carts and tractors cutting through green fields and cute as well as dirty villages and small towns pre dominantly Muslim, Safari of real India? ,telling us that it was a short cut to the by pass road.

There were lush paddy fields ,the translucent pale green saplings submerged in clear water, glinting in the early morning sun .The plot holdings are bigger here than at Tamilnadu.But inner roads are terrible in comparison.Come to think of it the highways in Gujarat were much much better .We made the 450 kms in 5 hours there whilst it took 8 hours in AP for the same distance.

Either tractors or huge bullocks ploughed the fields.
Rustics like all over Bharat are thin wiry and for all their ill nourished looks must in reality be physically stronger than their well put ,urban bretherns.

Villages and towns are dirty and haphazarded unlike those at TN.Charpoy has its pride of place at front of all dwellings just like it is up north.Men, children roll over it lazily , so do goats and hens!

Reached the by pass after a lot of bumps and jolts.Passed an ancient looking temple and few quarries.[not coal].The ride on the high ways was fairly good for most parts ,but bumpy near towns and at all the places where the road widening works were going on.

Reached Trichanoor 200 kms away at noon .Had a quick darshan of Thayar from outside[ppts work?] unlike inside the sanctum we are normally allowed and entitled to.

A lot has changed in AP since i visited Ahobilam as a teenager travelling from Hyderabad then ,as a natural corollary to the tremendous increase in population..But two vexatious issues that were at its peak then has continued to this day.and is yet to be resolved.

If i spell it out in black white,my memories related to those events that took place in this state i was trevelling , as i normally did before my shady and illegal interrogation [like for eg how my two brothers,school and college going, lost a whole academic year due to strikes,or as to how bills were stuck on our car whilst travelling in these same highways by a belligerent mob or how a friend of mine who had suddenly become very friendly with groups having extreme views had to be rescued from sure death by her highly distraught father a top burecrat by falling on the feet of politicians or how violence used to rage in the campus and old city often] i 'll be branded as anarchist and a sort of right wing loony nurturing a secret desire to join politics ,since in India only the hallowed club to which politicians and main stream journalists belong are entitled to do so and discerning and interested citizen like me without any fancy prize to boast of for writing about poverty and evils of caste system would be shown the door and slammed against me [ mm maybe my Nobel prize is within arms reach] as has already been done with a vengeance and then try and trap me in the net being weaved so assiduously and patiently by Ppts who are for all accounts keeping me in sort of house arrest as shady as their actual motives , whose motto is 'Either join politics if you want to talk about issues prevalent in this country and hold yourself accounatable or else just shut up '.

The exemption to accountability for words spoken and deeds done is the preserve of few chosen ones and it is obvious i do not enjoy that privelege.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Hymns in praise of ahobilam temple / singavel kundram.-religion

Lakshmi Narsimhar
Narsimahr temple at Ahoblam Add caption
Thirumangai aazhwar is the only early Vaishnavaite saint[9 th cent AD] who has sung hymns, ten in number in praise of this sacred place .

அங்காந் ஞாலம் அஞ்ச அங்கு வோராலறிய ஆவுணன் போங்க ஆகம் வள்ளுகிறாள் போழ்ந்த புனிதனிடம் ,
பைங் ஆனை கொம்பு கொண்டு பக்தி மாயால் அடிக்கீழே ,
செங்கணாளை இத்திரைஞ்சும் சிங்கவேல் குன்றாமே
**Anghan gyalam anja anngu voralariya avunan ponga,
aagam vallukiraal pozhndha punidhanidam,
painganaanai kombhu kondu pakthimayaal adikeezha,
senganaali ittirainjum Singavel kundrame'!...................................1008 --1-10-7

The entire world shook in fear when Narasimha chased Hiranyakasapu and tore his chest with his sharp nails.
This happened in Singavel kundram--Ahobilam where red eyed lions rip the tusks from elephants and offer it with great devotion to the pure One.

**Munaindha seetram vinsudar poi moovulagamum piravum annaithum anja,
aaliriya irundhu ammana thidam,
ganaitha theeyum kallumalla villudai vedarumai,
thinaithanayum sellavonnai singavelkundram.........................1014

The uncontrollable and extreme rage of Narasimha bhagwan spread to the skies ,scorching it and making the inhabitants of all three worlds tremble in fear.
He is residing at Ahobilam where the sound of the roaring fire as they bake the stones and split it into pieces, is heard.
And where the fierce and merciless hunters roam with bow and arrows ,
Only the truly devoted can brave all this in the quest to pay obeisance to Narsimha at his place of residence!

Ahobilam----- -religion.

Ahobilam in Andra pradesh is a divya desam .There are nine temples dedicated to the man lion avatar of Vishnu known as Narsimhar.

According to Bramha purana Ahobilam is the place where the demon king Hiranayakasupu lived and was later killed by Vishnu assuming the fierce Narsimha avatar.

The legend is that Garuda performed severe tapas in these hills which came to be called as Garudadhari in his honour, to have a vision of Vishnu as Narsimaha avatar and Bhagwan obliged by appearing in the man lion form and took residence in these hills and married a woman belonging to the local Chenchu tribe , who was none other than Mahalakshmi herslf.These tribesman have special privileges in the Bramhotsavam conducted annually , till date.

Another belief associated with this place is that Sri Rama along with is brother Lakshman worshipped Sri Lakshmi Narasimhar by meditating on 5 slokas and was rewarded with the means to rescue Sita from the vile clutches of Ravana.

Adi Shanakaracharya is said to have been saved from being killed by a kapalika by Narsimhar when Shankara traversed these hills.

This is also the place where the first pontiff of Ahobila mutt Sri Aazhagiya singar ,was at the tender age of 17 was blessed with a vision of Bhagwan in ascetic robes , who commanded the seer to establish a mutt for propagation of Vaishnavism .The pontiff immediately set up the 'Ahobila mutt' which has till date engaged in this noble quest.

Monday, August 27, 2012


Everybody wants something from somebody.

The events of past months and weeks crowded into my mind making me feel sick and desolate.
Blood is shed for land,emotions run high puffing up faces , cracking voices, adding bags under eyes, thinning and greying of the crowning glory as the fight for power and control increases with each passing day , the unstemmable ratting and re- ratting.

Minds are cruelly and unethically picked and the pickings casually reshaped to fill one's pocket and also used with foolish alacrity in check mating adversaries in unthinking ,quick fixes! Persecution of individuals who refuse to toe the line , turning one's own kith and kin to spy for the state ,some gullible the unsuspecting pawns, few others with grouses to grind have grasped this golden oppurtunity gleefully and several others in sheer terror of authorities , a la KGB style in this 'Great game of power'on the specious plea that it is for' general good'.

The treachery of it all overwhelmed me as i stood near the window , unseeing yet hoping to draw some sustenance from the greenery of the fragile leaves gleaming in the early morning sun that were dancing in graceful and gentle movements in tune with the unseen breeze blowing through it.It didn't.

A slight movement on a slender branch that was rippling up and down like seesaw arrested my attention.
In an instant the baseness that human beings can and often descend to, that had clouded me, lifted and took wings.
A rosy beaked , shining red eyed ,grey pigeon ,arching its glittering green neck looked at me enquiringly as its pink claws rested confidently on the moving bough.

Its very presence lighted me and filled me with a warm glow. It bespoke of a manipulation not of man but of something higher ,call it even instinct.

It looked so healthy [ it is mystifying how wild creatures who have to fend for themselves never look emaciated or scraggy] and full of life ,yet untouched by its vagaries,happy and contented.

It continued looking at me without taking fright at my presence , enquiringly. I realised that it too needed something from somebody --me , its daily bonanza , a fistful of grains .

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Good luck for Ghareo....26.8.12

Dear Aravind ,Manish,Vishwas and co,

Good going.

The burning of coal has further stoked the fire burning within.

A thought for the day.....

Exaggerated sensitiveness is an expression of the feeling of inferiority.........Alfred Alder.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Photos of Yoga nanada Narsimhar swamy temple at Ahobilam

Narsimhar is said to have taught Prahalada several yogic postures in this place after slaying Hiranyapasupu.

Photos of Karanja temple at Ahobilam

Lakshmi narasimhar

Photo's of Chatravata Narsimhar temple at Ahobilam

Photos of VarahaNarsimhar temple in upper Ahobilam .

The path branching into two near the Ahobilam temple[upper] .The path on the right side leads to Varahar Narsimhar and on the left to MalolaNarsimhar.
On the way to the temple.
The way to the temple.
The Vraha Narsimhar temple
The temple.
Narsimhar in Varaha form
Waterfalls near the temple.
The rocky pathway to Jwala Narsimhar leading from Varahar narsimhar temple.
Walking back to Ahobila Narsimhar temple.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Photos of Ahobila Narsimhar temple at upper Ahobilam, A P,.n

Ahobila Narsimhar temple at upper Ahobilam.

The dwajasthambham in front of Ahobila Narsimhar enshrined within a cave.
Prakaram--circumbulatory passage.
Sri ramanujar's sanctum in the temple.
The path leading from theback of the temple to Varahar Narsimhar temple
The pavanasini river flowing at the side of the temple
The view of the from back as seen from the path leading to Varahar Narsimahar temple.
Outer path/bridge over the theertham[rivulet] pavanasani on the side of the temple

Thought for the day.

Unthinking respect for authority is the greatest enemy of truth.........Albert Einstein.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Visit to 4 more Narsimha temples at Ahobilam,Andra pradesh

Visited 4 more Narsimha temples out of the total of 9 that are scattered in the forested area of the Eastern ghats, hidden under waterfalls and in caves.

The Ahobila Narsimha swamy at upper Ahobilam, a hillock, was easily reachable by car.The main deity who was worshipped by a long list of sages ,namely Adi Shankara, Thirumangai Aazhwar , Adivan Satakopan, and Ramanujar ,is a 'swayambhu' having risen out of the rock of own accord,presides from the narrow precincts of a rough stone cave .Prahlada'is in a niche' right in front of Narsimhar ,with folded palms praying for Vishnu's anger that was provoked by his fathers arrogance and disbelief in Narayana,to subside.

The next temple entailed climbing several steep steps and negotiating slippery narrow ledges on the hillock.I baulked at the prospect but under the encouragement of a young guide i somehow made it to the temple whose presiding deity is known as Varahar Narsimhar.A samll temple with the sound of mountain stream gurgling nearby with the sweet calls of birds amidst thick vegetation and huge trees. A perfect place to meditate and i didn't let go of the opportunity.

Further on lay three more temples ,but the steep and rocky incline with only rocks and crevices for foot holds dissuaded me from going further.

As we came down ,back to the Ahobila Narsimhar temple we were lucky to witness a kalayana utsavam of processional deities.

The temple is clean but not on the outside

The day being still young we decided to visit 2 more Narsimhar temples that are several kms deep into the forest but has motor able roads.

The Chatravat Narsimhar is the tallest murti of all the navanarsimhas , is beautiful sight to behold. So are the scenic sorroundings around this small temple with nearly nil attendance.Just to my liking.A pleasant break to worship god in natural surroundings in delightful silence and delicious,quiet.

Half a km away is the temple of Yoga Narsimhar. There is also a Siva temple beyond.Hence the devotees were in plenty. This temple looks down upon green fields ,that have a cooling effect.

Date of visit 13.8.12

Krishna devaraya's victory stambham and other related photos at Lakshmi Narsimhar temple at lower Ahobilam--A.P.

The victory pillar of Sri Krishnadevaraya at the entrance to the temple.

Yoga Narsimhar in the mantap built by krishnadeva raya.
Statue of Sri Krishna devaraya a great ruler of medieval India whose contribution to temples all over the Southern part of Bharat is immense and most of his constructions have stood the test of time. This statue is in the mantap just at front of the sanctum of Narsimhar.This mantap has numerous carvings and statues .A real feast for the eyes.
The statue of the son of Sri Krishnadevaraya at the left side of the hall built by Krishnadevaraya.

Photos of Lakshmi narsimha temple at Lower Ahobilam,A.P.

The gopuram at the entrance to the temple.
Utsavar.Processional deity.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012


As i walked down the avenue after a frenzied and satisfying bout of shopping , drenched in the sweet smell of Nithyamalli ,the jasmine creeper,blooming in the 100's twining over a steel arch of a tall gate way that was out of reach of greedily gathering hands of a few and thus its scent was made available to all, be it residents of the row of houses or passersby and under the reddish light , the dying rays of a tired sun filtering through bunches of blood red gulmohar flowers that crowns several trees and soaked in the bounties nature offers along with the spiritual solace which no amount of money can buy or be manufactured by man to be bought, i saw a neta dressed in crisp costly cotton, face bright with the conquests made, wearing a charming smile that came easily lighting up all the features , gliding in a car seated erect and elegant ,surveying his domain and subjects with a benevolent look.

A cold shiver ran down my spine.The deserted street suddenly lost its ethereal quality and all those trees suddenly looked dark and threatening ,throwing their gloomy shadows ,giving the street a haunted look .I shed the deliberately dallying adopted just a few minutes before and quickened my pace.

As i reached my street ,the easy street ,after some how managing to negotiate the unbelievable parade of never ending vehicles,speeding,honking and braking on the main thoroughfare , the unpleasant odour associated with this area assailed my nose that was coupled with the odious view of ugly stringing of chicken and meat in revolting rows in a corner shop .The street was filled with workers drinking tea and eating cakes and biscuits after a hard days work whilst children ran around chasing each other and women filled plastic pots with water from handpumps which is more or less their24 \7 duty .

I then bumped into a motley group of local dadas in yellow faded dhothis that have seen several washes and wringing, busying themselves with the oncoming much awaited local temple festival .The dark and supposedly the most dangerous rowdy of them all looked my way.

My steps didnot falter at this nor did my heart flutter in fear.Instead i felt a surge of pity.For all their muscle power their influence or the power over life and death extends possibly only to a maximum of a 100 or so?But that neta's and several such's and specially of those at the top have far reaching tentacles covered in smooth velvet gloves spreading through out this country of ours, affecting millions and more .

Strange it may seem but it sure is the truth.I felt no fear on seeing those openly aggresive and violent men .They appeared pathetic to me.A dirty but neverthless a handy tool to be used and discarded at will by netas comfortably enconsed in their aseptic environs with sweet smiles lingering eternally on winsome visages exuding a radiance that power and wealth automatically confers.


Ppts and charlies continued to play tricks all through the journey and also at the temples which they never seem to tire off.Creating scenes,blocking view and delaying services.

First the music played in the car audio that the driver swore was the only one available was clearly not to my liking.But had to make do with it to bear the boredom of being confined within a car for hours together.
The service at a dismal hotel in Cuddapah was down right offensive.Whilst the driver and other customers were served a whole pappad as is the usual practise we had broken ones ,yuk; dumped on our torn plantain leaves .

On the highways the driver hurriedly stopped to examine a small crowd gathered around a car turned upside down on the road side.I too ran out.Its ,passengers,5 young men seated casually on the road side had not one little scratch on their person! One of them looked at me with interest.Guessed that it was another scene choreographed to stir my dormant and abysmally frozen emotions and guage my reactions!

The in the Lakshmi narsimha temple at lower Ahobilam a tall and hefty chap with green tatoos snaking up his bulging biceps and dressed like lord Siva made a grand entry flashing money to a conniving priest for a special entry for me to see , note and write .Traps Shakuni is fond of setting for me.

Then a young couple ostensibly newly married jostled me and ate the prasadam slurping loudly and licking each of their fingers thoroughly with much gusto , prohibited by temple codes, ofcourse to provoke me. It didn't .I knew it was merely an enactment since it was too artificial even if it wasn't it would not have bothered me much.

Then the keys of our rooms was flicked whilst out attention was diverted by the fight between a priest and a devotee for no apparent reason at all.A spare key was produced by the ostensible owner of the lodge later .

The length ppts go under the instructions of Shakuni mama to bring me back is i must admit a bit touching that it blinds my eyes with copious amount of unshed tears of gratitude that could fill a lake and at the same time find it all so ludicruos and irritating and absolutely ,futile.

Date of diary notings:12.8.12.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Temple visit

The temple at Ahobilam [lower] is known as lakshmi Narsimha temple.

The temple is neat and well maintained.Had a good darshan of Narasimha to the accompaniment of slokas streaming out loudly from a speaker [ of late this loud blaring of slokas from loud speakers of the temples i visit has suddenly become the norm], beating of drums and blowing of nadaswaram.The evening pooja the time of our visit ended with distribution of a scoop of extremely delicious Panagam--[water sweetened with jaggery and spiced slightly with condiments],sweet pongal and sundal.

There were an assortment of pilgrims some of whom struck me as incongruous owing to their attire that looked theatrical and their deliberately unbecoming behaviour ,unsuited in such holy precincts. I guessed it was the work of shakuni, ppts and charlies and i let it pass and concentrated, for what i came for.To pray , meditate and the strength to face the ordeals that life has thrown at me in quick succession .

The place immediately outside the temple is very dirty.The place that was once idyllic with huge trees ,their leaves flapping in the gentle winds along two neat rows of tiled houses is now full of shanties with pigs rolling and grunting in the filth ,twisting my stomach.The profusion of petty shops by the side of open gutters has robbed the sanctity of this place. It is so dirty that it is truly the brave who can overlook this and enter the holy precincts.

Photo: Inner circumbulatory passage at Lakshmi narsimha temple at Lower Ahobilam.

Landscape on the way to Ahobilam--AP.

The rustic and poor neighbourhood of my lodgings at Ahobilam ---courtsey ppts.
Monkey family at Ahobilam

Friday, August 17, 2012

Just for laughs gags on the way to Ahobilam

No sooner did we leave TN border that we came upon this 'accident' on the way.The driver of our cab who reminded me of Surya in kakakaka braked the speeding car and strode out to the accident spot with a sense of urgency that made me fall hook ,sink and all.I too ran out.The occupants of the car -5 youths were seated on the road side without as much a tiny scratch on them anywhere that seemed quite impossible from the position of the of them gave me a strange look.And the man in pink shirt kept rattling off in incomprehensible Telugu specifically directed at me as to how lucky the 5 were not to get electrocuted!
Got it. This was one of Shakuni mama's creations,testing my reactions. A dose of one of his wicked potions,which was as usual enthusiastically abetted by fellow ppts.

Photos of Sri Kalahasthi temple