West is west.

The EB was supposed to cut current from 9 am to 5 pm for maintenance work. Chiding the day of their choice , I resigned to catch up with my readings.But the current continued to flow, which meant that I could watch the wedding of the British royals.
Wedding ceremony of any couple seen leisurely on the small screen interests me . And this was no ordinary couple!
I could feel my palm go damp with sweat as I waited expectantly to have the first glimpse of the bride in her bridal finery after spending two hours watching all the guests and others file into a richly ornamented church.
As the bride walked into the church , I felt completely let down. Her gown was like a skin tight shift ,into which she seemed to have somehow managed to wriggle in and I couldn't for the life of me make out why the guest at the bbc studio's was getting so choked with emotions ,on viewing her favourite designers creation! Except for a thin head band and ear drops , the bride wore no other jewels! No necklace or bracelet or bangles! She looked wickedly plain , poor thing, the heroine of the entire episode , next to her groom and his best man and even the bishop , who were all dressed colourfully and richly in brilliant red, natty navy blue and shining brocade!
The EB did cut the current , exactly the moment the couples were to exchange the vows. It had me fuming and I ran next door to confirm whether they had also a cut.They did, but the boy and his dad were not unduly perturbed . Naturally , it wasn't a cricket match only a marriage.The current came a few minutes later but the main event was over by then.I got to see it later , in the evening news.
The procession on the horse carriage after the wedding was truly majestic , the stuff royalty is actually made of. As I watched on , try as i might , I couldn't push away an unwanted thought that kept surfacing and niggling and playing the spoilt sport,viz that all this glitter and glamour that was so awe inspiring was nothing but the fruits of our ancestors ceaseless toil and sweat , purloined away to fill the royalties coffers .
In this procession also, the future queen was overshadowed by the finery of her guards!
In our marriages the bride is draped in dashing colours and glittering jewellery, out shining every one else.I was looking forward to seeing ornaments made of rare sapphires, rubies, emeralds and diamonds,adorning the bride and was sorely disappointed.
The emphasis it seems is more on accentuating and revealing the contours of female royalties than on any thing else.
Well, West is West. I for one am leaving it at that.