Aam aurat.

I read a blog of a leading media network denouncing Social media --viz blog, twitters etc ,in India as purely reactive unlike the proactive main stream media.
I am in this 'Social media' due to a twist of fate.Whilst women of my age in my circle are knitting sweaters for their grandchildren or queuing up outside the American consulate to wrest a tourist visa I am tapping the keys of this computer.The coinage 'Social media' is perplexing . Isn't blogging akin to diary writing. A platform to let off ?
Flamboyant anchoresses and authoresses lament loudly ,at the drop of a hat ,about sexist remarks that come their way.Even a simple Jane like me ,with the tag --senior citizen looming just around the corner ,is often at the receiving end of porn insinuations.
More over I am not a professional journalist drawing a fabulous salary , clinking glasses with the high and mighty or perpetually soar in lofty heights in the company of elitist intellectuals. Nor do I have the backing of any organisation or the attention of millions of viewers[ mine, only a handful] .Neither do I belong to any of these camps...Jolla wallahs or Khakhi's; or Ghandhi topees or their opponents;or the veshti's or money bags.I am a lonerangeress, singing , solitary songs.
Or in other words I am only an 'Aam aurat' ,proud of her 'Bhukha Nanga' Bharat's rich heritage and observant of matters around me,just like any other Indian.
Yet I detect the reverberations to my musings and birds eye view on matters around me, in the 'proactive mainstream media'.My cache' of ideas is repeatedly raided.My every single expression on the doings and misdoings of Westerners is greeted with caustic reaction in print. Some are vicious and their target is obvious.
The tables are clearly turned upside down.
I am concluding with these lines ...I pity the notion that mocks and puts fetters on the freedom of expression of an Aam aurat.
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