Thursday, November 25, 2010


When we reached the temple we had to climb steep stairs crouching under huge slabs of stone and crawl few paces in a tunnel to reach the highest spot on the' Vimanam' ,where Sri Ramanuja had stood 1000 years earlier to broadcast to anyone wanting to attain Moksha the' Ashtakshara mantra', he had learnt from a scholar of this village , who imparted the sacred mantra only after the 17 th attempt by Ramanuja to seek it ,from him

I could imagine Sri Ramanuja ,tall and bright,sprinting up these narrow stairs taking 4 steps at a time , his mind in a whirl with the eagerness of imparting the mantra , he had just learnt to reveal the sacred mantra to all irrespective of caste, unmindful of the pain of ex communication by his own caste , lending speed to his limbs and his final burst to the top . Then gathering his breath and shouting as loudly as possible , to the surprise of priests and villagers ,down below the secret to salvation , a closely guarded secret for centuries , a simple mantra , the chanting of which would guarantee a seat in Vaikuntam ......'Om Namo Narayana!


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