Wednesday, November 24, 2010


After darshan of Andal and Ranganathar and visiting the garden near the temple that is as idyllic and peaceful as it must have been when Peria aazhwar found Andal in a cradle of flowers and touching that very spot which is maintained reverentially, by the priests ,left on wards to Madurai.The base ,to visit few more temples.

Madurai is a congested city. Its narrow roads are choked with vehicles.It is a lively city . But dirty.The sanitary workers seem to gone on leave enmasse.

River Vaigai , which dribbled like a thin line drawn by a pencil from past memory was gurgling gaily. Its gentle waves were lapping up both sides of the banks.

Our destination early next morning was Thirukottiur. It is 50 kms away from the city. We finally reached the outskirts after our cabby meandered wearily through the thick city traffic ,bouncing over potholes and spraying stagnant water over unwary passersby.The only vegetation for miles on end were dense thorn bushes and scrubs. They bordered the roads as well as those sprinkling of paddy fields ,where transplanting of Sambha rice crop that would be harvested in time for Pongal festival ,was going on full swing,by a line of women bent double over the fields.

A bus load of middle aged foreigners had a good 'Dekho' [look] and with a sumptuous photo shoot they looked highly satisfied at this once in a life time opportunity.To me it is a familiar sight , having witnessed it since childhood.

A petulant dog refused to dislodge from its sleeping berth , right in the middle of the road , in one of the detours , into an inner street ignoring the persistent honking by the driver! It merely lifted its head,so slightly to give the car a contemptuous look and promptly dropped off to sleep! He had to go around it.

Two wheelers rule the roost . Whilst women breeze by in mopeds and scooties, men thunder by sans helmet in macho motor bikes.Old men , agricultural labourers and small vendors speed by in mopeds or pedal away in bicycles.There were several spitting images of our half clad father of nation ,straggling on the road sides .

The travel on the highways was smooth and swift. A treat was in store for me. A peacock glided gracefully across the road to join its family pecking in the nearby fields!


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