Saturday, November 6, 2010

Filligree of fire.

Was I witnessing a meteoric shower or the Northern lights? Have I reached Indra loka?No , I am on my terrace and the night sky with flossy clouds looks like a huge canvas wherein gossamer golden flowers appear magically ,showering gleaming red, blue and green gems,only to disappear and appear in another corner!

Much water has passed under the bridge yet the thrill and the feeling of oneness with the obvious enjoyment of the people ,all over this country ,from the lowliest to the mightiest, poorest to the richest, clad in their newest or their best ,lingers on .Their enthusiasm to chase away the gloom and darkness by lighting up their houses and sky , is palpable and refreshing.

The hypnotic hold of this festival ,Deepavali,the zenith of all festivals refuses to let go of me ,from its golden grip.


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