Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Snake charmers.

Yesterday on Animal planet I saw one person going by the name Austin ....something,a herpetologist, let loose in the forests of Western ghats, pulling cobras resting under rocks by their tails and then teasing them to dance . Prancing over slippery rocks,he snatched a viper lounging under over hanging roots and dangled it by its tail and went into raptures over its pale blue eyes. Then he chanced upon a huge python dozing in the sun and literally got into a frenzy, hugging its voluminous body tightly, all the while panting in ecstasy!

Finally he nets the one he is after , a 14 foot King cobra. He has stayed in the forests of Waynad [Kerala] for weeks together ,to catch a glimpse of this mighty snake ,to take photo's and to touch its hood!

After circling and imprisoning this reclusive noble creature of the forests for a long time with his constant heckling ,he emitted a nerve shattering battle cry of victory after touching its hood. Then he packed his bag and baggages and headed back home[eitherUS orUK],bursting with pride at his own guts and couldn't contain his obvious glee at achieving his life long ambition of touching a King cobra's hood in the wild!

Who allowed this namoona without proper monitoring to enter our virgin forests to satisfy his strange lust?

I find notice boards ,even in our zoo's saying 'Don't tease animals'. But this man was precisely doing just that, in the wild, enjoying it immensely and absolutely thrilled to bits!I find it highly sacrilegious that any one should be allowed to touch animals in the wild.Won't they be robbed of their pristine innocence and be defiled by sleazy human touch?

The hunting of animals may have been banned . It is how ever supplanted by teasing , fondling and prodding of wild animals such as these shows on TV goes to prove.And why pray should we the viewers look at the dentures of lions[African] or tigers after it is tranquilised for some meaningless research like---why, is that particular lion's mane not shaggy enough!After forcing the felines mouth open ,these researchers make a minute examination of all parts of the defenceless, sleeping animal in full view of the camera.Some animal shows are replete with visuals of divers patting patronisingly the flanks of the gentle giants and monarchs of the deep oceans,the whales and dolphins as well as poking and stroking sharks ,that are paddling by minding their own business, disturbing and agitating them !

Aren't these animals ,also, an integral piece of the mosaic of creation , entitled to dignity and privacy?

In my travels up and down this vast country of ours ,in the past several decades, I am yet to come across the proverbial 'Indian snake charmer'.From my arm chair however I get to see these rich peddlers of wild, harassing animals in their natural habitat, in exotic locales of the world.


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