Friday, November 26, 2010


What is plaguing those in the helm of affairs?Are they waiting for a plague to professionalise garbage collection , clearance and removal?

Eye catching fountains are commissioned. Parks after parks are being renovated. Fine . Very scintillating and commendable.

But why are residential areas turning to be such a garbage dump?The only similarity between the current sanitary conservation company and its predecessor is that both bear the names of colourful metals. The similarity ends there .The current company is lax , slipshod and indifferent.

Those poor men and women , opposite my line of houses ,have consistently voted for the govt in power. And look what they get in return.

If there is a dirtiest place on earth , this is it , this is it.

Now why should this song keep strumming in my mind?

I have been walking these streets so long ,

Singing the same old song,

City roads take me away from this home ,

Where I don't belong

Away from central Chennai's

Garbage mountain highs!


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