The drooping head of the processional deity of Rama at Tirumala temple.
Processional deity of Rama at Tirumala temple |
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Processional deity of Rama, Sita and Lakshman at Tirumala temple |
Nevertheless whenever i see Rama with Sita along with lakshman being swung in the tastefully decorated swing with 1000 lights shimmering at the back ground , it twists my heart.Isn't Rama known for valour, courage and strength?But this processional deity of Rama at Tirumala temple with his drooping head projects dejection, weakness and mortification.
I thought maybe this is how Rama's processional deities are to be fashioned for worship.Then i observed , thanks to svbc 's daily telecast of Spiritual news which is a around up of festivals taking place in Tirumala and temples run by TTD and across temples in Tamilnadu.None of the processional deities of Rama in any of the temples thus shown have this peculiar bent head.All the processional deities of Rama in all the temples shown this far look with head held high ,looking straight ahead and are majestic .They all project the majesty and valour Rama is known for unlike the processional deity of Rama at Tirumala.
Not only on TV but also when i actually visit temples across Tamilnadu i have observed that the processional deity of Sri Rama is like the processional deity of presiding deity--viz the archa form of Mahavishnu, small but with head held straight .and looking directly ahead.
However in the TTD Venkateshwara temple at Tnagar Chennai the processional deity placed in the sanctum is a spitting replica of the one at Tirumala temple!His majestic head is drooping towards his right side and his eyes gaze downwards at the floor., like as if He is ashamed of something and is pining about it.
This had me thinking.There could be some historical reasons to retain the damaged processional deity of Rama at Tirumala but why should the same replicated in this temple which was built only a few decades back?
Sri Rama was known for his compassion and in offering succor to those who seek His refuge.Sri Rama was also known for his extraordinary skills in archery who never hesitated to use it to decimate all the wicked and,the arrogant as and when the need arose , A Sri Vaishnavaite acharya Sri Nigaman Desikan revered by all, has written 100slokas on Rama known as Raghuvira Gadyam which purely extols only Rama's brave deeds .
...Hence Rama means not only kindness but also bravery.
Therefore I fail to understand as to why TTD is persisting with using the processional deity of Rama with a drooping head .Frankly it reminds me of the hanging head of the tortured body of a God of another religion and not of the brave and majestic King of Ayodhya who sweetens every one's heart with his noble nature and brave deeds..
If the processional deity of Rama at Tirumala is 1000's of years old and has suffered his head being bent owing to passage of time then i think it is justified in continuing with the idol for daily worship since it represents the continuity of the worship of this deity since ancient times.
But if this deity was deliberately fashioned thus a century or so back under influence and coercion of Evangelical Christians with the backing of British rulers of India and placed in the sanctum of Srinivasar or if it was deliberately moulded thus and placed in the sanctum after gaining Independence under pressure of 'secular' politicians , then it is time that it is removed and a newer ,majestic idol of Rama be placed in the sanctum since this deity is radiating weakness and invites only sympathy and not respect and reverence .In short the sight of Rama with his downwardly drooping head is a dampening sight.
If this processional deity of Rama is not from ancient times then it is high time that TTD replaced it with a majestic processional deity of Lord Rama , holding His head proudly and looking straight ahead.
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Processional deity of Rama at Madhurantakam temple |
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Processional deity f Rama, Sita and Lakshmana at Maduranthakam temple. |
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Processional deity of Rama, Sita and LAkshmana at Vaduvur temple. |
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Rama |