Sunday, July 8, 2018

Plea to Tirumala Tirupathi [temples] Devasthanam

Few days back i learnt from SVBC t.v  channel that Tirumala and the hillsides abutting the steps leading to Tirumala temple will be planted with flowering plants by TTD .
This is a good idea which when fructifies will provide a pleasant treat to the eyes of devotees traveling up and down the hills and bring the slopes and valleys at par with the natural beauty of Valley of flowers in the distant Himalayas .
But the catch is this--It was specifically mentioned that these saplings will be fed by treated sewage water.!This is a highly  abhorrent method of executing the flower  planting scheme on the sacred hills .It is revolting and cuts at the basic faith of all devotees of Lord Venkateswra/Srinivasar since yore , the belief that all the seven hills within which the  temple at Tirumala is situated are all as  sacred  as the temple itself.

Namaazhwar 8 to 9 th cent AD , one of the most revered saint  of Srivaishnavaites has written several hymns on Sri Venkateswara in which he states that if it is not possible to climb up to the temple at Tirumalai,then  paying obseince to these hills from far will suffice to provide liberation or Moksham to a person.These hymns are recited every day in pious Sri vaishnavaite households .

Sri Ramanujar the foremost acharya of Sri Viashnavaites refused to climb the hills since he felt deeply  and was overwhelmed with the belief that every inch , every bit of the soil and rocks of these hills were so sacred that he couldn't get himself to defile them with his foot !He is said to have climbed up the hills on his knees .

The sacred feet of Sriman Narayana nestled in these hills in archa form as Venakteswara in the temple is said to have been washed by Brahma with sanctified water when His feet stretched even beyond Brahma loka when he assumed the Trivikrama avatar, in ancient times.
Kindly donot spoil the scaredness attached to the feet of Sri Venkateswara by pouring treated sewage water  to plants and thus washing Tirumala and the slopes of the seven hills with such water.

Tirumala and the hills seem to  receive copious rainfall every year. So where is the dearth for water?Even if there is water shortage, is TTD so cash strapped that it cannot buy and transport fresh water to water the saplings and plants?

I would rather reel in the pleasure  of a occasional glimpse of wild  flowers of rain fed  plants and trees at Tirumala and prefer the dry forest on the hills  than see green slopes with rows upon rows of bed of flowers  and huge gardens with brightly colored flowers fed on a diet of  treated sewage water .That very sight even  if it be a mere glance at such flowers would be  sacriligeous .The means of executing of this  new scheme [planting flowering saplings and watering it with  treated sewage  water  ] is totally unacceptable and absolutely revolting.,
My plea to TTD is ,kindly abandon this scheme to water saplings in Tirumala and on the slopes of the seven sacred hills with treated sewage water immediately .


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