Sunday, April 15, 2018

The six advise given by Sri Ramanujar to Sri Vaishnavaites..

As Sri Ramanujars  end was nearing  his grief stricken followers sought guidance from him to carry on with life after the irreparable and unbearable loss and vaccum his demise would create in their life .Hence Sri Ramanujar gave the following six guidance to make their life full and worthy.They are also the  guide for all Sri Vaisnavaites.They are as follows.

1.One should read his book Sri Bashyam [which contain  his detailed commentry on Brahma sutras and on Gita] They must also be taught to others.
2.If one is not capable of reading these sanskrit texts  then that person  should read Nalayira divya prabhandham and teach it to others.
3.If one isnot capable of reading Prabhandams of aazhwars then that person can contribute to upkeep of temples of divya desams-like giving money for lighting lamps,for festivals, flower garlands,prasadam and for vastrams for deities.
. If one is not capable of making monetary contributions that person  can contribute physically by cleaning the temple premise and its sorroundings  .
4.If one is not capable of rendering monetary or physical services to a temple that person should live in Melkote at least in a hut.
5.If one is not capable of living in Melkote or in a divya desam then that person should recite Dvaya mantra as many times as possible.
6.If one is not capable of reciting dvaya mantra as he may not have been taught of it with its meanings then should spend his time in company of Sri Vaishnavaite devotees and imbibe their bhakthi and teachings.



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