Saturday, December 7, 2013

Kangroo court.

Yesterday i was listening to a discussion between Kanchan and Swapan gupta on niti Central radio on the e impending communal violence bill.

They referred with disgust to a national authority composed solely of activists who would sit in judgement over cases relating to hate propaganda and riots, by passing all the legal procedures an ordinary court has to follow .That is, the decisions would be subjective and not professional.A parallel  jatpat judicial system more or less like a khap panchayat in other words a legalised lynch mobbing.

Now take my personal case. If the bill comes into existence i can lodge a complain against my Muslim, non brahmin,and christian neighbours for communally harassing me a Hindu brahmin woman living in a muslim dominated non brahmin majority area.and  constantly spreading hate propaganda against me.though brahmins could also be involved but they would be considered minority over here and so let off.
A teesta  like activist as well as all those leftists and extreme leftists manning that panel may overlook my plea for harboring rightist views.Instead of teesta what if a ' right' activist was in that panel?The presumption that naturally rises in me is that  is that he will throw all my harassers into prison at least for 3 years.So the presumption of 'subjectivity' of the activist panel proposed ,is more or less correct 

Mine is real scenario, i may or may not actually go the full length,but swapan also referred to scenarios that are fictitious, that is spreading false rumours and creating false riots to fix anyone . This could happen both ways.

 That is if this bill comes into existence and right leaning govt comes to power there could be a move to dislodge all the leftists from this all powerful panel  and there could be a move to fill it with rightist activists, both moderate and extreme .To fix an opponent by mere merit of activism and stroke of  a pen would be as enticing to the right and  far right as it is to the left and far left.


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