Sunday, October 27, 2013

Reaction to a blog.

Like i have observed earlier certain articles of certain journo's or blogger tend to prvoke me,try as i might to ward it off.
The latest provocation is that of sandeep, the blogger who mostly attacks only 'secular 'liberal  'commie' luminaries orbiting around in various guises and never any politician, most of which i have enjoyed reading in the net over the years .The concluding blog on Girish karnard.
Somehow i felt that in substance it was also directed against me.i am no fan of gk though i  was aware of his fame and recognised him, once when we shared the same coach [diff berths] of the train running from Delhi to madras , in my late teens as a college goer in late 7o's in one of my families annual trip to south.

Am i being extremely prickly or just exquisitely sensitive?What ever i take this as oppurtunity to clarify the position i took on Anna movt  on the net which i think is the main cause for cops to come calling to my flat complex and haven't left and have  taken firm roots ever since thriving  in draining me of all my juices.

I knew then and do still believe now that such movts cannot change the corrupt scenario [though it serves the sacred purpose of scaring the politicians out of their thick skins and to knock down some of their cockiness] ,but on reading the overwhelming down pour of comments[5000 and more] of young Indians from all over the world in the net on blogs and articles of msm's , [those days without pale face and co breathing down my back as they do now i had all the time in the world and the solitude to read them all ]i just  didn't have the heart to break their naive idealism.Youth is and its innocence is so short lived that i couldn't bring myself to dirty it with cynicism.So i just played along contributing witty one liners.After all wasn't the net youth's territory? And wasn't i in it because of my youthful son[late]?He too would have joined such a movt being as idealistic as all those young supporters of Anna and as a mother how could i break such innocent hearts?
So it was not an opportunity for me to grab and extend my support base.More over I am not all that tech savy to gauge my impact on the net with numbers or facts.

Second that Gk fled like a hare the moment cops came calling in a demonstration against the right is hilarious.I wouldn't have.And the very fact that i withstood 2 months of rigorous attempts to dissuade me and scare me out of my wits and am continuing with their crude and authoritative but shadowy presence into every nook and corner of my very private and social life and am even writing comic pieces ,enduring bouts of nausea and constant battles of wills , the punishments meted out by paleface and co for being myself, is no joke.To me it was similar as well as converse--double dose of opposing liberals attempts to civilise and prune me and try and fit me into the prevailing secular discourse.Ironies ,that those who coined the term psuedo secular themselves are snared into it for sake of politics and wanted me to be one!Since i have no political compulsions nor any guilt at being a conservative hindu, i stood it out..Then it is the nehru ghandhi parivar that is demanding its pound of flesh for daring to cross it.Probably lack of ambition and lack of scycophancy and ofcourse myHindu conservativeness  coupled with that darn irritating thing called conscience which would make die a 100 deaths if i went against it, is making me battle it out every day.

I suppose not one of those journo's reading  from the comforts of their cocooned life,what i write will have even the guts to' imagine' only imagine  their wives or mothers or sisters or daughters  in the de humanising situation i find myself in . Nor see their spouse reduced to popping pills  for a weakened heart rapidly failing  by intense shadowy pshycological tortures.  I am excluding  hardened politicos .they are a breed apart .All this may not faze them but only  a sudden milling of leaderless youths in India gate would so definitely.Jitters and nightmares.Thank god for them --the vast numbers of young indians relying only on their ability and merit .The one and only check on conscience less politicians.

The latest bout of nausea and burning in the throat i realise now was a whacking for my piece on malala.
It was a genuine observation on a precocious child.I didn't factor in the intl and natl [i am not all that well read] politics in it .Come to think of it not a single politician or secular liberals have spoken about her after her recovery.Though i am from a political family it seems that not even one cell in my body possess the cunningness, calculations, groupisms and pure selfishness ,etcetc that characterise a true blue blood politician .

I don't suffer from delusions or hallucinations but may be from grandiosness.And if Obama asked Nawab sahriff to speed up the trail of 2008 carnage because of that piece i am glad.The picture of all those innocent passengers lying dead in the rly way station and the anger of the daughter of the slain police man is still fresh in my memory.

If pf and co [ if he is not a muslim  he is more mus --[the voting type & not intellectuals or upper middle class] than a mus  is angry at my insensitivity to victims of drone attack[i read only later] i can't help it .Frankly all those innocent deaths at the station stirrs me more naturally they are my country people. That is what matters. I am a local.

written at 11 30 am 27.10.13

Note:In all probability the nausea etc was to prepare me to yell on the net so that the hand that may   have a hand in beating [bombing]the child would rock the cradle with soothing words.Cold blooded deviousness and indigestible [for ordinary folks like me and not to ppts] points to prior knowledge ,planning and preparation..The role foisted upon me forcibly is that of a conscience keeper of the bearers of the nehru-Indira ghandhi dynasty for unwittingly being its mascot[maybe causing in small measure as well as definetly rescuing it in its most terror stricken moments --the anna movt and nirbhaya -fury and may have even staved off another bout of civil society fury over 'criminalisation of politics' order by reading toi and its campaign half an hour before that 'nonsense' tamasha at  a media meet  ] as well as its woes [by predicting Modi's role in future of india and his increasing popularity[which i guaged only through the net]in real time ever since] ..

Happy diwali to all may real light dispel the darkness of all-----2.11.13.  



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