Thursday, January 17, 2013


CBI gigolo[the personification of karma's of my previous  janmams-live's]/basic instinct expert [who  how ever couldn't break me,though he tried his level best]/event manager/has struck again a La Mughal i azam style [so very outdated ,yet some continue to live in ivory towers],in the latest avatar of marriage broker, straining to forge friendship between foes by striking matrimonial alliances .Of course all in the sly with a large overdose of aphrodisiacs streamed through vents coupled with suggestions to the subconscious by the in house sexologist to make a indifferent heart of a young man to come together with another from a totally different background ,in the fashion of  medieval mughal emperors --Akbar and sons ,taking in marriage princesses from warring Rajputs .In here, in this modern  era it has been practised,however in the reverse.

The mute question is ,won't cupids darts lose their efficacy and  go astray once the illusion so painstakingly created wears off?Another short lived triumph?

Have fun for now at my expense ,i am in no hurry to have mine.My vaikunta vasi grand dad's[maternal] golden exhortion' Haste is waste' is what i have set ,  to follow.



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