The very fact that 25% reservation is sought in private schools proclaims loudly the inability or the guilt factor of the State to provide free education to all upto 14 years of age .
This will snuff out the initiative and desire of hardworking lower and middle class parents to send their children to schools they consider to be good.
Now wouldn't my maid feel cheated that whilst she slogs to send her daughter to a reasonably good school and takes pride in her ability to do so [self respect is very important] ,when she is forced directly or indirectly to foot the bill for some one else's [one step lower than her] child as well?
Middle class parents too take loans to see their wards through good schools and colleges ,denying themselves in the process several pleasures and comforts.Why punish them for doing so with additional financial burdens?
Won't the reservation play havoc with a poor child's sense of self respect?The affluent classmates would definitely taunt their poverty making fun of their tiffin, clothes etc.
And how pray would that child's parents pay for the excursions, dance drama costumes, ,projects,etc all part and parcel of reasonably good schools ?
That poor child who would have a semblance of identity and self respect amongst its own peers will definitely lose it in a alien grouping.That child would be more useful to its parents and to oneself if confident though illiterate than to be educated without a feeling of self worth.
Which illiterate parent is crying aloud that their children need such education?They have in their grasp the most important thing in life the skills to survive that they teach their children.When economic prosperity rise so would literacy.
This legislation and its endorsement by the court brings to my mind the ludicrous stories i heard as a teenager that in communist Russia people with large houses were forced to share it with poorer families.And look what happened to USSR.Further please note, those house were inherited due to feudalism [not that it justify's that act] unlike the private schools that are purely individual enterprise.
The aim to provide quality education to disadvantaged sections of society is laudable but to foist this responsibility which is primarily of the State on individuals and citizens is an abdication of its responsibilities and would lead only to the crippling of private initiative and is there fore entirely avoidable.
It is for the State to run schools in such a manner that they are in par with the private schools and provide quality education free of costs to all.
If one has to be wary of unleashing the Frankenstein monster by passing the Lokpal one has to be equally wary of unleashing a Dracula by the RTE.
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