Sunday, December 18, 2011

Churn the fire out--SvetasvatarUpanishad.

To the question where is and what is Bhagwaan,the following hymn from Svetasvatar Upanishad clarifies.

**Yekko deva sarvabhoothesu gudaha
Sarva vyapi sarvabhoothanthratma|
Karmadyaksha sarvabhoothadhivas
Sakshi cheta kevlo nirgunashcha|


God who is concealed in all beings is one.
He pervades everything .He is the inner Atman of every being.
He is the overseer of all activity.He dwells in all forms of life.
He is the eternal witness. The conscious being within
But standing apart from that in which he abides and is unqualified!

To the question 'How god is obtained? the following sloka gives the answer

**Thilesu thailam doodhneeya sapirap rothsvarneeshu chagin|
yeva maanthmmaa thamni gruhagthegasow satyenain thapas yognupashyathi|

As oil in the oilseed, ghee in the curdled milk and water in the river bed ,so can' That' be obtained out of the self , through truth and restraint of thoughts and senses.

The method to reach him is given in the following hymn.

**Svadhehmarnim kritva pranav chota arnihim,
dyani marthana byasaath devam pashe trigudvath|


Make the body the lower piece of Aarni [fire churner] and 'understanding' the upper piece and by practise of meditation , churn the fire out!


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