Friday, December 2, 2011

Way to immortality as taught by Katho Upanishad

The journey of life can be safely completed and the supreme abode of Vishnu reached only if one keeps a watchful control over the senses .

The body is like a Chariot to which senses are yoked like horses.The mind is like the reins ,which enable the charioteer ,viz,the understanding ,to hold the horses that is ,the senses in check.The Atman rides on the chariot,and the road is the world of objects over which the senses move.
If the reins are not held firmly and wisely ,the senses like vicious horses will not reach the goal,but will go round and round in births and re- births.

If the man is wise and controls his mind,his senses will be like good horses driven by a good driver.

**Yada sarvam prabhidante hridayasyeh granthya|

Aayi mathyomrito bhavathye thavadh dhanushasanma|

Meaning.When the knots of the heart are untied and man is freed from worldly attachments,he becomes immortal. This is the whole of the teaching.

Commentary:The discipline and meditation that serve to help the Atman to detach itself from the things or the world is what is called Yoga.

This is the sum of the teaching's of Yama to the young lad Nachikates as is embodied in Katha Upanishad when Nachikates relentlessly sought an answer to the mystery of life from the Lord of death.


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