Wednesday, December 14, 2011

The pet allergies of my highly sensitive censors.

1.Mentioning slokas, hymns, and philosophies that have a reference to the fundamental belief of Hindu's---re birth.

2.Mentioning the name of the processional deities of the temples i visit.

3.Photographs of Vimanums and idols of temples that i visit.Though the quality of the snap may be poor.
4.Photographs of dilapidated temples and the encroachments .

5,A passing reference or a mild jesting of the 2 holy G's.

6.My honest opinion on any matter.Especially allergic of those that are slightly critical of the govt.

7.Allergic to my viewership, lest i corrupt innocent minds.

8.Allergic to my views that they feel might strengthen extreme rights's position.

9.Allergic to my web browsing patterns.Exercising parental control over the sites they deem would corrupt my [54 years old,me!] way of thinking.Like, sites on Hinduism and articles contrary to the views of mainstream media!

10. Finally, allergic to ME.

Some explanations are due...

1 . In several of my blogs of note i find no one harassing Western women similarly placed like me, that is having gone through a traumatic experiences , voicing frankly ,how their religion helped them to turn around and face life by quoting extensively from the bible and give details of the religious congregations[which does not include temple or mosque] they visited along with their observations on other matters as well.No one is forcing them to don the cloak of excessive secularism unlike me though i am also only a private citizen and not a neta, who is being pressurised to do so ,in my personal blog.

7.I have no control over my viewership though i did at the very outset itself requested Vidat's friends[as young as he] not to read my mournful and at times morbid blogs.But if they have persisted ,what can i do about that?

8.This is my personal blog and not a front of any media house or organisation or party.Journalists of all shades fish liberally and shamelessly into my think tank without bothering about the infringement of copy rights or the payment of damages .And the censors-govt- freely intrudes into my right to privacy.Initially this made me very hot and bothered. It still does,but not that bothered as to go to court and further complicate my life.So i have left it at that.

Ps.Even as I was typing this piece there were the usual interruptions and silly distractions,[am i not entitled to a censor,since it has been decided that i need one, of my calibre than this juvenille one?]the stubborn attempts to wear me down.But I suppose the sense of democracy ingrained in all of us prevailed ,allowing me to publish this.Small mercies.

PPs.If my censors are adamant in according me the status befitting Aungsaikyui ,i am pleased enough to stop complaining,and start looking forward eagerly to be bestowed with a Nobel prize for peace in near future.


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