Thursday, September 29, 2011

Swamy Desikan's Vairagya panchangam.[complete translation]

On coming to know about Swamy Desikan's poverty , a childhood friend of his who was in the services of a powerful emperor sent a letter asking Desikan to join the services of that emperor promising to put in a good word on his friend's behalf. Sri Desikan was then residing at Kanchipuram .Scholarship and poverty generally go hand in hand . And Desikan was no exception.

However Sri Desikan turned down the offer since he valued his freedom of expression more than wealth .This can be gleaned from the reply he sent to his friend . They are in Sanskrit and are compiled under the heading Vairagya panchangam.The translation is as follows.

**Men whose profession is to protect , rule but over a 1\100 th part of a tiny segment of this wide world.How ever they are engulfed in the uncontrollable wild fire of pride and ego.I cannot praise such men and have little regard to those who praise such worthless men.
I am determined to praise only the compassionate One , who in days gone by bestowed Kubera's wealth on his poverty stricken friend Kusela ,in return for a handful of puffed rice! ........247.

**1. Will not the grains scattered in the fields satisfy one's hunger?
Will not a palm full of cool water scooped from ponds and lakes quench one's thirst and support life?
Will not a rag found on the wayside without much exertion ,cover one?
Alas! For the sake of their stomach ,scholars seek rulers benevolence by showering them with praises.

**2.Let the fire known as 'Jada Agni burn in my belly . This fire that consumes and digests every particle of food taken in voraciously often equals the mare faced fire that burns in the middle of oceans ,sipping in all the excess water constantly to maintain the sea's level.
My thoughts and speech are like the divine fragrance of the jasmine flower wafting in the cool evening breeze ,
It is to be used only to praise god,
I will never debase it by praising kings in return for favours.

**3.I have the immeasurable wealth ---the blessings of the one who is as dark as coliriyum and who was the ornamental charioteer of Arjuna,
Hence why should I humiliate myself by sitting submissively in the front porch of worthless rulers ,for the sake of few gold coins?
I fold my hands at such a humiliating situation and take leave!

**4.Sareera padhnavethi prabhu nishevanapadhanath abhitahana dnananjaya prasmadham thanam thanthanam|
Dhananjeya vivirthanam thanamuthooda Govardhnam soosaathana mapadaman soomanasaam smarathanam|
In the above verse the word 'Thanam'has been skilfully used 11 times.

It is futile to amass wealth by constantly praising lords and to be for ever at their beck and call, since what is needed is but a handful of grains to douse the fire in the belly [hunger] ,daily till this body disintegrates.
The true and real wealth is the one ,who helped Arjuna in his victory, protected his kinsmen by lifting the Govardhana hill and holding it aloft as a shield from the deluge and is capable of conferring happiness to those who are good at heart.

**5.My father has not bequeathed any wealth to me.
Nor did I earn riches.
But I am the proud possessor of the ancestral property passed down by Brahma himself.The One who is residing atop Athigiri hills. Varadaraja Perumal ---[Kanchipuram].

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Sri Desikan'sSubhashiti neevi concluded.

Path of generous.------Dhanadhan paddatih. 10.

4..** One who waits impatiently for the poor to come to him so that he may shower them with wealth, ranks first amongst those who perform meritorious deeds.

8**The truly generous man is one who gifts in such a way that the person who takes the gift will never need return to him seeking further gifts and will never be capable of returning it in any manner and the man so gifting will not allow the taker to praise him for favours bestowed!

9**The sweet state of mind of a generous man who gives ,is not equal even to a fraction of all that he has given ,though the gifts given may even surpass those given by Karna, Shibi and the milky ocean!

Path of examiners.......Pariksha padatih---12

8.**When the humming of mosquito's is considered to be sweet music , it is best to remain silent in such groups.

11.**The unique and superior powers are born within one and can't be taught.Who taught the swan to separate milk from water or Agasthiyar to drink all the waters of the ocean in a single gulp?

5**Two things are born in this world simultaneously. That which is beneficial and is accepted by the good and that which is a disaster and is adopted by the wicked.
The cuckoo feeds on the sweet tender shoots of the mango tree whilst the crow and camel feed on the bitter shoots of the neem tree. The mango tree does not shed tears at this!

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Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Sri Desikan's Subhashitaneevi contd..

Position of those seeking shelter of Mahan's --Sadasrita padditah...8

**During lunar eclipse all waters become as pure as and holy as the water of river Ganges[there fore one can purify oneself by bathing then]Similarly the slightest or even a momentary contact with a person who has a clean character, pure heart and is a scholar will remove one's impurity.

**Though arrogance generates a lot of disturbance and makes a person commit a lot of sins, all this will disappear gradually by association with good and great people.

**The dirty street water flowing during rains becomes auspicious when it joins the Ganga. Similarly association with good persons cures one of all blemishes and make's one pure.

**Poetry become auspicious only when it is sung in the praise of God.

The path of people of high morality.---Nitimat paddatih--9.

**5. A person who has treaded dark paths but has realised his follies and helps and guides others towards a good path is beloved of gods and shines in a lofty place.


Path of great poets.-----Satkavi paddatih.........11.

11**The wise statements of poets with good intentions are churned out of thoughts.It tastes like the nectar that was churned out of the milky ocean!

9** A Satkavi is one who creates a unique style and brings the deviants into righteous path. He is a creator like Brahma !

Photo.The muddy street water of Rishikesh town, during a heavy down pour last year, flowing into river Ganges.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Hymns in praise of Trivikrama at Thirukovalur.

In praise of the presiding deity at Thirukovalur Poigai , Bhoodat , Thirumangai Aazhwars and Sri Desikan have dedicated several verses and hymns..Some of them are as follows...

Vengadamum vinnagarum vekhavum akhadu poongkhidangil neel koval ponnagarum --nanghidathum ninraan, irundhan, kidandhan, nadandhane yenral kedumam idar....................2158

[Poigai Aazhwar's Mudal Thiruvandhadi.] Meaning:-

All problems and sorrows will vanish when He is duly worshipped in 4 sacred places---Tirumalai, Vinnagaram[vaikuntha nathar at kanchipuram],Thiruvekha [temple at kanchipueram]and in the place that abounds in ponds and lakes that are covered with flowers -- Kovalur!
In all his postures --Standing [like at Tirumala] seated [like at Vaikunthanathar temple], reclining [ like at SriRangam, Trivandram--]and Walking [ As Trivikrama as in Kovalur]

The following is Desikan's sweet verse from his 'Dehilastuthi '--a complilation of 28 hymns in praise of Trivikrama at Thirukovalur ,who is also known as Dehila.

Kasaara poorva mukhya vimartha janma panna thadeksu soopaksya raso bhahutse|
Tvat padha padma tvatnaya bhogaye noonam smasrawthi noothana sarkarethavum|.............7.

O my Swamy at Thirukovalur ! You are as sweet as the sugar cane that grows at the bank of river Penna , that flows by your temple!
The 3 ancient poets [Mudal aazhwars] have sung your praises , which is as sweet as the juice wrung from sugar cane!
Those who worship only you and none other are sure to taste this unique sugar along with the honey drawn from lotus flowers , that wash your feet!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Images of Poongoval Nachiar's sannidhi at Trivikrama temple at Thirukovalur.

The entrance into Poongoval nachiar's sannidhi. The consort of Trivikrama perumal.This is within the temple . At the right hand corner of the main deity's sannidhi.
The Gopuram of Poongoval Nachchiar as viewed from inside the sannidhi

The wide hall at front of Poongoval nachiar's sannidhi where the kalyana utsavam of Pushpavali thayar the processinal deity is performed.This is the second widest mantap in a southern temple.

Images of Trivikrama temple at Thirukovalur.

The main Gopuram of Trivikrama temple at Thirukovalur.
The entrance into the main Gopuram.Those school kids returning home look so tiny at front of this massive and tall structure.This Gopuram is the second highest Gopuram in Tamilnadu.

The view of main Gopuram from inside.To the left where aluminium vessels are spread , a building has come up , blatantly occupying the space in and around the ancient structure .
The view of inner Gopuram leading directly into the temple.
The entrance of the temple.
Entering the temple gates .The Dwajasthambam or flag pole is right in the front.
The view of Vimanam behind the Dwajastambam is blinded by a shaft of light.
The view of front gopuram as well as the view of Thayar's gopuram slightly visible at the right side ,from the entry into circumbulatory passage of Trivikrama.
The Lakshmi Narayana sanidhi in the circumbulatory passage on the right side of Moolavar.The back Gopuram is in the backdrop.
The view of inner face of front Gopuram from LakshmiNarayana sannidhi.
The Varahar sannidhi.It is right behind Lakshmi Narayana sannidhi on the circumbulatory passage ,behind the main deity.
The Narsimhar and Andal sanidhis that are on the left side of Moolavar on the circumbulatory passage around the deity at the back.
The inner face of the front Gopuram as seen from Andal sannidhi.
The circumbulation is complete as we enter into the main sannidhi through the door way, a part of which is visible in the middle.
A glimpse of the Vimanam on the right side. It is visible only from behind the Vishvaksena's sannidhi,which is on the left side of the photo.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Trivikrama temple at Thirukovaloor.

The Trivikrama temple at Thirukovalur is not only a divyadesam but also one of the 5 krishna kshetras.
This is the place that can verily be called the birthplace of Nalayara divya prabhandham ----4000 hymns sung in praise of Narayana.
Since it was in this very place that the early Aazhwars known as Mudal Aazhwars sought refuge in a small room from a raging storm on a dark night, meeting each other for the first time . They were in a tight squeeze and felt further squeezed by a spiritual presence seeking their company ,making them realise that it was none other than Narayana , which made them burst forth in 100's of hymns in his praise.Like those starting with the hymns we are familiar with,
'Vaiyama thagalia' of Poigai Aazhwar,
'Anbe Thagaliya' of Bhoodat Aazhwar,&
'Thiru kanden pon meni kanden' of Pei Aazhwar.

The presiding deity is Trivikrama. It is a huge idol depicting the gigantic growth of the dwarf like Vamana avatar, assumed by Vishnu to trim the pride and ego of the ruler Mahabali , by measuring the entire universe in two strides and thus humbling the powerful ruler.

Thirumangai Aazhwar as well as Sri Desikan have visited and worshipped at this place by a garland of hymns in 9 th cent and 13 th cent respectively.

The Gopuram at entrance is very attractive in its symmetry. It leads into a fairly large temple., with Vishnu as main deity , in a standing position , towering,with one leg held high , with the feet worshipped by Brahma.Mahabali's son is seen worshipping the sacred feet at the ground. The idols of the 3 Aazhwars are within the sanctum , at one side.

In the outer prakaram are Pushpavalli thayar's and Andal's sannidhi,on the right and left hand side of the Moolavar,respectively..The hall at front of Thayar sannidhi is wide. Its width is notable as it is second only to the hall at Sri Mushnum. So said the young priest.The kalyana utsavam ofPerumal and Thaayar are performed in this hall during Bramhostavam by placing the deities on the huge jhoola at the centre.
There are also separate sanidhi's for Laksmi Narayana, Varahar , Narsimhar and Viswaksena.
The Vimanum is quite invisible from the circumbulatory passage.A very small portion is visible only from one corner , that is from, near Vishwaksena's sannidhi.

Photos.Top. The vimanam of Trivikrama temple at Thirukovaloor at front of the back gopurum .
Below. The Gopuram at the entrance to the temple.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Temple visit--To Thirukoillur.

We were on our way to Thirukoillur , nearly 160 kms away from Chennai, on a govt AC bus ,hoping to complete the circuit ie darshan of Trivikrama Perumal,within the temple timings and return back to Chennai by night.

Travelling by train is more comfortable than either by bus or car. Cars these days are so low , nearly scraping the road that howsoever good the road may be , jerks and bumps are aplenty.
Buses are a wee bit better than cars in absorbing the shocks. They are also better in another way .The detachment of travel , one can get lost to one's thoughts in the crowd as against being constantly being alert in a cocoon like car.

AC chair cars at daytime and AC sleepers for night are my preferable mode of travel.
Here too three tier AC are very cramped . One has to literally crouch in between berths at night and its narrow width failing to accommodate corpulent bodies . The 2 tier AC berths are ample and comfortable.

This time on ,not a single seat was available in train, hence the bus option up to Vizhupuram and from there to cover, another 30 kms ,by local bus or taxi.

After a smooth and a cool journey ,set foot on Vizhupuaram at noon and was nearly blown back by the blast of heat that greeted us.An quick lunch at a indifferent restaurant, was followed by boarding unwittingly a private bus to Thirukoilur, that was purring invitingly , near at hand.

Whilst the 160 kms from Chennai was covered in 3 and half hours , the 28 km took an excruiating 2 hours of bumpy ride.

The bus became packed with villagers , like a jaadi [earthen ware] full of tamarind. It stopped at every 100 ms to pick and drop passengers. A circle of boisterous village women,further fanned the general discomfort in the stifling interiors with their loud curses and laments at the heat, the lack of space and their sordid life.

The bus chose a route that was full of potholes . This bumpy, hot and tiresome journey seemed to be never ending.I couldn't help but draw parallels with the Mudal Aazhwars who had also tightly squeezed for shelter into a small room in this town on a rainy night and felt the presence of god also squeezing inbetween ,and I was proceeding to see the very place that triggered their hymns in cascades , was also squeezed all round by village women, in a hot day .The comparison ends there.

I chided myself for not hiring a taxi.I felt that I had deprived those thin hollow cheeked women of their rightful seat , by occupying them and felt like a alien in a world that is totally theirs, viz constantly jostling for space , counting the change carefully with hands that wore only plastic bangles. And village men equally thin with misty sad eyes and defeated looks.

As we neared Thirukoilur , the sun had lost some of its sting and the bus had quite emptied by then. A small child kept staring at me coyly from the shoulder of her mother , sucking her thumb , daring me to reprimand her for that.There were rolling fields of sugar cane on all sides. Huge trucks were blocking the traffic,[ further delaying], as sugar canes as thin as the villagers , but lighter skinned[whitish,juice type] , tied into bundles were tossed furiously into the trucks.

Finally we reached Thirukoilur. It is a bustling town .River Penna runs by. Had a fine darshan of the majestic form of Trivikrama swamy.

On our return journey to Vizhupuram , I made sure that we boarded a govt run point to point bus , though a private bus was tantalisingly idling close by.There were no taxis in sight.The govt bus chose a better road , halted at very few stops ,was boarded mainly by working men and women mostly teachers retuning home. The bus cruised to Vizhupuram in a hour by overtaking trucks piled to the brim with sugarcane.
Photos.Top: The lush sugar cane fields near Thirukoilur temple town.
Below.I intended to photograph the river Penna that borders Thirukoilur but seemed to have captured the conductor of the govt bus gazing moodily at the dry bed of that river.

Sunday, September 18, 2011


I couldn't check my tears the whole day yesterday , the day before and to an extent today[19 th] as I was and am "404" [clueless in internet parlance].

It may sound absurd and ridiculous that a person who has read the Gita 5 times all over [do not construe this as a disparaging comment on the efficacy of the sublime principles of the Gita , but do so on my inability to put them into practise in its truest sense] and can intellectually analyse death,so feel keenly the loss of access to her late son's blog. It was like losing him all over again.

Scribblingzzzzzzzzz is a world of its own. An untrammeled snow. It has the scent of idealism, vigour and innocence that characterises youth. A sanctuary that attracts colourful birds of passage as well as homing ones called youth ,to let down their hair.Despite my age I had gained entry into this exclusive club ,in the similar manner in which Vidat had generously allowed me into his world in his life time. I not only inherited his blog but also his friends , acquaintances and the charming circle of his age group.Though occasionally painful , it was genarally refreshing.

His friends and acquaintances patronised it without inhibitions, it was their friend's blog after all,adding to the feeling of being encircled in a invisible but also tangible ring of youthful connection and support.

This connection though only illusory, a notional one , seemed so real that its rude severance was to a certain extent as painful to me as the actual severance.

PS. Vidat's mortal connection was severed a day after my birthday and his blog on the birthday of his father.

The timing is inexplicable.The never to be resolved mystery and ironies of life.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Cyber stalking..

Dear friends I am unable to access Vidat's blog.As there was a severe virus threat i changed both the passwords today morning- 17 th sept. I am able to access this and not scribblingzzzzzzzzz.My alert detail showed that my account was being accessed by a mobile an hour back-6.30 pm. I never and don't have such a mobile to access my accounts .yarradhan hack pandradhunu vevasthaya illamepocchu. Hope that i'll be able to get back to Vid's blog soon.
Pavi von thala mela idi vizha.---to the one who did this.


Hey hacker cum stalker Nethi peinja mazhiyila.thala mela idi vizhundhada?I hope not.
I haven't the heart to quarrel with a person of my son ,Vidat's age.Though had the role been reversed he would have never done this to your mother . I am 100% sure . Of which I am terribly proud of.
I am presuming that you are acting under orders and even if it is on your own , i retract my curse .Pozhachi po. [Live and let live.]

Dear friends ,

If I reveal the number of my audience , those very few viewers ,I have will leave my blog in disgust for patronising such an ill visited blog.Well what has to be stated must be stated . It is hardly 10 per day . My page views are abysmally so few that I dare not reveal it . Nothing ,compared to 100's and 1000's of views some blogs command .

So why am I being cyber stalked? What for?

To me blogging has become a hobby ,to divert myself from my sad thoughts.It is a gift by Vidat to overcome my emptiness of his absence.

Nothing more nothing less.

I am still unable to access Vidat's blog .Google says his GMail address does not exist and is directing me to rediff com. It did till yesterday morning.God help me.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Moondram thiruvandhadhi of PeiAazhwar

PeiAazhwar's hymns are 100 in number and are compiled under the heading Moondram [third] Thiruvandhadi. 2282---2381.

Some of his hymns are as follows.

**Thirukanden ponmenikanden thigazhum arukkan anniniram kanden--serikilarum ponnazhi kanden . Purisangang kaikanden yennazhi vannanpaal indru. ....2282.

I saw the sacred golden form!
I saw the attractive form of Vishnu and Lakshmi as pleasant as the mellow yellow rays of rising sun above emerald green hills!
I saw the awe inspiring and confidence reposing golden chakra!
I saw the sacred hands holding the conch!
I saw my sea hued Swami today!

**Arivennum thalkolavi aimbulanum thamil servennum thinkadavam semmi marai yendrum nangu odhi nangu unnarvaar kanbhare nadorum paigkodha vannan padi. ...2293.

The sea hued one can be perceived daily by those who bolt the thick door of knowledge against the five senses .
And by ceaselessly chanting the Vedas. And by meditating on him.

**Ahdu nandru.Idhu theedu yendru padathe madhunindra thanduazhai marvan--podhuninra ponnang kazhale thozhumin moozhuvinnaigal munnang kazhalum mudindhadhu. .............2369.

Is that right? Is this wrong? Do not fall into a dilema and get confused.
Instead worship the golden feet of Bhagwan wearing pure tulsi garland .
Rest assured, that all the consequences of your deeds will be extinguished!

Monday, September 12, 2011

Bhoodat Aazhwar's hymn in praise of Venkateswara.

Podharindu vanarangal poonchunaipukku aangalarindhu podharindhu kondethum podhu ullam
Podhu mani vengadavan malaradikke sella anni vengadavar por ayindhu ................2253

At dawn monkeys wake up and take bath in the fragrant springs and pluck the freshly bloomed flowers and decorate the feet of Venkateswara and worship him!
'O' my heart, go at once to picturesque Tirumallai and recite SriVenkateswara's sacred names and worship his flower like feet!

Photo: Top .Sri Hanuman at Thirumala hills.
Below.Half way up the steps leading to Tirumala temple.The tower is Galli gopuram.


Thursday, September 8, 2011

Yirendam thiruvandadi--Hymns of Bhoodat Aazhwar

Bhoodat Aazhwar has sung 100 hymns in praise of Sriman Narayana .The following are some of his popular one's.

**Anbhe thagaliya aarvame neiyyaga inbhuruga sindhai iduthiriyai--nanburugi gyana sudar villaketrinen naranarku gyana tamizh purinda naan. .....[2182.]

With love as lamp and devotion as ghee and my pleasant and good thoughts melting and condensing to form the wick,I have lit the bright light of wisdom in thoughtful Tamizh ,to worship Narayana!

**Avan kandai nannenje yaarurulum kedum avan kandai, ayaimbulanayai nindraan avan kandai,katru thee neervaan karuvarai munn kaarodha sitru thee yavanum sendru. .....2205.

My good heart! See and perceive him who is capable of destruction as well as life giving,
See and perceive him who is within the 5 senses,
See and perceive him who is in wind, fire,water, sky and earth!
See and perceive him in the dark and forbiding mountains and in the raging seas!

**Pannindhen thirumeni paingkamalam kaiyaal ,annindhenun sevadimelyenbhai --thuninden purunthethi unnai pugalidam parthange irruthethi vazhum idhu. ........2246.

I bow before your sacred form,
I worship your pure feet with fragrant lotuses with my hands,
I have resolved to surrender to you as my ultimate refuge ,realising it to be the only way to reach your place and reside therein!

**Pandi perum padhi yakki pazhipavam kondingu vaazhvarai kooradhe--yendisaiyum perthagara naangudaiyaan perodhi pedhaigaal theerthakarar aamin thirindu! .......2195.

'O' Imbeciles! Instead of praising all those living on this earth who are only constantly engaged in enlarging their stomachs and in revengeful and sinful acts,
Chant the sacred names of the One who has infinite influence in all the 8 directions and immeasurable strength in his 4 shoulders.
And go on pilgrimages and sanctify the soil of this country.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Some more hymns of PoigaiAazhwar.

In the following hymns Poigai Aazhwar shows the way to overcome sins and the path to ultimate bliss.

**2122.Kundrinai kutram seiyinum kunagkollum indru mudal yen nenje! yendrum putruraiye ayinum ponnazhi kaiyan thiranuraiya sindhithu iru!

'O' my heart even if you have performed wicked deeds that are mountain high they will be treated as virtues,
If from this day, you start meditating on the good qualities of the One holding the golden chakra in his hands!

**2138.Ayal nindra valvinai anjinen , anji uyanin thiruvadiye servaan naya nindra nam malai kondu 'namo narayana' yennum sonmalai katren yezhudu!

I was fearful of the dreadful outcome of my sins .
My fear impelled me to seek your refuge,
To do so, I learnt to chant the sacred garland of words NamoNarayana!

**2111.Those who have obtained clear and pure mind by controlling their senses and have realised that there exists a leader of all,will reach the feet of the one wearing tulsi garland as effortlessly as a calf finding its own mother in milling herd of cows.

**2176.A simple mantra that can be chanted without pausing for breath , by every tongue is 'Namo Narayana' .
An mantra that ensures one's smooth passage to the ultimate goal , without return.
Why do some destroy themselves by not following this simple method?

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