Position of those seeking shelter of
Mahan's --
Sadasrita padditah...8
**During lunar eclipse all waters become as pure as and holy as the water of river Ganges[there fore one can purify oneself by bathing then]Similarly the slightest or even a momentary contact with a person who has a clean character, pure heart and is a scholar will remove one's impurity.
**Though arrogance generates a lot of disturbance and makes a person commit a lot of sins, all this will disappear gradually by association with good and great people.
**The dirty street water flowing during rains becomes auspicious when it joins the Ganga. Similarly association with good persons cures one of all blemishes and make's one pure.
**Poetry become auspicious only when it is sung in the praise of God.
The path of people of high morality.---Nitimat paddatih--9.
**5. A person who has treaded dark paths but has realised his follies and helps and guides others towards a good path is beloved of gods and shines in a lofty place.
Path of great poets.-----Satkavi paddatih.........11.
11**The wise statements of poets with good intentions are churned out of thoughts.It tastes like the nectar that was churned out of the milky ocean!
9** A Satkavi is one who creates a unique style and brings the deviants into righteous path. He is a creator like Brahma !
Photo.The muddy street water of Rishikesh town, during a heavy down pour last year, flowing into river Ganges.
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