Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Poigai Aazhwars hymns in praise of Thiruvengadam---Tirumalai.

Yezhuvaar vidaikolvaar ,een thuzhyanai vazhuva vagaininaindu vaigal--thozhuvar vainaichudarai nanduikkum vengadame vaanor thoondum malai.................2107.

Seekers of wealth depart after gaining wealth by worshipping the one decorated with the garland of tulsi and devotees seeking to overcome their sorrow also depart after attaining peace after worshipping him at Tiruvengadam.

Those seekers of moksham ,who constantly meditate on him and experience him,abound in Tirumalai hills,that is the home to one who destroys all the evil consequences of deeds and kindles the light of wisdom in the ever free souls or Nitya suris.

Poetic description of Tirumalai.

**Slithering serpents with stripes on their back,retreat to their holes in great haste, fearing a down pour ,
by mistaking the sparkling gems hurled by tribals at elephants that are as black as rain bearing clouds, to chase them away from their home steads ,to flashes of lightening .
These are the sacred hills of Tiruvengadam that Nitya suris are fond of visiting.................2119.

**Thiruvengadam are the sacred hills where tribals with huge bows and arrows try to frighten away the elephants that have strayed into their fields by waving and throwing flaming torches of fire at them and the terrified elephants whilst trying to escape this are dazed by a shower of fire falling from the sky[meteorites] at their front ,and stand rooted to the ground petrified and are unable to comprehend their bearings..................................2121.

Photo.Tirumala forest.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Pogai Aazhwar's --Mudal thiruvandhadi.

Poigai Aazhwar has sung 100 hymns compiled under the heading Mudal Thiruvandhadhi.[2082--2181]. I have attempted to translate few of them which are as follows---

Vaiyam thagaliya-----The world as a lamp.

**Vaiyam thagaliya varkadale neiyaga veyya kadhiron vilakaga -seiya sudaraazhiyandike chootinen solmalai idrazhi neengave indru..............................2082

With world as a lamp and the ocean as ghee, and the bright sun as the lighted wick,
I have this day garlanded the feet of the 'One' beholding the dazzling chakra , with my hymns,
So that he may remove all obstacles.

**Mannum malaiyum marikadalum marudhmum vinnum vizhungiyadhu meiyenbhar yenil alagalavu kandaseeraazhi yayiku andriv ulagalavum undo un vai?..............2091.

If it is true that you had once swallowed the earth, mountains , ocean , air and the sky,
How immeasurably ,infinite must be your strength and power!

**Pazhude pala pagalum poiyina yendru anchi azhuden aravanai mel kandu thozhuden kadloratham kaal alaipak kanvallarum sengan adaloda vannar adi.................2097.

Today I cried recalling with horror all those days I frittered away without worshipping the feet of my swamy ,The One with red rimmed eyes and who is in deep meditation [yoga nithra] in the middle of the ocean , whose waters lap gently at his sea hued form!

Mudal Aazhwars.

Poigai, Bhoodat and Pei Aazhwars are known as 'Mudal Aazhwars'or First Aazhwars.That is they were the earliest of the Vaishnavaite saints preaching Bhakthi or devotion as the easiest and best way to reach god and free oneself from the eternal cycle of birth and death.

All the three Aazhwars were contemporaies --4 th to 5 th century AD , were wandering ascetics andgreat devotees of Vishnu with particular fondness to Krishna avatar.Their hymns exhibit serenity and confidence and are devoid of condemnation of other religions ,that are found so often in the hymns of later Aazhwars .

Nature and her beauties are widely recognised and appreciated. Though all 3 Aazhwars showed a marked preference to Srinivasa at Tirumalai over Sri Ranganathar at Srirangam, all were of the view that one's own heart was the best temple.

Friday, August 26, 2011

The return.

As we travelled down next morn,the sight that met my eyes was unbelievable.These roads that have a portion intersected by a path for climbers on foo,t normally have but a few devotees labouring under the tough grind upwards.But on that day the foot paths as well as parts of the carriageway were so heavily congested with happy faces that it looked like the bustling Ranganathan street on a busy shopping day.

The vehicles fender to fender had also to fend through 1000's fending their way up!A co passenger sharing the taxi, a young software engineer in a IT company who worked 9--11 nearly every day skipping lunch quite often to cater to a off shore client talked on and said that he never missed an opportunity to visit Tirumalai since it was his firm belief that Srinivasa often worked miracles in his life!

Then there was lull in the conversation.He spoke up with a bit of diffidence" One must actually experience miracles to believe in what I have experienced". Every one including the garrulous driver fell silent.I broke it saying" Yes. If you really feel deeply about something, god does send something or some one to assuage the hurt or fill in the void.And the deity in here, Srinivasa is way above all other, in discerning and fulfilling one's deepest wish.."

PS. The company he is working for is Wipro.

Photo.The road leading to Papavinasam --waterfalls from Tirumalai.

Smaller temples near Srinivasa's temple at Tirumalai.

This is a Narsimhar temple.
This is the place where Sri Ramanujar's preceptor and maternal uncle lived 1000 years earlier.
This is the vimanam enshrining Adhi Varahar swamynear west mada street.It is ancient lore that AdiVarahar was the earliest resident of Tirumalai. Much earlier than Srinivasa. Hence all prasada of Balaji is first offered to Adhi Varahar!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Circumbulatory passage or Mada streets of Srinivasa\Sri venkateswara \Balaji temple at Tirumala.

The golden Vimanam enshrining Srinivasa around whom we are going to circumbulate on the outer circumbulatory passage or mada streets.
The entrance to, as well as the exit of the temple.
The south mada street ,immediately to the right hand side of the temple entrance as well as Srinivasar,from where our circumbulation begins.As can be seen, the overhead bridge of the queue complex at the back is crammed with devotees. So is the one within the bronze covering.
The Western circumbulatory passage or West mada street.
The North mada street.
This the East mada street.Andback to the entrance of the temple.

Now that you have all circumbulated Srinivasa from your chairs and desks across hills and mountains , lakes and rivers , seas and oceans ,it would befitting to conclude it with the following devotional chant.

Srinivasa Govinda ! Sri Venkatesa Govinda!Bhaktavatsala Govinda! Bhagavatpriya Govinda!
Govinda Hari Govinda , Venkataramana Govinda ! Govinda Hari Govinda, Venkataramana Govinda!
Dushta samhara govinda!Durita nivarana govinda!Sishta paripala govinda! Kashta nivaraka govinda!
Govinda Hari govinda ,Venkataramana govinda! Govinda Hari govinda, Venkataramana govinda!

May he bless us all.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Srinivasa temple at Tirumalai.

Waters sprinkled from perforated metal steps wash one's feet at the entarance to the Srinivasar temple at Tirumalai.Just a few paces away from the huge wooden gates , hangs an ancient iron crowbar on the wall , that was used by Sri Ramnujar's disciple Anantha Aazhwar to break ground ,to lay the garden to supply tulsi leaves and fragrant flowers to adorn Srinivasar.

There are two mantaps flanking the dwajastampam [flag pole] . The one on the left was built by a Nayak ruler to house the idol of Sri Raganthar of Sri Rangam,when Sri Rangam town was attacked by Malik kafur in the 14 th centuryAD. This was during the time of Sri Desikan.The idol was shifted back to Sri Rangam 40 years later when the invaders retreated.

There are sannidhi's of Sri Vardarajha perumal and Sri Narsimha perumal at front of the main sannidhi , to the left and right hand side of Srinivasar.

This temple is not very big only medium sized. But the devotees Srinivasa attracts on any single day would fill all the other huge temple complexes to the brim and spill over!

All the 12 Aazhwars have visited and worshipped at this temple and have dedicated 202 hymns in honour of ThiruVengadanathan---Sri Venkateswara or Srinivasa, who is majestic in his standing position.All acharyas down the ages have also visited , resided and learnt the scriptures and worshipped Srinivasar for long periods of time.They have sung several slokas in his praise.

Amazingly despite the huge turn out my wait for darshan was only an hour !No , not due to any one's recommendations but only of Srinivasa's.Words fail me to describe the charm , beauty and divinity of LordSrinivasa.The swelling upsurge of the milling crowd and 'Jargandi'[move please-- in Telugu] of muscle men grabbing and pushing , gave me a glimpse of the divine form for barely a few seconds . Was it enough?Well , that is my lot. It should see me through till I pay my obeisance ,next.

Photo. The golden Vimanam enshrining Srinivasa perumal within.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

To Tirumalai.

As we climbed up the Tirumalai hills at dusk by bus a shaft of cool air welcomed us.Down below the lights of the constantly expanding township of Tirupati,rather it could well be called a city now,glittered and twinkled ,whilst on the roads winding around the hills the twin head lights of countless vehicles making their way up ,flashed on and off through the dark and silent canopy of trees.

The valley of our destination--Tirumala was neither dark nor silent .It was well lit and bustling with activities . In short it was like a huge mela.Lakhs of people were moving around , praying , singing, chattering,eating, laughing, resting and sleeping.The weekend coupled with the extra holiday on the following Monday for Independance day had encouraged many to recharge their batteries with a Darshan of Srinivasa \Balaji\ Govinda\Vekateswara to face the life ahead.Young men in groups with backpacks and young couples with their families outnumbered the pepper haired crowd of devotees.
Photos: Top .The Gopuram at the entrance to Srinivasar Temple at Tirumalai at night.
Below.The gopuram at the entrance to Srinivasa temple in the morning.

Srinivasa temple at Trichanur.

This is my anscestral [maternal] temple . It is very near Padmavathy Devi temple at Trichanur and the only Srinivasar temple in its vicinity.It is however eclipsed from view by the building and playground of a govt school that has come right in front of it.

It is now under the administration of TTD since my mama who had inherited and was maintaining till last year gifted it to TTD . He has become too old to supervise its affairs now.
The outer circumbulatory way around the sannidhi.

Thursday, August 18, 2011


Our first obeisance was to Alarmel mangathayar ---Padmavathy Devi at Trichanur. This town is 6 kms from Tirupati .

Most, in fact nearly all the Perumal temples that I have visited have the sannidhi of Lakshmi or Thayar within the temple compound itself.But it is different here.Whilst Srinivasar' lords over the seven hills ,his consort Padmavathy Devi reigns at Trichanur !

In the outer prakaram or circumbulatory passage of the main and presiding deity--AlarmelmangaThayar there are two sannidhis ,that of Venugopala swamy and Soundaraja perumal respectively.
After a darshan of the beautiful and dazzling form of Thayar and inhaling the scent of jasmine, lotuses, sampangi and roses and the pleasant divinity and suffused with peace,charm and beauty I circumbulated the inner small passage that runs immediately around Thayar's sannidhi [Lakshmi]. This passage also houses two small sannidhi's of Sri Ramanujar and Viswaksena.
The pushkarani--sacred tank --of Padmavathy devi . Float festivals are conducted in here.
Photos;The full moon --Poornima--rising between the two Gopurams of Padmavathy temple at Trichanur on Saturday[13.8.2011] which is the most auspicious day for Srinivasar and during his birth star ---Sravan. A rare combination!

A small portion of The golden Vimanam that enshrines within Padmavathy Thayar is visible at the left hand side of the pictures.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

To Tirupati.

The three hours journey by train to Tirupati was enlivened by a chubby boy's [around two to three years old] pranks in it.His curiosity , finding something so arresting interesting in all the adult human faces around, that I would scarcely glance at, compelling his long stare and finally recognising one of his own a little girl a tiny bit older than he and striking an instant friendship with her followed by pulling her thick jet black hair , that she had just brushed with great care balancing herself gingerly on the rocking seat[ no, she didn't cry . Took it sportingly] and then laughing aloud in glee , literally made the time fly past!

When i got off at the Tirupati station and saw that it was jam packed with people,my heart sank.I envisioned a long wait for my darshan at Tirumalai. People visit in such vast numbers only to worship Balaji enshrined atop the7 hills beyond.

I immediately corrected myself with the empathy that just as I was making this pilgrimage so were millions of others who are perfectly entitled to do so. Rapid expansion of transportation and increase in purchasing power has brought this once unreachable destination of the most powerful god whose blessings are most sought out in Bharat ,within many a persons means.And faith impels all!Photos. Top:The golden Vimanam at Tirumala temple which enshrines within Srinivasa\Balaji \Sri Venkateswara.

Below:The front Gopuram of Alarmelmangai Thayar \Padmavathidevi temple at Trichanoor.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

On 28 th Birthday.

Yad -yad vibhutit sattvam
srimad urjitam eva va|
tad-tad eva vagaccha tvam
mama tejo msa -sambhavam||

Whatever there is endowed with Extraordinary glory,attractiveness and vigour ,
Know that all to be born of a fragment of my power!...........Gita.

The youth that is adorned with humility and brightened by qualities like kindness
Is youth beautiful!
In this world ,a youth of that description is very rare to find indeed!--------Ramayana.

Dear Vidat , You were indeed a rare find!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Perumal Thirumozhi..730---740. Vanralinai.--Strong and sacred feet.

In these 10 hymns Kulasekara Aazhwar experiences the grief and agony of distraught Dasaratha ,when Rama ,his favourite son ,obeys him,relinquishes his claim to the kingdom and leaves to the forest on the very day he was to be coronated .

** My Rama ! Whilst all the subjects of this beautiful town of Ayodhya have surrendered at your feet for protection,
Of which they are assured of ,by your strength,
I bade you to leave to the harsh forest at the behest of Kaikeyi , who had once reared you as a mother would.
My son ! I sent you away from your rightful place! I did this heinous deed myself!....................730.

**Amma! yendruazhaikum arvasol keladhe aniser marvam,
Yen marvathidai yazhandu thazhuvade muzhusage mevatuchi kaimavin thadaiyen ,
menmaiyum kamalam pol mughamum kannadhu yemmanai yen maghanai izhuindhitta yizhithagaiyen ,yirukindrene! ................735.

Here after I will not hear my kind son joyfully calling me , Amma!
I will not be able to hug my well decorated son and kiss him on his forehead.
I will not be able to see his majestic walk nor see his lotus like bright face .
I have sent my son to the forest. I have lost him .
How despicable I am .Yet I continue to live .

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Kulasekara Aazhwar's hymns in praise of Vithvakotai perumal.

KulasekaraAazhwar the 8 th century ruler of Kerala and a Vaishnavaite saint has dedicated 10 hymns in honour of the deity at Thiru Vithvakotai or Thiruvinchikodu , a temple that is on the way to Guruvayoor. The presiding deity 'ooiyavandha perumal' is said to have been worshipped by pancha pandavas.

These hymns are full of metaphors .

Tharunthuyarum thadayel:-----Though the sorrow given is not removed. [688-695]

**Tharunthuyaram thadayel vun saranallal saranyillai virai kuzhuvoomalaraphozhil choozh vitravakottam ammane!
Arisinathal yeendra thai agaitridhinum matravan than arul ninaindhe azhung khuzhavi ,adhuve ondri irundhene! ..........688.

My leader , who is enshrined in Vitrakottai temple that is surrounded by garden of fragrant flowers ,
Has given me sorrow. Even if he is not removing it ,I still seek his lotus feet as my only refuge!
Like a child , though scolded and beaten by his enraged mother , cries aloud and runs only to her seeking her kindness!

** Thiruvithvakotai amma ! You reside in a place surrounded by lakes and ponds that fishes long to make their home!
Even if you are not attached to me I am attached to you!
Like all those subjects of a garlanded king , who causes great misery to them , yet cherishing the fond hope of his benevolence in future!.......................................690.

**Even when the skies forget to pour rains , green crops look up expectantly scanning only the skies for the appearance of dark rain bearing clouds!
Similarly even if I have to experience sorrows that is my lot , I will only look up to you with all my faculties directed solely towards you ! ..................694.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011


This is the lower half of the wooden Chariot of the processional deity of Bhaktvatsala swamy.

I tried my best to get a flattering picture of the carvings by keeping that piece of broken wheel from the camera's sights but couldn't quite succeed.

Thirumangai Aazhwar's hymn in praise of deity at Thiruninravur.

The following hymn is from Periya thirumozhi of Thirumangai Azhwar.

Yerrinai immayathullem meesanai immaiyai marumaikku marundinai,
Aatralai andhap puraatuinthidum aiyanai kai ilaazhi ondruyendia,
kootrinai kurumamani kundrinai nindravoor.....................1642.

One who is indomitable like a bull,
Who has risen from the Himalaya's !
And who is capable of providing the medicine to cure all sickness and sorrow besseting this worldly life ,
And who is personification of skill and ability and is the facilitator of his devotees journey to Vaikuntam,
And is like Yama to his enemies,
Has risen to bless us all in a beautiful blue sapphire like form with the formidable disc in his hand at Thiruninravur!

Photo.The entrance into Sri Bakthavatsala swamy temple at Thiruninravur.


Thiruninravur is a big village, 30 kms away from Chennai.The Gopurams of the temples dedicated to Shiva and Vishnu dominate the sky line.

Sri Bhaktavatsala swamy is the name of the presiding deity in the Vishnu temple.'Yenna petha thayaar' is his consort.This is a divya desam.

The temple is said to be more than 1500 years old . Thirumangai Azhwar, Sri Ramanuja and Sri Raghavendra have said to have worshipped the deity enshrined in here.

A lone parrot's throaty chuckle greeted me from the Gopuram.The good darshan of Sri Bhaktavatsala swamy coupled with the gentle breeze flowing through the quiet prakaram was very uplifting.
Photos.Top .The Gopuram of Bhaktavatsala perumal temple at Thirunindravur.
Middle:The Vimanam of the presiding deity---Sri Bhaktavatsala swamy.
Below:The prakaram or the circumbulatory passage around the shrine.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Sri Desikan's hymn in honour of Sri Vardharajar .

Sri Desikan has dedicated 50 slokas known as Sri Vardharaja panchasath in honour of SriVardharajar at Kanchipram.

Auvthanvadhe mahathi sathman pasamane slakye sa divya sathane thamas :prasmin|

Antha:kalebhar midham sookshiram sookshmam jadham kreesa katha maatharaana spadham te||...21.


Athigiri swamy[varadharjar] ,You have the broad and wide milky ocean to reside!
You also have the splendid and infinite realms beyond these worldly regions ,to do so, !
Then why do you choose willingly and happily to reside in the minutest of minute space within us?

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Photo's of the 100 pillared hall at Sri Vardhrajar temple at kancipuram

Entrance of the 100 pillared hall.

The raised platform at the back is where proccessinol deities are placed during certain temple festivals.

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Each and every one of the 100 pillars are intricately and aesthetically carved.The embarrasing postures or situations, if any, are not of the deities,main or of other deities.They are at the most the artistic outlet of the sculptors eccentricities.Such sculptures are never found in the most sacred place of a temple the inner sanctum sanctorium where the main deities are enshrined and worshipped.
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Sculptures of Vishnu on the pillars

Smiley of those day's!

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Some more snaps of Sri Vardharajar temple at Kanchipuram.

The front Gopuram of Sri Vardhrajar temple at Kanchipuram
Entrance into the temple .
The pushkarni where Atthivaradar --a wooden statue of Varadharajar made of 'athi' tree is kept immersed and is taken out only once in 40 years to give darshan to devotees for 10 days only.
The 100 pillared mantap built by Vijayanagar emperors.
Pushkarni as viewed from the 100 pillared mantap

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Daya Satakam of Sri Desikan....contd.

**Mridha hridhaye daye kamahithe thruthavibhuthe bhootheshu vidathama thure madhure|
 Vrishagiri saarvabhouma dhayithe mayidhe mahatheem pavuga nidhe nidhehi pavamoola haraam yahrim||.........................................60.

** ம்ருது ஹ்ருதயே தயே ம்ருதித காம ஹிதே மஹிதே
     த்ருத விபுதே  பூதேஷூ விததாத்ம  துரே மதுரே |
      வ்ருஷகிரி ஸார்வ பௌம தயிதே மயி தே  மஹதீம்
    பவுக நிதே  நிதேஹி பவமூல  ஹராம்  லஹ்ரீம் ||

One who has a gentle heart ! One who protects Deva's!One who confers her auspicious blessings on those who have conquered their desires! One who has shared her responsibilities with scholars and philosophers! One who is a storehouse of auspicious qualities! One who is sweet as nectar! One who is worshipped by all! ,
Please help me to cut asunder the roots of my worldly attachments by drenching me in waves of your compassion!

**'O' Compassion . Srinivasa who resides in the sacred Vrishasaila hills[Tirumala] has created every thing in this world!
He is a sculptor and an artist par excellence!
He has stroked the minds and hearts of Acharyas like Ramanuja , Alavandar and others with sublime philosophical thoughts , using you as a brush!
They have in turn shown us a easy way to attain Moksham,that of-total surrender to his will...... 59.

**The resident of Anjanadhari's [Tirumala] lotus feet is worshipped by honey like sweet and sacred waters by Brahma.
And has the fragrance of the Vedas.
These pair of feet are capable of removing sins and destroying them!
O Daya devi[goddess of compassion] if not for your kind instigation would all the beings --movable and immovable in this wide universe would have been fortunate enough to be blessed equally, when he measured the 3 worlds with his 2 feet ?...................[As Trivikrama -Vamna avatar].85.

**O Srinivasa's Daya devi,your kindness encompasses this entire world!
And you made me surrender to your will!
Yet I continue to commit sins that are disrespectful to you.
I beseech you to forgive me for this and take hold of me , which you will , owing to your limitless compassion!
Also , make my lord accept and bless me! ...........91.

**O Srinivasa's Daya devi, I am well aware of the shastras , but have digressed .
I am also aware of the fate of Vitrasuran and others when they transgressed Srinivasa's shastras.
I appeal to you to soften his heart and to let me get away with a light punishment. .........93.

**O Daya devi I am like a beast . I run after worldly pleasures, incurring several sins .
Your compassion is a wide net.
You must trick Srinivasa to hunt me and entangle me in your web and release me only to serve at his feet! ............................95.

**O Daya devi . I have surrendered at his feet .Yet i continue to perform evil deeds . And then I seek your forgiveness .
My state is like that of a snake charmer, who though bitten by poisonous snakes , continues to play with them!
I appeal to you to get me out of this miserable state. ..........................96.

**O Daya devi , You are my mother . As a grown up son it is my duty to feed you.
And I fed with what I posses ---my innumerable sins .
How amazing mother! You, who is most respected by Srinivasa,
has eaten it all with great relish and are still looking emaciated like one starved of food! .......97.

* *O Daya devi maharishi's of past like Vyasa and Valmiki attempted to write your praises which is as vast as the ocean ,in their epics, but feared to take the plunge and therefore stood wisely at the bank itself!
This foolish person --me has taken the plunge to gauge your depths and am floundering , unable to get a foothold.
What ever purpose ,this may have served , one thing is sure , that this foolish attempt of mine will be a source of amusement to you ,Srinivasa and Thayar [lakshmi] .
Bless me for the same! ..............................103.


           ஸ்ரீமதே  நிகமாந்த மஹாதேசிகாய நம :

             Srimathe Nigamaantha MahaDesiakya nama:
            I bow to Srimathe NigamaanthMaha Desika

         %   ********************%

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Daya Satakam of Sri Desikan.

Lord Srinivasar and His consorts Sri Devi and BHu DEvi at Tirumala temple
These are 108 slokas in Sanskrit dedicated to Srinivasa at Tirumalai and are in praise of his most important and auspicious quality of 'compassion'.I have attempted to translate a few of them .

                                          ஸ்ரீ தயாசதகம்
                                           Sri Dayasatakam

         ஸ்ரீமதே  நிகமாந்த மஹாதேசிகாய நம :
           Srimathe     Nigamaantha MahaDesikaya nama:
             I bow to Srimathe Nigamaantha Maha Desika                          ________

1 ** ப்ரபத்யே தம்  கிரிம் ப்ராய :ஸ்ரீனிவாஸாநு   கம்பயா|
 இக்ஷு ஸாரஸ் ரவந்த்யேவ யந்மூர்த்யா  சர்க்கரா யிதம் ||

1.Prapathye thum gireem prayaha Srinivasanu kampya|
ikshusarasravanthyeva yenmoorthya sarkarayithum||

**1. Srinivasa's compassion , which is like a flood of sugarcane juice ,has condensed into sugar to form the Tirumala hills!
I surrender to these sacred hills.

**3. I bow and worship all the Aazhwars who were blessed to be the recipients of the compassion of the One who resides in a lotus !

The aazhwars have brought within the reach of all, the essence of 3 Vedas , through their hymns!

9**கம்ப்ய நவதிம் வந்தே கருணா வருணாலயம் |
வருஷ  சைல  தடஸ்த்தாநாம்  ஸ்வயம் வ்யக்தி  முபாகதம் ||

**9.Kamapya navathim vande karuna varunaliyam|
Vrishasaila thadasthanaam swayam yakthi mupaaghadham||

An infinite ocean of kindness has risen by his own will as Srinivasa,
In the sacred Vrishasaila ---Tirumala hills ,to bless one and all!
I worship thee !

**11.The empress called compassion has under her sway and spell ,the Lord of all, Srinivasa !
Knowledge shows the way like a flaming torch to DayaDevi,who is in the lead and is followed by other auspicious qualities of the supreme one like strength, power, splendour and bliss!
I surrender the protection of myself to this goddess!

**22.'O' compassion, you are as infinite and holy as the milky ocean!
with the help of good thoughts the nectar like sacred form of Srinivasa was churned out from you!
He has risen as lustrous and cool as a moon in Tirumala hills!
He, who is capable of bringing back to life , the dead and helps to dispel the fear of death!

**29. 'O' Srinivasa's goddess of compassion !
How will your insatiable appetite to forgive be satiated by the sins of those mortals you have gone in search off?
When I the foremost of sinners can feed you with my countless sins , remove your hunger and satisfy you completely!

**30.'O' Daya devi You are the empress of good qualities !
I am the emperor of all bad deeds and sins!
Since you are aware of my deplorable state ,rid me of my sins ,
And facilitate my total surrender at the feet of Vrishsaila eeswara![Venkateswara]

**40.''O Srinivasa's Daya Devi! Isn't that person who disregards you and holds other gods in high esteem,
Like a man who doesn't quench his thirst from the sacred waters of Ganga flowing gently by , but foolishly runs after a mirage of huge waves tossing at a distance?

Courtesy--Tamil meanings from Sri Desikasthothra mala of Ramadesikachariar
to be contd....

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Thoopul---Sri Vedanta desikans birth place.

The house adjacent to VillakoliPerumal temple at Kanchipuram is the birth place of Sri Desikan,who was a great scholar and Vaishnavaite saint belonging to 14 th century AD.
His contribution to Vaishnavism more specifically in fostering Visishta dwaita philosophy is immense .His importance amongst acharya's is second only to Sri Ramanujar.

Sri Desikan was an erudite Sanskrit scholar and was also very fluent in Tamil.He was an versatile genius. He has to his credit several treatises in Sanskrit as also in Tamil. They have in their fold ,deep philosophy, poetical hymns , essays and innumerable slokas .

Desikan's most famous hymns are those on Srinivasa Perumal at Tirumalai, known as Dayasatakam .

According to the Upanishads the primordial causeless One is full of strength , valour , splendour, knowledge and bliss.It is Sri Desikan's contention that Srinivasa at Tirumala in addition to these auspicious qualities also posses by far the most important quality of all, that of --compassion.

The 108 sloka's of Daya satakam are in praise of this noble and divine nature of god.

The following is the very first hymn.

Parapathye thamkrim : Srinivasanu kambhya|
Ikshoosara sarvanthyeva yanmoorthiya sarkara yidham|


Srinivasa's compassion , which is like a flood of sugar cane juice ,
has condensed and solidified into sugar to form Tirumala hills!
I surrender before these sacred hills!

[Photo:The house where Sri Desikan was born.]