Friday, August 26, 2011

The return.

As we travelled down next morn,the sight that met my eyes was unbelievable.These roads that have a portion intersected by a path for climbers on foo,t normally have but a few devotees labouring under the tough grind upwards.But on that day the foot paths as well as parts of the carriageway were so heavily congested with happy faces that it looked like the bustling Ranganathan street on a busy shopping day.

The vehicles fender to fender had also to fend through 1000's fending their way up!A co passenger sharing the taxi, a young software engineer in a IT company who worked 9--11 nearly every day skipping lunch quite often to cater to a off shore client talked on and said that he never missed an opportunity to visit Tirumalai since it was his firm belief that Srinivasa often worked miracles in his life!

Then there was lull in the conversation.He spoke up with a bit of diffidence" One must actually experience miracles to believe in what I have experienced". Every one including the garrulous driver fell silent.I broke it saying" Yes. If you really feel deeply about something, god does send something or some one to assuage the hurt or fill in the void.And the deity in here, Srinivasa is way above all other, in discerning and fulfilling one's deepest wish.."

PS. The company he is working for is Wipro.

Photo.The road leading to Papavinasam --waterfalls from Tirumalai.


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