Monday, July 25, 2011

A parent's grief.

Centuries ago it was proclaimed of the epic Mahabharata ,

" What is not in it , is nowhere!"

How very true!
The following passage from the great epic Mahabharata mirrors the grief of a person whose son has met with a unforeseen, terrible death.

Arjuna and Krishna who were engaged in a battle some distance away , returned in twilight to Pandava's encampment . As they near the camp Arjuna asks

"Why is my heart afraid ? 'O' Kesava and why do my speech falter ? My limbs are weak . Thoughts of disaster posses my mind without living it ".

As they reach the camp he intuitively feels that some terrible tragedy had befallen him --that of his young son's terrible death.

He says "The sweet Vina is not playing .Subhadra's son ever cheerful does not receive me today with smiles .Ever obedient to superiors , quiet, acting like one of mature years though tender in age , of agreeable speech, reft of vanity , great courage, energy and knowledge , never striking first and nothing mean . Of aquiline nose , high forehead , of beautiful eyes , eyebrows and lips and possessing melodious voice".

"Why doesn't he come and greet me as he did every day?Without seeing his kindly countenance and listening to his voice ,what peace can I have?"

Realising that his son is dead by seeing the down cast eyes of those in the encampment ,who dared not to meet, his ,he cries,

"Without doubt , overthrown he lies today on bare earth bathed in his blood . Beautifying the earth with his body .Accustomed to every luxury , alas , he sleeps today on bare ground as if there is none to take care of him . He , on whom, while in his room and bed had the best of attenders , lies mangled with jackals prowling over the field to attend on him today".

"He who was formerly aroused from sleep by singers and bards will be awakened by discordant sounds of beasts of prey.That beautiful face of his , eminently deserved to be shaded by a umbrella , alas, the dust of the battle field will surely befoul today".

"'O' child , unfortunate I am , death forcibly takes thee away from me , who was never satiated with looking at thee. Without doubt the abode of Yama , which is always the goal of righteous deeds , that delightful mansion , illuminated today by thy own splendours is exceedingly beautiful by thee".

"Without doubt my heart is hard , like made of thunder, since it breaketh not into 1000 fragments on coming to know about my young son's untimely and cruel death."

From  Drona parva ---of Mahabharat.


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