Love and separation.

The pathetic state of Sita separated from her beloved husband in prime of their youth, after being kidnapped in a vile and cowardly manner by the king of Rakshas, Ravana, with a fiat that she would have to marry him after an lapse of 12 months, confining her in Ashokavanam --garden in Lanka , is described with great artistry and pathos by the one and only, Adhi kavi , sage Valmiki in Sundarakand in Ramayan.
I have attempted to summarize the same.
Ashokavan or garden was full of trees blooming with flowers. Fruits hung from trees on whose branches hundreds of birds perched . The leaves on the branches were hidden by gaily blooming flowers and they touched the ground under the weight of the fruits, flowers and birds. The air was thick with heavenly aroma and juice.
It was like a celestial garden ,with flowers like clusters of stars. It looked like a second sky with flowers glittering like diamonds. Like a second ocean with flowers of all seasons.It had a spread of trees having the smell of honey.
The ponds were filled with water as sweet as nectar,with lotuses and lilies floating in full blossom.The steps leading into the pond was embedded with diamonds, the bottom made of crystal and precious stones,lined with pearls and corals instead of sand.These ponds were filled with swans, cranes and water fowls paddling gracefully under the canopy of Santaana trees.There were also groups of artificial trees decorated all over!There was a 1000 pillared hall with stairs of corals and platforms of glittering gold.There was a shower of golden radiance with the sweet scent of flowers everywhere. A wonderful sight to behold and breathe indeed!
With eyes like those of a young doe , full of tears ,a cheerless countenance, looking here and there , sighing again and again helplessly, wearing a coat of dust like the radiance of the moon covered by black clouds, Sita sat on bare ground.She looked like one with shattered faith, frustrated hope, like fame that has fallen down by false scandal. Like knowledge in ruin for want of repeated study, a star fallen on the ground.Sita was like a altar desecrated , a lotus pond agitated with torn leaves and lotus, being roughly treated by the trunk of an elephant.
Sita retained her fine looks yet was not charming or lively as she lacked the most excellent adornment of a woman , a husband's love. She had become emaciated due to abduction by Ravana.Her heart was constantly meditating on Sri rama.
Ravana entered the garden followed by 100 's of beautiful wives,all of whom were dressed in finery and covered with jewels from head to foot,like a lightning following a cloud.Ravan was tall with cruel red eyes and was clad in clothes and ornaments made of refined gold.He looked like a funeral mound in a graveyard , that is horrible though decorated.
On seeing this demon , Sita shook like a plantain tree in wind and started sobbing.
Ravan then says " O , wide eyed one. You are endowed with beauty that is unrivaled. I desire you. Respect me. Brahma has made you and stopped ---I think thus. There is not another equal to you in appearance.Don't waste your youth. Become my wife I can conquer the entire earth and gift it to Janaka. Decorate yourself with ornaments, enjoy all the luxuries and comforts of my palace.Invite all your relatives."
Then he continues "O beautiful one what can you do with Rama, clad in tatters, with lost hope of victory, with fortune gone . Roaming in forests , observing austerities and sleeping on the floor. I doubt if he is alive. Even if you are not decorated, seeing you I have no happiness with my wives."
And says " O timid and beautiful one . Enjoy my wealth. Don't waste away .Rama is not equal to me in austerities, might, strength, wealth , brilliance or fame. Forget him and become mine''.
Sita who was thinking only of her husband and on hearing these words shivered and placed a straw between herself and Ravana,indicating the scant regard she had for Ravan andspoke thus
'' I am the wife of another and I am devoted to him.O rakshas how your wives are to be protected , in the same way other's wives are to be protected. Enjoy your wives. One who is not satisfied with his wife , a fickle minded one, other's wives's will lead to humiliation. You are a king with uncontrolled mind and senses , travelling in a wrong path. This wealthy and rich land --Lanka will be destroyed because of this."
And continues " I cannot be tempted with wealth or money. I am with Raghava like sunshine with sun. After making as a pillow that worshipped shoulder of the lord of world Rama, how can I make as pillow some other's shoulders?
" If you desire to live return me to Rama and make him your friend. Rama the righteous one loves those who seek his protection. Other wise he will surely slay you . My husband along with his brother Lakshman will take away your life , with his arrows, like a sun drying shallow waters.I am suitable wife of Rama alone , the lord of this world."
Summoning her courage Sita continues " In all three worlds except you , no one dares desire me ,even by heart, who am the wife of the virtuous Rama ". I wife of Rama is incapable of abduction . This act has been done so that you may be slayed I am sure.I can burn you to ashes with my glory ,but I have not the mandate of Rama.Rama is a elephant and you are a hare."
Ravana becomes angry at her reply and nearly kills her. But his desire and lust subdues his anger and he returns to his palace after ordering cruel rakshas women to taunt, persuade and threaten her into submission and telling Sita that she had only 2 months more to decide whether to ascend his bed or to become a dish in his kitchen.
One Rakshas woman heckles Sita in the following manner
" O Sita , with good eyebrows, by fear of whom the sun will not consume heat, and wind will not blow,by whom trees shed a shower of flowers . Whenever Ravana desired mountains and clouds shed water .If you become his wife the fore most one you can rule over 7000 women . Why aren't you making your mind to be the wife of Ravana the king of kings?
To which Sita replied with eyes full of tears ,
" You are free to eat me . I will not honour your words. although wretched or without kingdom , who ever is my husband , he alone is my master.I am fond of him for ever.Like Arundhathi waits on only her husband Vasishta and like host of other chaste women I am devoted to my husband Rama the best of Ishvakku dynasty.
On hearing this the Rakshas women were enraged , smackingtheir lips, they graphically describe the pleasure they would derive in eating the various parts of Sita.
Sita sank into her body and shook like a leaf in a gale.She was like a fawn lost from its herd and tormented by wolves.
Thus tormented Sita cries out " O Rama with gait of a lion and of pleasant conduct and speech , not seeing you obtaining control of these rakshas I am perishing with sorrow.Won't you make these Rakshas cry the way they are making me cry now?
" Is my heart made of iron ? It is undecaying and without death, By what reason it is not destroying in sorrow?
" Without husband Rama ,what is the interest to me in life or in comfort?
" By whom 14000 Rakshas were destroyed , why isn't Rama saving me? Is he alive or dead?
Thoroughly vexed by her helpless state she decides to take her life ,as the only honourable course open to her . As she has no access to knife or poison she decides to hang herself with her long braid from a Ashoka tree when some good omens changes her mind.
[source ...internet]

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