Saturday, February 12, 2011

Some snap shots.

Here are some of the photo's I took within the Srirangam temple complex.

This is one of the several pushkarani's--temple tanks within the temple complex . It is adjacent to Ramar's sannidhi
This is a 'ustava mantapam'. The processional dieties made of panchaloka are placed on the podium and worshipped during temple festivals.
This is the famous 1000 pillared hall.
These sculptures looks somewhat similar to those comissioned by Vijaya nagar emperors all over T.nadu. They could be of Naik's of a later date.Since the 14 th century AD the kings of Vijayanagar empire have contributed immensely in preserving Hinduism by making generous grants for repairing ancient structures,making new additions , building temples and in maintaining them. From the most popular and much visited temples to those hidden in remote villages their mighty contribution is there for all to see. Their religious zeal is breath taking and very exemplary!
Khambhar the 10 th century Tamil poet recited his Rama avatharam or Kambha Ramayanam as it is popularily known,in this very mantap , in the presence of Nathamuni a Viashnavite scholar and it was accepted as a holy text there after .It is one of the greatest literary works of Tamil. The 11,000 stanza's relate the life of Rama , based on the Ramayan of Valmiki, in delightful Tamil phrases.
This is the samadhi of Sri Ramanujar . Sanyasi's are buried and not cremated in Hindu belief.To be buried near a temple is very rare .This unique distinction accorded to Ramanujar is in recognition of his tireless service in establishing and propogating Sri vaishnavism .He lived for a considerable period of time in Srirangam, till his final departure.
The garden that lies within is the garden tended by Thondaradipodii aazhwar in 8 th century AD.


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