Friday, February 4, 2011

Trichy to Srirangam.

Left Trichy early in the morning in one of those gleaming stainless steel buses , that are constantly plying in the streets one after the other in quick succession, to Srirangam.

There was a nip in the air and the chilly early morning breeze spiked into me.The bus was full of primary school kids ,with the Tricolour Indian flag pinned proudly on their uniforms, reminding me the importance of the day ---Republic day [26 .1 2011.]Their young innocent faces beaming with the sheer joy of living was highly therapeutic to one jaded in years and experiences.

A creamy white boy with a shock of jet black hair no more than 10 years of age boarded the bus with his teen aged sister , guiding her to a seat in Urdu. He had the Tri colour Indian flag pinned on the shirt of his school uniform. As the bus hit a pothole he lurched and was about to slip on to the floor when several hands shot out to steady him .

As this charming boy and those beaming kids disembarked , in the very next stop , the bus suddenly darkened and felt empty , though the sun had risen and every seat was taken.

to be contd....


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