Sunday, May 29, 2011


Aazhwaar literally means 'one who is immersed'!

It was my original intention to translate a few of the popular hymns of Aazhwaars and then get back to my 'observation desk'.

How ever the magnetic pull of the Aazhwars deep and unflinching devotion , their breath taking breadth of knowledge -spiritual, scriptural and traditional and their incredible poetry has contrived to immerse me deeply into their hymns!

These holy men and saints are a shining example of the following verses from the Gita--

Aham sarvasya prabhavo mattah sarvam pravartate|
Iti matva bhajante mam budha bhava -samanvitah....................8

I am the source of all beings, from me all these go forth,
knowing thus the wise one's worship me ,being filled with ecstatic devotional fervour!


With their minds engrossed and their vital energies deeply involved in me , they are ever contented and delighted by mutually conversing about Me and enlightening each other thereby.

I bestow intuitive understanding to those who thus serve me,by which they come to me!

And I destroy the darkness born of ignorance in them by the brilliant lamp of wisdom!

[8,9 10 and 11 th hymns from 10 th chapter of Gita.]


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