Thursday, July 19, 2018

Parliament session is on and my third degree torture is on..

Parliament session is on and along with it my stock quadruples.and i become one of the most desired woman in here and maybe even abroad.The object of desire is my mind .It will receive maximum onslaught during this period.Pain . suggestions, provocations and placations.

In  the past few sessions i would find men and women usually youths trailing me in my  morning and evening walks around the neighbourhood laughing into their mobile and coming close to my back and melt away on seeing grim faced men  at front of me with folded hands glaring at them ,

This time a few days before the start of this session i found the inner streets where i usually walk unnaturally vacant.Scarcely any passerbys, or labourers or vehicles .It was thus sanitisedly clean of human beings not only in mornings but also in evenings when these streets usually throng with  people  working in the many  offices that dot these streets .I had the entire streets[inner ones] to myself .This unnatural emptiness troubled me but i couldn't put my finger into it.It took me several days to find the reason for my unknown apprehension .It was this -this time the stakes were high viz' no confidence motion ' in parliament -debate and voting.on 20 th.

Why do people follow me either with or without mobile or deliberately come in front of me stomping, jogging or shaking their hands brazenly?Since they are getting some thing viz writing , blogging or tweeting out of me  by doing so , it is being done deliberately.And i at times i do tweet or blog or write on matters that hardly concerns me but i have this compelling urge to vomit it out .When i read them casually after few weeks i find that i have blogged certain things  usually on small matters blown to large proportions in tv news or papers , which i never intended to .But by then politicians would have already used it.It usually worked in  favour of the opposition during parliamentry sessions though it is not my intention to help them .Probably they[those who work for them] are more adept than their adversries  in brain washing me  and do it so subtly that i hardly know of it and realise that i had been taken for a ride only after reading the blogs or tweets  after lapse of several weeks of  blogging or tweeting that i have blogged or tweeted on subjects that are of no interest to me or of any value to me. 

There are so many people walking on roads talking on thier mobiles behind so many other people.When one walks on road it is natural to encounter people walking swiftly towards one fro opposite direction.I have been made aware that this affects me  when i started observing men standing stoiclly glaring at youths behind my back ,who --the youth will move away as if in fear of that glaring person.

Why should persons  coming from my back  or from  front affect me so when it doesn't affect older and weaker  persons than me walking on the streets? Am i not as strong as others of my age?So i can only assume that after making me hear sounds in high decibel in my ears and forehead in 2012 for a month that reduced me to a bundle of nerves  is a prime cause making me very vulnerable to suggestions etc made very softly with some special frequency ,to reach my mind directly. The piercing pain i had endured for nearly a month in 2014  is  another cause  for weakening me and making my thoughts  very transparent .Since some new tech gadjets [new to us civilians] are used to pass messages etc then i may have been brain washed even earlier than 2012.

now to the present and the reason why i decided to blog this.For the past three days i was subject to gnawing pain in my head which culminated in throbbing head ache day before. early in the morning  at 2am.i knew it was deliberately induced and tried to wear it off  by drinking coffee persisted and left instantly when i heard some bhakthi songs with help of ear plugs.
The pain i endured  was terrible and its vanishing suddenly gave me tremendous relief  and after a walk [morning] i had this urge to write though i had resolved not to write my diary or any article as i know they will be used and i would then feel short changed.I also observed that since 2014 i am writing only about minorities like as if i belong to some news channels that are obsessed with them or like as if i am a politician whose power and position depends on placating them.or compels them to placate.Or i am writing on other public issues that really have no connection to my daily life or make it better .O several occasions in this year i was provoked to write under pressure but i held on .This time i couldn't because the pain  was too excruiting.The memory of the pain lingers on  .The cruelty shown to me just to make me write compels me to blog about it .

Ok, i started to write yesterday throwing my resolve to the dustbin.It was the pain and the relief that followed that compelled  me to write .This pain was given to me externally.This started happening in regular intervals since 2012.The pressure and pain on my head would be taken off only when i decide to write.This would and is still preceded by making vehicles like vans, cars etc to come near me and honk blaringly  and make it pierce into my ears and head , unsettling my composure.composure that was shattered by month long beaming of loud noises into my ears, head and forehead in 2012.The height of cruelty is that such piercing noises are deliberately used near me to unsettle me and make me write.

Can ordinary persons possess such gadjets that would penetrate into the concrete walls and ceiling of my flat and target my brain and head with pin pointed precision and squeeze it like as it  was a half cut lemon?
It is surely done by persons who have special knowledge on such matters and possess instruments, gadjets,mobiles etc   to do so.
It is logical to assume that only governmental agencies can have such gadjets and authority to use them .Isnt it the government's duty to protect its citizens as against torturing them thus?

What is happening to me on and off is pure torture.which only hardened criminals &; terrorists may be subject to .I seem to have been given a similar odious status .

This no touch torture is going on since 2012 .In its ambit ,  my relatives well past their 60's and in poor health are also netted Those who are torturing me thus seem to be very inimical towards me.
I doubt whether the results obtained from me in writing after such torture sessions [it also includes those putting suggestions into me without my  knowledge] will not be of lasting value ,since it has been squeezed out of me by giving me intolerable pain  .

There seems to be uncanny resemblance  to  my writings after such a painful session  and confessions obtained from suspects by using third degree methods .No touch  torture are also considered to be a third degree method .
The resemblance is this--the pain in my head  and at times the  pressurres exerted  in my  heart is removed the very instant i decide to write.When i have decided to write it is matter of hours or days for whatever has been fed in to come out in writing as well as my confessions on that matter .My thoughts have become very  transparent and what i think even in recess of my mind is being easily read [There are instruments- reader etc as per internet There may be even more latest gadjets which must be used ].  Hence my decision to write is read and pain is removed .Probably there is also follow up actions to make me stick to the decision.

Isn't is cruelty to catch hold of a person , torture her by giving physical and mental pains at periodic intervals for nearly 6 years just to make her heel or to write?Does this happen under a democratically elected govt by its own agencies?Unbeleivable but true.I am a living happenned to me and is still happenning to me.Those who do this to me are my long time flat mates!Back stabbing after gaining my trust to further their jobs and earn by wreaking such cruel techniques on me.It is a wonder that  the food they eat  earned from such mean and sadistic techniques wreaking on their quiet neighbor [me] for past 6 years  without any let up , is digested!

ok what did i write and what was my confession .It is too tedious to write about it all over again and as my confession may have been used in fast moving world of politics  there is no point writing it to prove my point.On calmer introspection into my torture and the resultant writings i realise that they are the fruits of some man's lust for my mind .Mind is a sense organ ,It  revolts me to reproduce what i have written as they are clearly not of my volition but of some man's  pure lust for my mind.If i reproduce it then it would make that man smirk at his 'conquest '.In retaliation  i want to scotch his joy by with holding blogging his labour of lust.
What i wanted to blog was the way i am mobbed by predators constantly and the fact that i am often subject to pains in head, heart and abdomen by my jailers [after giving me a indirect warning] either  to discourage me from leading a normal life of a educated middle class Hindu woman  of my age or to force me to write  in tomes and confess.

When will my tortures stop?Are those persons doing this to me so heartless and sadistic that giving me pain doesn't trouble them?How long am i expected to endure all this?Is there no one to question you all ?When will normalcy in my life restored ?why should i be punished with such pains for wearing sarees of my liking and not of you [my flat neighbours who are constantly warning and punishing me] or for visiting a temple or for wearing wrist watches or bags with steel or diamond earrings or gold bangles.?What i am doing and wearing is normal but the persons reacting adversely to  my  leading a ordinary course of life is abnormal .No reason is given for such bans and i can't keep on guessing nor can i stop leading my normal life nor stop using all articles, gadjets  of common use or , ornaments without any suitable explanation as to why i shouldn't.They have all been acquired by honest toil of my husband and my father . There is not a single stain of corruption  on thier earnings nor are they the fruits of ill gotten gains nor has anyone's blood or sweat shed to acquire them that i should hide them from others view.                                                                                                                                                 i curse you all to suffer similar pains and, loss of confidence.for making my life painful and making me lose confidence in my self and for loss of my feeling of self worth and for disempowering me .

To provokers and suggestion givers  as well as the pain givers doesn't it shame you to extract forced labour from me?Am i your slave that my time and energy should be always at your service?

                              What have you  all done for me to expect such services from me?

                        Am i your bonded labourer?  How will you prosper by cheating me to write ?is fraud  ,cunningness ,cheating  and selfishness so much in your blood that it doesn't shame you to take and take and take from me without any conscience? i curse  you all you will never prosper as you are all  in short sophisticated thieves  using stolen goods for your self aggrandisment .

This was my confession --I am not bothered about anything that is happening around me  viz public matters ,am bothered only about the move to water saplings on the  slopes of Tirumala   to be watered by treated sewage water.
But i will not reveal my writings as i donot know for sure as to who is exerting such pressures and pain on me to write such stuff.lest I inadvertently help those very persons torturing me thus  by blogging it and making  it public.





















Tuesday, July 17, 2018

"Ozhivil kalam and Ulaga unda" By Namazhwar.Pasurums on Sri Venkateshwara.Meanings in English.

ஸ்ரீதேவி தாயார் பூதேவிதாயர்  ஸமேத  ஸ்ரீநிவாஸ பெருமாள்  -ஸ்ரீநிவாஸ கோவில் திருமலை
Sri Devi and BhuDevi and  Malayappa swamy  --Sri Venkateshwara Temple Tirumala
ஸ்ரீதேவி  தாயார்  பூதேவி தாயார்  ஸமேத  மலையப்ப ஸ்வாமி  -ஸ்ரீநிவாஸர்  கோவில்  திருமலை
மலையப்ப ஸ்வாமி --ஸ்ரீநிவாஸர்கோவில் திருமலை
Malayappa Swamy --The processional deity of Lord Venkateswara -Tirumala Temple
Sri Vaishnavaites are expected to recite the following Pasurams/hymns from Thiruvaimozhi  of Nam aazhwar  in their daily puja.

                                                                       ஸ்ரீ :
                                           ஆழ்வார் திருவடிகளே சரணம்
                                              Azhwar thiruvadigale saranam.
                                              I surrender at the sacred feet of Aazhwar

          சீரார் தூப்புல் திருவேங்கடமுடையான் திருவடிகளே சரணம்
          Seerar Tupul ThiruVengadamudaiyan thiruvadigale saranam
           I surrender at the sacred feet of Tupul SriVengadamudaiyan/Sri Desikan

                                 நம்மாழ்வார்  அருளி செய்த
                                   Nammazhwar arruliseidha.
                                   Namaazhwar has bestowed--

                                   கோயில் திருவாய்மொழி
                                            Koil Thiruvaimozhi
                                            Temple Thirumozhi
தனியன்கள் .
By Nathamuni--
भक्तम्रुदम् विष्वजन नुमोथनं
 सर्वार्तततं श्री सडगोपवन्ग्मयं |
सहस्र साकोप निशत् स्मागंमम् 
नमाम्यहम् द्राविड वेदसगरम् ||
Meaning --I bow before the ocean likeTamil Vedas- Thiruvaimozhi bestowed  by Namaazhwar.

It is the essence of the thousands of branches of Upanishad
It is like nectar to devotees.,
It makes all the people happy,
And it is full of staunch convictions.

By Parasara Bhattar--
மிக்க விறைநிலையும் மெய்யா  முயிர் நிலையம்
தக்க நெறியும் தடையாகித் -தொக்கியலும்
ஊழ்வினையும் வாழ்வினையு மோதும் குருகையர்  கோன்
யாழினிசை வேதத் தியல் .

Meaning--Thiruvaimozhi pasurums which is like  Yaazh's music has been bestowed by Sri Namazhwar who took avatar at ThiruKurugoor .It describes Sriman Narayana's sacred form and qualities,
It describes the nature and qualities of Atma,
It explains the proper ways to reach Him .It also explains the obstacles in form of previous Karmas that are hurdles to reach Him and affirms the need to achieve Moksham by all and describes the exalted state of Moksham.

                                     ஒழிவில் காலம் ----3-3.

                         Ozhivill kalam  (2919 -2929)  meaning -For all times .

1.ஓழிவுஇல் காலம் எல்லாம் உடனாய்  மன்னி
    வழுஇலா அடிமை செய்ய வேண்டும்நாம்
தெழிகுரல் அருவித்  திரு வேங்கடத்து
 எழில்கொள் சோதி எந்தை தந்தை  தந்தைக்கே .

1.Vozhivu ill kalamyellam udanai manni ,
    vazhu illa adimai seiya vendum naan,
    thezhi kural aruvi thiru Vengadathu ,
   yezhil koll jothi ,yendai thandai,thandaikke!

My Bhagwan Sriman Narayana,who is full of beauty and infinetly bright , is the father of my father's father .
He is enshrined in Thiruvengadam hills[Tirumala],which resonates with the roaring sound of water falls.
I want to render all types of faultless  services ,eternally  to Lord Venkateswara like a slave, without any interruption , for all times and at all places.

2. எந்தை  தந்தைதந்தை தந்தை தந்தைக்கும்
முந்தை வானவர் வானவர் கோனொடும்
    சிந்து பூ மகிழும் திரு வேங்கடத்து
அந்தம் இல் புகழ்க் கார்எழில்   அண்ணலே .

2.Yendai thandai  tandai thandai thandaikum,
mundai vanavar vanavar konodum,
sindhu poo maghizhum Thiru Vengadathu andham
ill pugazh kaaryezhil annale!

SrimanNarayana at Thirumali is the father of seven into seven generations preceding me,
He is dark hued and is of infinite fame,
He alone is the leader of my clan,
Nitya suris and Vishwaksena  come to Tirumalai to worship Sriman Narayana  with flowers and to pay their obseince

Explanation--In the manner in which people of this world seek to reach Vaikuntum , the blissful  residence of Sriman Narayana,which is beyond all lokas, all the eternal residents of Vaikuntum like Nitya suris and Vishwaksena  come  to Tirumalai  every day ,seeking the beautiful and easily accessible archa form of Sriman Narayana enshrined in form of Lord Venkateswara, in this world

3.அண்ணல் மாயன் அணிகொள்செந்  தாமரைக்
கண்ணன்  செங்கனி வாய்க்கரு  மாணிக்கம்
   தெண்ணி றைசுனை நீர்த்திரு வேங்கடத்து
எண்இல் தொல்புகழ் வானவர் ஈசனே .

3.Annal mayan annikol senthamarai
kannan senganni vai karumannikum
tennirai sunai neer thiru Vengadathu
yenn ill thol pugazh vanavar yeesane!

My BhagwanSriman Narayana, has risen to bless all at Thiru Vengadam hills (Thirumalai) which is full of springs that have clear waters
He is full of  praise worthy qualities and deeds that are amazing!
He has eyes which are like lotuses,
His mouth is like a deep red fruit,
His form is like a black gem,
He is leader of Nitya suris ,who are of  infinite fame by nature.

4. ஈசன் வானவர்க்கு என்பன் என்றால் அது
தேசமோ திருவேங்கடத்தானுக்கு ?
  நீசனேன் நிறைவு ஒன்றுமிலேன் என் கண்
பாசம் வைத்த  பரஞ்சுடர்ச்  சோதிக்கே . 

4.Yeesan vanavarku yenbhan yendral adhu ,
desamo thiru Vengadathanukku?
 nesanen niraivu ondrumilen kann
pasam vaithu paranchudar  jothike.

I am a very lowly person .I have no good qualities.
Yet Lord Venkatewara the leader of Nitya suris [free atmas] is showering  his affection on me and also has given his body to me.
Does this befit my Bhagwan Sriman Narayana,who has risen as brilliant light in Tirumalai? Definetly not.

5.சோதி  ஆகிஎல்லா உலகும் தொழும்
ஆதி  மூர்த்தி என் றால்அளவு  ஆகுமோ
  வேதி யர்முழு வேதத்து அமுதத்தைத்
தீதுஇல் சீர்த்திரு வேங்கடத்  தானையே ?

5.Jothi aaghi yella ullagum thozhum aadhi  moorthy ,
yendral allavu aagumo?
Vediyar muzhu vedathu amudhathai theedhu ill ,
seer thiru Vengadathanaiye?

Lord Venkateswara is as pleasurable as the nectarine Vedas , the knowledge which is  found in them  being the wealth of learned Brahmins.
He is full of  faultless and auspicious qualities which cannot be measured .
He is a bright light and the first  Moorthy.
He is worshipped by all the people in this world!

6. வேங்க  டங்கள்மெய்  மேல்வினை  முற்றவும்
       தாங்கள்  தங்கட்கு நல்லன  வேசெய்வார்
வேங்க டத்துஉறை வார்க்கு நமஎன்னல்
  ஆஅங் கடமை அதுசுமந் தார்கட்கே .

6.Vengkadangal mei melvinnai mutravum
thaangal thangkattkku nallanave seivaar,
Vengadathu urai vaarku nama yennaal,
aah ang kadamai adhu suman tharkatke

It is our duty to pay our humble obscience to Sriman Narayana ,who has risen at Vengadam[Tirumalai],
Those who perform this duty sincerely will have all the karmas that have been acquired in their preceding multitude of  births and lives ,as well as the karmas acquired  now at the present and all those karmas to be acquired in future, to be burnt to ashes !
Enslaving oneself to Lord Venkateswara is the best service one can do to oneself.

7.சுமந்து மாமலர் நீர்சுடர் தூபம்  கொண்டு
    அமர்ந்து வானவர் வானவர் கோனொடும் ,
நமன்றுஎ  ழும்திரு  வேங்கடம் நங்கட்குச்
   சமன்கொள்  வீடு தரும்தடங் குன்றமே .

7.Sumandhu mamalar neersudar dhoopam  kondu ,
amarndhu vanavar vanavar konodum
namandru yezhum thiru Vengadam nangkattku
saman koll veedu tharum thadang kundre!

Nitya suris accompanied by Vishwaksena, come to Thiru Vengadam [Tirumalai] and worship Sriman Narayana with flowers, water, oil lamps and fragrant smoke  and prostrate before Him
That huge hill [Tirumala] can grant us Moksham.

Explanation --Tirumala hills are so sacred and powerful  that they themselves are capable of granting Moksham.Hence paying obseince to the hills itself is sufficient.

8.குன்றம் ஏந்திக் குளிர்மழை காத்தவன் ,
    அன்று ஞாலம் அளந்த பிரான் ,பரன்
சென்று சேர்திரு வேங்கட  மாமலை
ஒன்று மேதொழ  நம்வினை ஓயுமே .

8.Kundrum yendhi kullir mazhai kaathavan,
  andru gyalam allandha piran ,paran
  sendru ser Thiru Vengada mamalai ,
  vondrume thozha num vinnai oyume.

My Bhagwan Sriman Narayana, lifted a hill [Govardhana] and protected cows and Yadavas from icy cold rain .
In days gone by , My Lord  who is superior to all, measured the world [ in his Vamana avatar].
That Bhagwan Sriman Narayana,has taken residence in Vengadam hills.
By paying our obseince to those sacred hills our karmas which are a hindrance to our attaining a seat in Vaikuntum will be destroyed.

Explanation--  Sriman Naryana is residing in Tirumala hills because he thinks that those hills are a good and worthy place for him to take residence Hence in order to get rid of our karmas it is more than sufficient  for us to pay our obseince and worship these hills.It is not necessary to traverse all the seven ills and reach the temple to worship Sriman Narayana enshrined as Sri Venkateswara within the temple .

9.ஓயும் மூப்புப் பிறப்பு இறப்புப் பிணி
   வீயூ மாறுசெய் வான்திரு வேங்கடத்து ,
  ஆயன் நாள்மல ராம்அடித் தாமரை
   வாயு ளும்மனத் துள்ளும்வைப் பார்கட்கே

9.Voyum mooppu pirappu irappu pinni veeyum maaru
seivaan ThiruVengadathu aayan naall malaram adi thamari,
vayullum manathullum vaipar katke

Sri Krishna who has risen in Thiruvengadam is capable of curing us of all our diseases.
If we place his  lotus like sacred  feet in our heart and worship him with  auspicious words , loudly, He will get rid of our cycle of birth , death and re birth.
Explanation --- In preceding hymn Aazhwar says that paying obseince to the sacred hills of Vengadam is sufficient for our liberation.
 In this hymn he says that it is not necessary to travel all the way to the hills to pay our obseince but is sufficient if we worship a part of these sacred hills in our heart from where ever we are."Part of hill" refers to Lord Venkateswar/Srinivasar   .
If we place Srinivasar in our hearts and worship him by chanting slokas and hymns ,that itself will cure us from the tedious circle of life and death.
By reciting lord Venkateswara's qualities all that which is inimical to the purity of our self will be dispelled .

10.வைத்த நாள்வரை எல்லை குறுகிச் சென்று ,
     எய்த்து இளை ப்பதன் முன்னம்  அடைமினோ ,
     பைத்த பாம்பணை பொன்திரு வேங்கடம் ,
    மொய்த்து சோலைமொய் பூந்தடந்  தாள்வரை.

10.Vaitha naal varai yellai kurughi sendru yeithu
     illaipadhan munnum
     Paitha pambanai pon thiru Vengadam
     moitha solaimoi poonthadan thaal varai

In Thiru Vengadam , Bhagwan Sriman Narayana,who has the hooded serpent Adi Sesha as his bed , is residing.
Go to the foothills of Vengadam, which is full of trees, flowers and ponds,to worship this Bhagwan of these hills.
Before your body and mind becomes  weak  and fatigued with old age,visit these hills.

11.  தாள்பரப்பி மண் தாவிய ஈசனை ,
       நீள் பொழிற் குருகூர்ச் சடகோபன் சொல் ,
      கேழ்இல் ஆயிரத்து இப்பத்தும் வல்லவர் ,
     வாழ்வர்  வாழ்வு எய்தி ஞாலம் புகழவே .

11.Thaal parappi munnthaviya eesanai neelpozhir kurugoorSadagopan sol,
    Kezh ill aayirathu ippathum vallavar
    vaazhwar vaazhvu yeidhi gyalum pugazhave.

Sri Sadogopan who was born in Thirugoor has written incomparable 1000 hymns on Bhagwan who has measured the world ,stretching  and spreading his sacred feet.
Those who learn and recite these 10 Pasurums will be praised by all.

Explanation --If the question arises as to why this last hymn refers to Trivikrama avatar of Vishnu where as the preceding 10hymns are on Venkateswara, the answere is found in Peria Thirumozhi of Thiru mangai  aazhwar.
The pasurum[1.0.41] is as follows--

உண்டாய் உறிமேல் நறுநெய் அமுதாக ,
கொண்டாய் குரளாய் நிலம் ஈரடி யாலே ,
விண்தோய் சிகரத் திரு வேங்கடம் மேய
அண்டா !அடியேனுக்கு அருள் புரிவாயே

Undaai uri mel naru nei amudhaga ,
kondai kuralai nilam yeeradiyale
vinnthoi sigarath Thiru Vengadam meya
Andhaa! Adiyenukku arull purivaye !.

Leader of Devas ! You are enshrined in Thiru Vengadam hills whose cliffs touch the skies.
You ate butter kept in hanging pots like as if ,it was amurthum.
You took avatar as Vamana and measured entire earth merely by your feet,
You must bless me.

Explanation--The sacred feet of Vamana avatar as also that of Sri Krishna avatar  and lotus like feet of Sri Venkateswara are one and the same-viz -they are all the scared feet of Sriman Narayana .


Note .Thiru Vengadam means Tirumala hills

Thiru Vengadathan means  Sri Venkateswara

Vaikuntum --The blissfull abode of Vishnu and Maha lakshmi/Sriman Narayana

                                                       ஸ்ரீ :
           ஆறாம் பத்து -பத்தாம் திருவாய்மொழி --

                                               ' உலகமுண்ட '--6-10.
                                          'Ulagam Unda' -3326 -3336Thiruvai mozhi

                                             'One who ate the world'

Introduction--In first 9 pasurums of this chapter aazhwar  admits that he is under the spell of the auspicious qualities of Sriman Narayanaand and also mentions the step by step the path to surrender.In the 10th pasurum Namaazwar  surrenders at the feet of Sri Venkateswara in the presence of his consort Mahalakshmi.

1.உலகம் உண்ட பெருவாயா !உலப்பில் கீர்த்தி அம்மானே !
  நிலவும் சுடர்சூழ் ஒளி மூர்த்தி !நெடியாய் !அடியேன் ஆருயிரே !
  திலதம் உலகுக் காய்நின்ற  திருவேங்கடத்தெம் பெருமானே !
   குலதொல் அடியேன் உன்பாதம் கூடு மாறு  கூறாயே .

1.Ulagum unda peruvaya!ulapil keerthi ammane!
   nilavum sudar soozh olli moorthy!nediyai!adiyen aaruyire!
   thilatham ulagu kai nindra ThiruVengadathu emperumane!
   kula thol adiyen un padam koodu maru kuraye

One who has  a huge mouth which swallows the world during deluge[pralaya]
 Ammane! You have indestructible fame!
Bright Moorthy! You are encircled by eternal sparks of light!
Infinite One!You are the dearest  life of this humble devotee!
My Bhagwan Sriman Narayana has risen to bless all in Thiruvengadam,which is like tilak to this entire world.
I belong to the clan that has been in Your service since time immemoriol.
You must show this devotee the means to attain Your sacred feet.

expla--Aaazhwar says , I have only you Sriman Narayana,as my protector and you must bless me to reach your sacred feet  and thus attain Moksham --the state of no return .

2.கூறாய் நீறாய் நிலனாகிக் கொடுவல்  லசுரர் குலமெல்லாம் ,
சீறா  எரியும்  திருநேமி வலவா  தெய்வக்  கோமானே !
சேறார் சுனைத்தா மரைசெந்தீ மலரும் திருவேங்கடத்தானே !
ஆறா அன்பில் அடியேன் உன்  அடிசேர் வண்ணம் அருளாயே

2.Koorai neerai nilanaghi koduvallasurur kulamellam
   Seera yeriyum thirunemi valva deivakomane !
  Seerar sunaithamarai senthee malarum thiru Vengadathane!
   Aara anbil adiyen un adiser vannam arulaye.

Sri Venkatanatha!  Aren't you the personification of five elements?
Sriman Narayana you are also the bright and luminous sun and moon.You became Siva and Brahma.
Having so many praiseworthy qualities you must show me your extra ordinary form, one day or the other to bless me.
I am a  crude and cruel person who needs to be blessed by You [bhagwan] appearing before me with Your sharp chakra and white conch and sacred feet.
Even if you do not come for my sake , You must make a  appearance in Your auspicious form  in order establish that Your fame and wealth hasn't declined .This will make  the people of this loka as well as Deva loka happy and joyful.

explanation--Sriman Narayana rules two Vibhuthees [realms] viz -earth and Vaikuntum with his bright chakra[disc]
 In Vaikuntum the chakra rules the realm with its beauty but in here on earth   it rules with its sharp edges .
In Vaikuntum it is a pleasant sustenance. In this world it first destroys enemies of devotees of  Sriman Naryana and then sustains living creatures.

According to Nam pillai the disciple of Parasar Bhattar [Parasar bhattar was the son of Koortah aazhar who was a close disciple of Sri Ramanujar.Parasar bhaattar is famous for writing a commentry on Vishnu sahasarnamam from Sri Vaishnavaite view point]  'Sunai  thamarai malarum senthee 'refers to aazhwars admission that to have a darshan of Sriman Narayana in his full form with all his weapons  is as unlikely and as impossible of a lotus blooming due to fire instead of the sun rays  or of lighting  the wick of a lamp with water instead of oil..

வண்ண மருள்கொள் அணிமேகவண்ணா !மாய அம்மானே !
எண்ணம் புகுந்து தித்திக்கும் அமுதே !இமையோர்  அதிபதியே !
தெண்ணல்  அருவி  மணிபொன் முத்தலைக்கும்  திருவேங்கடத்தானே !
அண்ணலே !உன்னடி சேர  அடியேற்கு ஆ ஆ  என்னாயே

3.Vanna marrull koll anni megha vanna ! Maya Ammane!
   Yennum pughundhu thithikum amudhe! Imaiyor Adhipadhiye!
   Thennal aruvi mannipon muthalaikum  Thiru Vengadathane!
   Annale! Unnadiser  adiyerku aah aah yennaye!

Cloud hued One !Your beautiful form is capable of making any one seeing it to lose his consciousness!
Incredible relative! Nectarine One!  One who penetrates the mind and sweetens it !
Leader of Nitya suris ! Superior One!

Lord Venkateswara! You have risen in a place where clear and pure water falls deposit gems, gold and pearls.
I have enslaved myself to You and am desperate to reach Your sacred feet .
Bless me to attain Your sacred feet by means of Your sacred will ,by showing compassion towards me.

expla--  Sri Venkateswara  combines the quality compassion towards  His devotees  with a beautiful form which is as pleasing as the clouds .

4.   ஆவா  என்னாது உலகத்தை  அலைக்கும்  அசுரர்  வாணாள் மேல்
       தீவாய்  வாளி  மழைபொழிந்து  சிலையா திருமகள்கேள்வா !
     தேவா !சுரர்கள்  முனிகணங்ள் விரும்பும்    திருவேங்கடத்தானே !
      பூவார்  கழல்கள்  அருவினையேன்  பொருந்துமாறு புணராயே .

4.Aava yennadhu ullagahati allaikum asurur vaannal mel
   theevai valli mazhaipozhindhu silaiya Thirumagal kellva ,
   Deva! Suraragal munnikanangal virumbhum Thiru Vengadathane!
  poovar kazhalgal aruvinaiyen porundhumaru punnaraye!

Asuras have no compassion towards people of this world.They   attack  them by turning a deaf ear to their piteous cry for mercy.
Sriman Narayana   holds the  bow .He destroy such cruel people with array of arrows that falls on them like rain of fire .
Consort of Mahalakshmi!Deva! Lord Venkateswara! Huge crowds of Muni's and Devas adore You.
I have done terrible misdeeds .Yet bless me to reach Your lotus like sacred feet.

expla-- Tirumala is the place where all those who act in accordance with Sriman Narayana's will ,collect in huge numbers.
Azhwar says that it is his misfortune and  effect of his  bad karmas that he is unable to experience the  sweet and  infinitely pleasurable  sacred feet  of Sriman Narayana.
He implores Sriman Narayana to teach him the ways to reach Him.

5.புணரா நின்ற  மரமேழ்  அன்றெய்த ஒருவில் வலவாவோ !
   புணரேய் நின்ற மரமிரண்டின் நடுவே போன  முதல்வாவோ !
   திணரார் மேக மெனக்களிறு சேரும் திருவேங்கடத்தானே !
   திணரார் சாரங்கத் துனபாதம்  சேர்வதடியேன் எந்நாளே .

5.Punnara nindra maramezh anreidha oruvil valavavo
   punnarei nindra maramirendin nadve ponna mudalvavo
   thinnarar meghamennakalliru serum Thiru Vengadathane
   thinnarar sarangath thunapadam servadhadiyen yennalle?

Incomparable archer! To convince Sugrivan  of Your ability You pierced seven trees in a row with a single arrow!
 Creator! You broke into two huge trees  joined together.
Lord Venkatesvara!  You have risen in the hills where elephants that look like huge clouds gather.
When will I reach Your strong feet on which Your bow -Saranga rests?

note-   Seven trees were pierced with a single arrow in Vishnu's Rama avatar and two  conjoined trees were broken in His Krishna avatar .

6.எந்நாளே நாம் மண்ணளந்த இணைத்தா மரைகள் காண்பதற் கென்று
   எந்நாளும் நின்றிமையோர்கள் ஏத்தி இறைஞ்சி  இனமினமாய்
   மெய்ந்நா மனத்தால் வழிபாடு செய்யும் திருவேங்கடத்தானே !
   மெய்ந்நான்   எய்தி எந்நாள்  உன்னடிகள் அடியேன் மேவுவதே ?

6.Yennalle  naam mannallanadha innaitha maraigal kannbadarkendru
   yennallum ninremaiyorgal yethi irranji innaminamai
   meindha mannathaal vazhipadu seiyum Thiru Vengadathane
  meinan yeidhi yennal unnadigal adiyen mevuvedho?

Lord Venkatesvara!  Devas gather in huge crowds at Tirumalai to worship Your sacred feet that measured the world!
 They are worshipping my BhagwanSriman Naryana  enshrined at Tirumalai at all times in three ways.--by their deeds,,speech and thoughts with help of their wisdom ,tongue and mind..
When will I who has been enslaved by you reach the hills to worship Your sacred feet?

7. அடியேன்  மேவி அமர்கின்ற அமுதே !இமையோர் அதிபதியே !
     கொடியா அடுபுள்ளுடையனே !கோலக் கனிவாய் பெருமானே !
     செடியார் வினைகள் தீர் மருந்தே !திருவேங்கடத்தெம்  பெருமானே !
      நொடியார் பொழுதும்  உன்பாதம்  காண நோலா  தாற்றேனே .

7.Adiyen mevi amargindra amudhe! Immaiyor adhibadhiye!
  Kodia aduppulludaiyane! Kola kani vai Permane!
  sediyar vinnai theerkum marundhe!Thiru Vengadathu emperumane!
 nodiyar pozhudhum un padam kannnola  thhatrenne!

Nectarine One! Your sweetness is experienced by Your devotees!
Leader of Nitya suris! Garuda who kills enemies, is in your flag!
My BhagwanSriman Naryana Your mouth is like a red fruit!
You are the medicine to cure the diseases called  karmas that piles up in huge numbers.
Lord Venkatesvara! I have not under taken any penance in order to have a darshan of Your sacred feet ,despite that my body has wasted way.My body is withering away  due to my insatiable yearning  to have Your glimpse  just for few seconds.

Tradition--When a devotee asked Sri Parasar bhattar as to which sloka should be chanted whilst dedicating food to BhagwanNarayana  ,he replied ,recite the pasurum Adiyen mevi[above pasurum] as also Pachimamali pol mien -a pasurum by Tondar adi podi aazhwar,since this is the advise given by  Sri Ramanujar in  his Nithya grantha [  A book written by Ramanujar giving the list of daily activities to be followed by Sri Vaishnavaites].

8.நோலா தாற்றேன் உன்பாதம்  காணா என்று  நுண்ணுணர்வின்
   நீலார் கண்டத் தம்மானும் நிறை நான்முகனும் இந்திரனும்
சேலேய் கண்ணார் பலர்சூழ விரும்பும்  திருவேங்கடத்தானே !
 மாலாய்   மயக்கி  அடியேன்பால் வந்தாய்  போலே  வாராதாய் .

8.Nola thatren unpadam kanna yendru nunnurvin
neelar  kandadhathamanum nirai nanmuganum indiranum
selai kannaar palar choozha virumbhum ThiruVengadathane
malai mayaki adiyen paal vandhai pole varadhai

It is not I alone who admit to not having done rigorous penances or followed the proper methods  to have a glimpse of Your sacred feet ,but also the very intelligent Siva whose neck has turned blue owing to drinking poison , and blemishless Brahma as well as Indra , who all admit individually to thier not undertaking any means to attain You and they  come to worship you at Tirumala sorrounded by women with fish like eyes as they also feel that worshipping You at Tirumala is more than enough to  attain Your  sacred feet .

Lord Venkatesvara! This shows your unique distinction .

You had assumed the avatar of Krishna of black hue, to enslave all.Enslave me also!

9. வந்தாய் போல் வாராதாய் !வாராதாய் போல் வருவானே !
செந்தாமரைக் கட் செங்கனி வாய் நாற்றோள் அமுதே  எனதுயிரே !
 சிந்தாமணிகள்  பகரல்லைப்   பகல்செய்  திருவேங்கடத்தானே !
அந்தோ அடியேன் உன்பாதம் அகலகில்லேன் இறையும்

9.Vandhai pol varadhai ! Varadhai pol varuvane!
  senthamarai kat sengani vai naatrol amudhe ,enadhu uyire!
  chinta manigal pagarallai pagal sei Thiru Vengadathane!
  andho adiyen un padam agalgilen iraiyume.

One who comes yet does not come! One who doesnot come yet comes!
One who is as pleasing as ambrosia  owing to lotus like eyes, deep red lips  and four sacred shoulders !
Lord Venkatesvara ! My dear life ! The bright glow of Chithamani gems have dispelled darkness and turned nights in Vengadam  into day , where You have risen.
This devotee is unable to tear himself away from Your sacred feet even for a few seconds.

explanation--- Sriman Naryana is detatched from nature yet He is its inner controller.
He appears only before those who have attained knowledge about Him and not those who haven't.
He is capable of remaining in Vaikuntum and also assume avatars taking forms of  living beings  at one and the same time!
Such avatars are taken in this world which is full of beings that are born due to their enslavement to thier karmas.
Aazhwar says -He  doesnot  know whether he  will reach Vaikuntum [which is beyond sun and space ]where there is no schism between day and night, as it is beyond time , in order to experience Narayna's beautiful form but is confident of enjoying His auspicious and beautiful  form  in this earth  itself at Tirumala where the bright gems turn night into day , thus creating the timelessness which is similar to Vaikuntum.

He is highly satisfied with this and says he will not be able to bear it even if Narayana blessess him with the vision to see Him at Vaikuntum.

10அகலகில்லேன்  இறையும்  என்று  அலர்மேல் மங்கை உறைமார்பா !
     நிகரில் புகழாய் !உலகமூன்றுடையாய் !என்னை  ஆள்வானே !
    நிகரில் அமரர் முனிக்கணங்கள் விரும்பும் திருவேங்கடத்தானே !
    புகல் ஒன்றில்லா அடியேன் உன்னடிக்கீழ் அமர்ந்து புகுந்தேனே .

பொருள் :  உன்னை விட்டு ஒரு நொடியும் பிரிய மாட்டேன் என்று  தாமரை மேல் வசிக்கும் திருமகள் எப்பொழுதும் வாசம்  செய்கின்ற திரு மார்பினை உடையவனே !
ஒப்பில்லாத புகழ் உடையவனே !மூன்று உலகங்களுக்கும் அதிபதியே !
என்னை ஆள்கின்றவனே !
ஒப்பில்லாத நித தியசூரிகளும் முனிவர் கூட்டங்களும் விரும்புகின்ற திருமலையில் எழுந்தருளி இருப்பவனே !
வேறு கதி ஒன்றும் இல்லாத அடியேன் உன் திருவடியில் அமர்ந்து  உன்னிடம் சரணம் அடைந்தேன் .

10 Agalagilen irraiyum endru alarmel mangai uraimarbha!
     Nigaril pughazhai ulagum moondru udaiyai! Yennai allvane !
    nigaril amarar munikannangal virumbhum Thiru Vengadathane!
    pugal ondrilla adiyen un adi keezh amarindhu pugundhene.

Sri Venkatesvara!You have the sacred chest where in resides ,the resident of lotus flower[MahaLakshmi],who has vowed never to depart from You even for a few seconds!
You are of incomparable fame! You own all the three worlds ! You rule over me.
 Sri Vishwaksena and crowds of Nitya suris and munis  who are all  very fond of Tirumala where You have risen to bless all!
I have no other refuge than You.Hence I sat under your sacred feet and surrendered  myself to You.

               In order to seek quick fruition of their desires crowds of Nitya suris and munis surrender at the feet of Sri Venkatesvara in presence of  his consort Mahalakshmi.
In preceding 9 pasurums  aazhwar describes the qualities of Sarveswara  with special emphasis on his compassionate quality of accepting of surrender of all beings to Him and his eagerness to protect  all the surrenderees.
Aazhwar  admits his inability to perform other means  apart from surrendering , to attain Him
In this pasurum he surrenders totally to Sriman Narayana before His archa [idol] form as Sri Venkatesvara   at Tirumala.

This pasurum is said to explain the meaning of Dvaaya mantra.Dwaya mantra is said to be propounded by Bhagwan from Katho upanishad .
Dvaya mantra has two parts.In the first part Sriman Narayana's sacred feet is approached through the good offices of his inseparable consort Mahalakshmi.
The second part is admission of  one's absolute subservience to Bhagwan Vishnu/Sriman Naryana  after seeking refuge at His feet .

11.அடிக்கீழ் அமர்ந்து புகுந்து அடியீர் வாழ்மின்  என்றென்றருள் கொடுக்கும்
படிக்கேழில்லாப்  பெருமானை  பழனக் குருகூர்ச் சடகோபன்
முடிப்பான் சொன்ன ஆயிரத்துத்  திருவேங்கடத்துக் கிவைபத்தும்
பிடித்தார் பிடித்தார் வீற்றிருந்து பெரிய  வானுள் நிலாவுவரே .

11.Adi keezh amarindhu pugundhu adiyeer vaazhmeen yendrarull kodukkum
     padikezhilaap perumanai pazhana kurugoor Sadagopan,
    mudippaan sonna aayirathu Thiru Vengadathukivaipathum
    pidithaar  pidithaar veetrirundhu peria vannull nilavuvare.

Sri Venkatesvara the Bhagwan of Tirumala  points His hands to His feet asking His devotees to surrender to Him and get His blessings.
Sri Sadagopan of Thirukurugoor ,which is sorrounded by fields has sung 1000 songs in worship of Bhagwan SrimanNarayana who is incomparable,
Out of these 1000 pasurums  these 10 pasurums are on ThiruVengadam .
All those devotees who learn them and recite them will establish themselves in the indestructible and eternal Paramapadam --Vaikuntum.

Note: Thiru Vengadam means Tirumala hills.

                              ஆழ்வார்  திருவடிகளே சரணம் .
                                       Azhwar thiruvadigale saranam
                               I surrender to the sacred feet of aazhwar

                  சீரார் தூப்புல் திருவேங்கடமுடையான் திருவடிகளே சரணம் .
                     Seerar Tupul ThiruVengadamudaiyan thiruvadigale saranam.
                    I surrender to the sacred feet of Tupul SriVengadamudaiyan/Sri Desikan
References --Prof Kamal kannan'sNalayira Divya prabandham



Sunday, July 8, 2018

Plea to Tirumala Tirupathi [temples] Devasthanam

Few days back i learnt from SVBC t.v  channel that Tirumala and the hillsides abutting the steps leading to Tirumala temple will be planted with flowering plants by TTD .
This is a good idea which when fructifies will provide a pleasant treat to the eyes of devotees traveling up and down the hills and bring the slopes and valleys at par with the natural beauty of Valley of flowers in the distant Himalayas .
But the catch is this--It was specifically mentioned that these saplings will be fed by treated sewage water.!This is a highly  abhorrent method of executing the flower  planting scheme on the sacred hills .It is revolting and cuts at the basic faith of all devotees of Lord Venkateswra/Srinivasar since yore , the belief that all the seven hills within which the  temple at Tirumala is situated are all as  sacred  as the temple itself.

Namaazhwar 8 to 9 th cent AD , one of the most revered saint  of Srivaishnavaites has written several hymns on Sri Venkateswara in which he states that if it is not possible to climb up to the temple at Tirumalai,then  paying obseince to these hills from far will suffice to provide liberation or Moksham to a person.These hymns are recited every day in pious Sri vaishnavaite households .

Sri Ramanujar the foremost acharya of Sri Viashnavaites refused to climb the hills since he felt deeply  and was overwhelmed with the belief that every inch , every bit of the soil and rocks of these hills were so sacred that he couldn't get himself to defile them with his foot !He is said to have climbed up the hills on his knees .

The sacred feet of Sriman Narayana nestled in these hills in archa form as Venakteswara in the temple is said to have been washed by Brahma with sanctified water when His feet stretched even beyond Brahma loka when he assumed the Trivikrama avatar, in ancient times.
Kindly donot spoil the scaredness attached to the feet of Sri Venkateswara by pouring treated sewage water  to plants and thus washing Tirumala and the slopes of the seven hills with such water.

Tirumala and the hills seem to  receive copious rainfall every year. So where is the dearth for water?Even if there is water shortage, is TTD so cash strapped that it cannot buy and transport fresh water to water the saplings and plants?

I would rather reel in the pleasure  of a occasional glimpse of wild  flowers of rain fed  plants and trees at Tirumala and prefer the dry forest on the hills  than see green slopes with rows upon rows of bed of flowers  and huge gardens with brightly colored flowers fed on a diet of  treated sewage water .That very sight even  if it be a mere glance at such flowers would be  sacriligeous .The means of executing of this  new scheme [planting flowering saplings and watering it with  treated sewage  water  ] is totally unacceptable and absolutely revolting.,
My plea to TTD is ,kindly abandon this scheme to water saplings in Tirumala and on the slopes of the seven sacred hills with treated sewage water immediately .