Thursday, July 19, 2018

Parliament session is on and my third degree torture is on..

Parliament session is on and along with it my stock quadruples.and i become one of the most desired woman in here and maybe even abroad.The object of desire is my mind .It will receive maximum onslaught during this period.Pain . suggestions, provocations and placations.

In  the past few sessions i would find men and women usually youths trailing me in my  morning and evening walks around the neighbourhood laughing into their mobile and coming close to my back and melt away on seeing grim faced men  at front of me with folded hands glaring at them ,

This time a few days before the start of this session i found the inner streets where i usually walk unnaturally vacant.Scarcely any passerbys, or labourers or vehicles .It was thus sanitisedly clean of human beings not only in mornings but also in evenings when these streets usually throng with  people  working in the many  offices that dot these streets .I had the entire streets[inner ones] to myself .This unnatural emptiness troubled me but i couldn't put my finger into it.It took me several days to find the reason for my unknown apprehension .It was this -this time the stakes were high viz' no confidence motion ' in parliament -debate and voting.on 20 th.

Why do people follow me either with or without mobile or deliberately come in front of me stomping, jogging or shaking their hands brazenly?Since they are getting some thing viz writing , blogging or tweeting out of me  by doing so , it is being done deliberately.And i at times i do tweet or blog or write on matters that hardly concerns me but i have this compelling urge to vomit it out .When i read them casually after few weeks i find that i have blogged certain things  usually on small matters blown to large proportions in tv news or papers , which i never intended to .But by then politicians would have already used it.It usually worked in  favour of the opposition during parliamentry sessions though it is not my intention to help them .Probably they[those who work for them] are more adept than their adversries  in brain washing me  and do it so subtly that i hardly know of it and realise that i had been taken for a ride only after reading the blogs or tweets  after lapse of several weeks of  blogging or tweeting that i have blogged or tweeted on subjects that are of no interest to me or of any value to me. 

There are so many people walking on roads talking on thier mobiles behind so many other people.When one walks on road it is natural to encounter people walking swiftly towards one fro opposite direction.I have been made aware that this affects me  when i started observing men standing stoiclly glaring at youths behind my back ,who --the youth will move away as if in fear of that glaring person.

Why should persons  coming from my back  or from  front affect me so when it doesn't affect older and weaker  persons than me walking on the streets? Am i not as strong as others of my age?So i can only assume that after making me hear sounds in high decibel in my ears and forehead in 2012 for a month that reduced me to a bundle of nerves  is a prime cause making me very vulnerable to suggestions etc made very softly with some special frequency ,to reach my mind directly. The piercing pain i had endured for nearly a month in 2014  is  another cause  for weakening me and making my thoughts  very transparent .Since some new tech gadjets [new to us civilians] are used to pass messages etc then i may have been brain washed even earlier than 2012.

now to the present and the reason why i decided to blog this.For the past three days i was subject to gnawing pain in my head which culminated in throbbing head ache day before. early in the morning  at 2am.i knew it was deliberately induced and tried to wear it off  by drinking coffee persisted and left instantly when i heard some bhakthi songs with help of ear plugs.
The pain i endured  was terrible and its vanishing suddenly gave me tremendous relief  and after a walk [morning] i had this urge to write though i had resolved not to write my diary or any article as i know they will be used and i would then feel short changed.I also observed that since 2014 i am writing only about minorities like as if i belong to some news channels that are obsessed with them or like as if i am a politician whose power and position depends on placating them.or compels them to placate.Or i am writing on other public issues that really have no connection to my daily life or make it better .O several occasions in this year i was provoked to write under pressure but i held on .This time i couldn't because the pain  was too excruiting.The memory of the pain lingers on  .The cruelty shown to me just to make me write compels me to blog about it .

Ok, i started to write yesterday throwing my resolve to the dustbin.It was the pain and the relief that followed that compelled  me to write .This pain was given to me externally.This started happening in regular intervals since 2012.The pressure and pain on my head would be taken off only when i decide to write.This would and is still preceded by making vehicles like vans, cars etc to come near me and honk blaringly  and make it pierce into my ears and head , unsettling my composure.composure that was shattered by month long beaming of loud noises into my ears, head and forehead in 2012.The height of cruelty is that such piercing noises are deliberately used near me to unsettle me and make me write.

Can ordinary persons possess such gadjets that would penetrate into the concrete walls and ceiling of my flat and target my brain and head with pin pointed precision and squeeze it like as it  was a half cut lemon?
It is surely done by persons who have special knowledge on such matters and possess instruments, gadjets,mobiles etc   to do so.
It is logical to assume that only governmental agencies can have such gadjets and authority to use them .Isnt it the government's duty to protect its citizens as against torturing them thus?

What is happening to me on and off is pure torture.which only hardened criminals &; terrorists may be subject to .I seem to have been given a similar odious status .

This no touch torture is going on since 2012 .In its ambit ,  my relatives well past their 60's and in poor health are also netted Those who are torturing me thus seem to be very inimical towards me.
I doubt whether the results obtained from me in writing after such torture sessions [it also includes those putting suggestions into me without my  knowledge] will not be of lasting value ,since it has been squeezed out of me by giving me intolerable pain  .

There seems to be uncanny resemblance  to  my writings after such a painful session  and confessions obtained from suspects by using third degree methods .No touch  torture are also considered to be a third degree method .
The resemblance is this--the pain in my head  and at times the  pressurres exerted  in my  heart is removed the very instant i decide to write.When i have decided to write it is matter of hours or days for whatever has been fed in to come out in writing as well as my confessions on that matter .My thoughts have become very  transparent and what i think even in recess of my mind is being easily read [There are instruments- reader etc as per internet There may be even more latest gadjets which must be used ].  Hence my decision to write is read and pain is removed .Probably there is also follow up actions to make me stick to the decision.

Isn't is cruelty to catch hold of a person , torture her by giving physical and mental pains at periodic intervals for nearly 6 years just to make her heel or to write?Does this happen under a democratically elected govt by its own agencies?Unbeleivable but true.I am a living happenned to me and is still happenning to me.Those who do this to me are my long time flat mates!Back stabbing after gaining my trust to further their jobs and earn by wreaking such cruel techniques on me.It is a wonder that  the food they eat  earned from such mean and sadistic techniques wreaking on their quiet neighbor [me] for past 6 years  without any let up , is digested!

ok what did i write and what was my confession .It is too tedious to write about it all over again and as my confession may have been used in fast moving world of politics  there is no point writing it to prove my point.On calmer introspection into my torture and the resultant writings i realise that they are the fruits of some man's lust for my mind .Mind is a sense organ ,It  revolts me to reproduce what i have written as they are clearly not of my volition but of some man's  pure lust for my mind.If i reproduce it then it would make that man smirk at his 'conquest '.In retaliation  i want to scotch his joy by with holding blogging his labour of lust.
What i wanted to blog was the way i am mobbed by predators constantly and the fact that i am often subject to pains in head, heart and abdomen by my jailers [after giving me a indirect warning] either  to discourage me from leading a normal life of a educated middle class Hindu woman  of my age or to force me to write  in tomes and confess.

When will my tortures stop?Are those persons doing this to me so heartless and sadistic that giving me pain doesn't trouble them?How long am i expected to endure all this?Is there no one to question you all ?When will normalcy in my life restored ?why should i be punished with such pains for wearing sarees of my liking and not of you [my flat neighbours who are constantly warning and punishing me] or for visiting a temple or for wearing wrist watches or bags with steel or diamond earrings or gold bangles.?What i am doing and wearing is normal but the persons reacting adversely to  my  leading a ordinary course of life is abnormal .No reason is given for such bans and i can't keep on guessing nor can i stop leading my normal life nor stop using all articles, gadjets  of common use or , ornaments without any suitable explanation as to why i shouldn't.They have all been acquired by honest toil of my husband and my father . There is not a single stain of corruption  on thier earnings nor are they the fruits of ill gotten gains nor has anyone's blood or sweat shed to acquire them that i should hide them from others view.                                                                                                                                                 i curse you all to suffer similar pains and, loss of confidence.for making my life painful and making me lose confidence in my self and for loss of my feeling of self worth and for disempowering me .

To provokers and suggestion givers  as well as the pain givers doesn't it shame you to extract forced labour from me?Am i your slave that my time and energy should be always at your service?

                              What have you  all done for me to expect such services from me?

                        Am i your bonded labourer?  How will you prosper by cheating me to write ?is fraud  ,cunningness ,cheating  and selfishness so much in your blood that it doesn't shame you to take and take and take from me without any conscience? i curse  you all you will never prosper as you are all  in short sophisticated thieves  using stolen goods for your self aggrandisment .

This was my confession --I am not bothered about anything that is happening around me  viz public matters ,am bothered only about the move to water saplings on the  slopes of Tirumala   to be watered by treated sewage water.
But i will not reveal my writings as i donot know for sure as to who is exerting such pressures and pain on me to write such stuff.lest I inadvertently help those very persons torturing me thus  by blogging it and making  it public.


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