There seems to be a lot of misconceptions regarding the doctrines of Sri Vaishnavaites that makes other two communities to identify with it.
First Christians --They are greatly taken in by the way Sri Vaishnavaites lay great store on Mahalakshmi's inherent nature [as per Sri Vaishnavaites]to forgive even those who have offended and even tortured her .like Sita forgiving a asura in the form of a crow that bit her tender parts when in exile in a forest and fell on her feet after being chased all over the universe relentlessly by Rama's arrow .And the soft hearted manner in which Sita forbade Hanuman from killing the Rakshis in Lanka though they had abused and tortured her all through her one year long imprisonment in there.
Yes Sri Vaishnavaites do extol this virtue in Lakshmi in the avatars she took along with Vishnu and therefore appeal to her first before appealing to her stricter consort to forgive their bad karmas viz sins and prevail upon her consort to also forgive his devotees lapses .
Christians have missed out one important is this --Yes we consider Sriman Narayana/Vishnu along with with His consort lakshmi who is residing permanently on His right chest, to be compassionate and forgiving and we beg to be forgiven so that we may reach them easily.But nowhere are we expected to follow their example and forgive those who offend us as the only means of salvation It is only one way .The method to attain salvation or liberation of soul or atma is not attained by showing forgivness to those we offend us ,But through other methods like Karma, gyana and Bhakthi yoga that help us in cultivating detatchment to acts and their fruits.which would then enable our atma to attain liberation from the perishable bodies .in which,the atma lodges itself eons after eons .
The quality of forgiveness is considered as a good quality in a person and no doubt there is a entire chapter devoted to the virtue called forgivness in Mahabharata which are the slokas renderd by a rishi of ancient India but it is not central to our concepts .
Absolute devotion to Supreme Brahman is advocated but that Supreme Lord has to be only Sriman Narayana /Vishnu along with His consort Lakshmi who is residing permanently in His right chest and none other.A Srivaishnavaite is expected to shun other gods of other sects and religion .He or she must have faith only in Sriman Narayana /Vishnu along with His consort Lakshmi residing permanently in His right chest to the exclusion of all other gods and deities of other sects and religion .
Sri vaishnavaites have added to these methods a easier method of attaining liberation viz surrendering absolutely to the ultimate Forgivness is not central to Sri vaishnavaites concept but total surrender or prapathi is central to Sri Vaisnavaites concept of Moksham .
This concept of prapathi which was pre existing ,was highlighted by aazhwars from 5 th cent onwards and then it was propogated by acharyas like Yamunacharya[alavandar] Ramanujar and Desikan from 10 th century onwards .
They emphasis that surrender to the will of supreme Brahman [god] is the easiest and best way to attain Moksham .Moksham is a state of liberation of atma from where there is no return to the cycle of birth and death .
Another very important distinction and may be the most important distinction between Hindu/Srivaishnavaite and Christian beleif is that with regard to Birth.To Hindus being born as a living being ,that to as a human being is considered to be a rarity .Birth as a human being is celeberated as the highest form of evolution since out of all living beings it is human beings who have the intelligence that will make them strive to learn the methods towards liberation from the cycle of birth and death and rebirth and reach God's sacred feet .To hindus being born as a human being is a blessing.Auvaiyar the Tamil saint of past has observed that "It is rare to be born with life and it is even rarer to be born as human being".
Tondar adi podi ahwar a Srivaishnavaite saint has extolled the virtue of being born as human being to such a extent that he declares that even if he was offered the much sought after seat in heaven -"Indra loka "he would decline it as he preffered to remain as a human being as against being a Deva , since it is only human beings [despite the tediouness of repeated births and various problems and sorrow a human being has to undergo in each birth]who can strive to liberate their 'selves'[ atma ] and reach the blissful and happy region of Bhagwan Sriman Narayana 's sacred feet and never return to worldly life[of pain and pleasure] .Till such time, azhwar declares that , he will draw sustenance by offering his services to Ranganatha enshrined in the temple at SriRangam.
It is a blessing and not a sin to be born as a human being as per Hindu /SriVaishnavaite's belief but in Christian belief human birth is by its very nature sinful and looked down upon .
This surrender doctrine appeals to Muslims They can identify with this concept which is similar to their main concept to attain salvation .Since god is all powerful have faith in him to see you through.Secure his kindness and munifence by not going against his will .
They can identify this far and no further Acharyas viz our gurus who guide us to reaching the ultimate have emphasised that surrender though it may be whole hearted doesnot absolve one of performing ones daily Karmas viz rituals like worshipping sun every day by performing sandhyavandanam , lighting a oil lamp in the puja room every day after bathing and then recite slokas in sanskrit and in Tamil that praise not only the auspicious qualities of Bhagwan [Vishnu] but also describe in detail his beautiful form, the colour of his body, eyes, mouth, feet and also the weapons he bears like chakra and conch , Apart from these daily rituals which a Sri vaishnavaite has to perform .He also has to perform other rituals which are done occasionally like tarpanam, shraddha and homams in marriages,ayush hoamam and so on ., without fail.
Ramanujar systematised prapthi or concept of surrender which he inherited from his preceding acharya Yamunacharya and from aazwars preceding Alavandar.He emblazoned any one who wanted to join Sri vaishnavaism fold with chakra and conch symbols and taught them the mantras and surrendered on thier behalf to Srimananaryana.He was a bold reformer who wanted to guide all those who were prohibited by shastras to read or recite vedas like lower castes and women towards the path of Moksham in a easy manner.He also emphasised the fact that a person seeking to be a Srivaishnavaite must have faith only in Sriman Narayana/Vishnu along with His consort Lakshmi residing permanently and inseparably in His right chest and he should avoid and, shun gods of other sects and religion.This mahavishvasam or immense and absolute faith in Sriman Narayana /Vishnu along with His consort Lakshmi who is residing permanently and inseparably in His right chest is the most important corner stone of Srivaishnavaite faith .
A person having Vishnu bhakthi [which includes for His consort Mahalakshmi] becomes a full fledged Srivaishnavaite only after a formal initiation by a Srivaishnavaite acharya [ Sri Vaishnavaite acharya is one who is well versed in Vedas, shastras epics etc and is a scholar and who practises all the rituals associated with SriVaishnavism] into the fold by emblazoning a persons arms with chakra and conch symbols and whispering the three sacred mantras to be used in japa, into that person's ears .Thus a person is initiated into Srivaishnavaite fold in a regular systematised,formal process .I was thus initiated formally into the fold 15 years back though i was born in a SriVaishnavatre family .All my family members including my late son went through this formal process.15 years back.
Most importantly in the sub sect i belong the surrender to the Supreme being is not done by one's own . efforts.It is done by the Srivaishnavaite acharya who performs this surrender on a person's behalf after he is formally initiated into Sri Vaishnavaite sect.He acts as a intermediary between Sriman Naryana and us and recommends Sriman Naryana/Supreme being to grant us Moksham by reciting slokas and meditating with the person sitting by his presence of Sriman Narayana' /Vishnu which is usually at front of a picture of Lord Venkateswara/Srinivasar placed and worshipped in the puja room.
My acharya performed this 'surrender' 15 years back for each of us in our family .in a simple but formal process.
Despite initiating this reform movement he didnot decry Vedas .In fact many aazhwars who are from castes outside the pale of Vedas have reitrated the importance of Vedas by praising them in many of their hymns .
Ramanujar never moved away from vedic practises and he performed all the rituals suited to his station in life
Hence Ramanujar , the champion of propogation of the doctrine of surrender has performed sandhayavanadana in rivers upto the age of 120 years.each and every day..He is said to have done it even on the day of expiry though his body was collapsing .He persisted with this ritual even in that ripe old age though his body wasnot cooperating because he believed that one must perform daily rituals which have been ordained by shastras [ancient laws] till the body falls .
Performing Vedic rituals is abhorrent to Christians and performing both Vedic rituals and idol worship are abhorrent to Muslims .
Most important distinction of Srivaishnavism from other two religions is that the supreme Person or Brahman or Supreme ruler of all as per SriVaishnavaites faith and as emphasised by Ramanujar time again and again is not 'form less '.It is not only in temples in this world and amidst the milky ocean but also in HIS permanent celestial abode Vaikuntum which is beyond all worlds ,that Sriman Narayana has a handsome form with beautiful lotus like eyes , lips and feet .He wears yellow coloured silk dhothi at all times and is bedecked with fish like ear rings , necklaces and pendants and other ornaments .He also bears arms like chakra, conch , gadha ,sword and all times.He is seated on the serpent adi sesha along with His inseparable consort Sri . Ramanujar has advised Srivaishnavaites to visualise this gorgeous form of Sriman Narayana whenever they worship and meditate on Him .
Thus to a certain extent both the communities can identify with Sri vaishnavaites That is in bits and parts and never in its entriety.
Identification of SriVaishnvaites with the other sect of Hindus viz Saivaites and His family is much much more common than with other religions since Vedas ,rituals, shastras, epics ,puranas ,for both of us are same. But in philosophy there is marked distinction.The advaitin concepts followed by Saivaites sees everything as a illusion whilst Visishta dawaita philosophy followed by Sri Vaishnavaites sees everything around as real .
Supreme being as per SriVaishnavism is not Nirguna , but is full of auspicious qualities .
According to Adavaitins t the individual atma is part and parcel of Paramatama and at time of liberation that individual self merges totally into Paramatma .and becomes God ,creator .
Visishta dawaita philosophy concurs with the view that an individual atma is part and parcel of Paramatma but it differs with the view that on liberation that atma merges totally with Supreme being .It holds the view that a individual atma on liberation does enjoy all powers similar to Paramatma except that of creation and very importantly doesnot merge totally with the SupremeBeing but acts as its servant in the Supreme being's region, deriving immense pleasure at being of service to Him .