Wednesday, January 31, 2018

The Secular liberal perverted set up .

Maximum audience yesterday was from Italy .69! Probably Vatican is rejoicing over its minions attempts to convert me/us to Christianity
They must be smirking & even jumping with joy that the jamming of my head and earlier balsting of my mind has not only  made me unemotional but has also made me lose the emotional connect with my land &its rich ancient past.I was handed over to them on a platter by our own people  viz ,practising  Hindus !Traitors  No one came from outside our country to do this to me so thoroughly.The bogey of foreign enemies neccesitating such conversion  is just a emotional blackmail.
Really their unfettered freedom to do this to me is astounding .Even more astounding and despicable is the way people over here and  the 'Secular government agencies ' have actively helped  and are still helping them in their communal agenda .

Govt agencies are secular and liberal  because they have given a carte blanche to persons of other religions  and sect and persons from  low dregs  of society to control a Hindu family at a very personal level and convert  a Hindu woman to  other religions .

Monday, January 29, 2018

Why can't my forced conversion be probed by NIA ?

NIA is going to probe forced  conversion of a woman by her husband in Kerala.

I have been shouting my head off about my forced conversions to Islam, christianity and Shakthi sect  by a bunch of unknown men and woman for past two year in this blog but no response from NIA

Maybe i have to shift from  Chennai to Kerala for my pleas  to be heard  . 

Thanks to the right

For the past several weeks i made the following observation .

Iron tools carried by labourers near me when i  go for a walk + any shining  steel on me or near me  is capable of giving a terrific jolt to my heart  Then  it is followed by unbirdled emotions which i have to write it down .i may prevaricate but ultimately  i have to sound off verbally and in writing I learnt from red line that this was done to extract reactions from me
Other means of shaking my heart is 1. Thick set persons with limp or waddle coming in front of me with a man in specs behind my back
2.Transparent  Water cans filled with water carried in two wheelers or iron carts or vans taking a bend towards me from front also shakes my heart
3.The transparent water bottles kept in fridge for drinking also shakes my heart when i lift it to drink
4.Hefty persons jogging at front of me or behind me also shake my heart
5.Scooters taking a bend towards me from front with girls in specs walking . at front  of me towards me also shakes my heart
6.When all this is done a plane is always visible and its roar heard
I recently did a echo on my heart and Doc was amazed at its strength.He said it was as good as his 35-40 year old heart
 So my heart  at 60 is perfect and i cannot buy the argument that people in front or behind me either on foot or scooter or labourers carrying tools can perse shake my heart  Thousands of people with weaker heart than mine walk around with all the hazards i have listed,without any such micro heart attacks Even i did till i guess 2011without all this shaking of my heart
So there must be something more to make all the above to jolt my heart could be  micro waves  or some invisible rays  .

Top on this list of giving me minor heart attacks is the combination of iron tools used by labourers +steel It pays off for the doer .It makes me write or blog with a mixture of intellect and emotions .
  Topper of this is death in the family + above combination viz ironThis gives maximum reaction to those  wanting to capitalise politically or monetarily on it .
The succesive deaths of my b-i-l & and my brother in 2014 could have been  executed cold bloodedly to make me react. blindly hitting out at anyone i may have received the suggestion from whilst half asleep or meditating.It was my brother's sudden death that bothered me more &; probably those who may have engineered it made rich pickings
After jamming my head in 2014 June reading my thoughts has become very easy it is done instantly .So i need never write also .Those who have the power & know how can skim of my thoughts and even make me even forget those thoughts or divert me so that i donot put it in writing and induce lathargy in me so that i get cynical  thinking what is the use of blogging nobody cares and so drop the idea of blogging

Since deaths are also used after engineering it by easing out the weak or by accidents it is logical to hold that for mega reaction seekers from me the prime target would be my surviving son In all probability his life is in danger .

There is mega industry around me for my reactions  .Free lunch  to many with no questions asked Those whom i question about ethics etc think i am out of my mind as they are  used to helping themselves to public resources  without any qualms and therefore  find my objections  amusing It is not only the known corrupts who are extracting .anguish soaked  reactions  from me but also persons and party who are seen as incorruptible abinitio!

I am blogging  may be becuase i painted all the rusted alimirahs in my house recenrly and that has freed me from the grip of rust and i was also subject to heart shaking by tools for a week and even today

Ok how does rust affect me ? just rusted overhangings or huge garbage bins with rusted screws or rusted doors of my almirah,

1. Doors of almirah as i open and shut them gives a irritating sting which causes lesions in my lower part .Painting has only reduced it & has not stopped it
2.rusted overhangings.In this republic day i attended  flag hoisting in our flat .Very few had gathered Of which upper floor muslim neigh and lower floor hindu neigh were present.As my husband was waiting for others to arrive i walked up and down when i reached rust and turned  leftthe muslim neigh smiled at me and i also responded though i had determined to ignore him as he had tricked me to write degrading stuff  about myself  from 2012 onwards .when i next turned right next the lower floor appeared with his caste mark smiling .i nearly responded though i had determined to keep aloof as i remember him walking swiftly at front of me  towards me taking a turn  from 2012 onwards till 2014 .i was wearing specs then .I thought he was plain rude.Now i realise that he was shaking me heart before i set out for my walk preparing the ground for shadowers .

So my determination was pooh poohed .Heard a squirril screech gloatingly in the back ground.Squirrel their code language

I realise that i have been set up thus ,with help of rust and other stuffs  in this manner

Muslims in cap or burkha or  pant &;; shirt will please me ,They will make me see beauty of nature .They will also make me pity them .They could be frowning woman in dirty burkha or men in dirty lungis or frayed shirts and i will feel arush of belonging to them.Hindus will provoke me to irritation and anger and make me rage about how i have been short changed in life  .Their presence and thier loud mouth  is irritating .

It boils down to this i should see only beauty when muslims and  even with Christians  around and also pity them  I am made to feel pally and a lot of commadire with muslims be they poor or rich but feel irritated by hindus of my class and be cold and hard on them but more tolerant to lower ones and also feel kinship with them on and off  thus alienating me from my own community and my strata of society

It all started at micro personal level which has assummed mega proportions.It started in following manner since 2012 onwards----I should never get angry at my Muslim neighbour residing above our flat or get angry at neighbour with Christian links who live just across in our floor nor get angry at the shakthi bhakt  residing in lower floor of our flat who all chetaed me out of my normal family life and used me &still do to write as per thier agenda .
This perverted technique  has been  so thoroughly perfected  that .even after realising how my feelings have been unnaturally changed and the way i was degraded and my writings  exploited by all the three flat neighbours i still cannot get angry   at them when i come across them .i ll set out with determination to show my hostility if i come across them but it would always fizzle out when i suddenly come face to face with any one of them

Heard parthapatai as i wrote the above paragraph.In code language parathapatai=left .A code language i am deciphering due to my observation  .So this perversion injected into my life is the handiwork of the Left.They seem to be gloating at my observation  at the  perfection of the perversion imposed upon us .!They are taking it as a compliment  for  playing with our lives and  our freedom  shamelessly and sadistically!

If this rust &; its effect on me , viz fixing my concentration on Muslims, tilaks &; Sc. is the work of left it is contrary to my &;general  view on communists . Communists have no religion or caste.They are concerned only about workers .This is the general notion of communists .If communists in India are behind this then how can they call themselves as communists?Muslims ,Christians &; tilaks[hindus ] have a religion  If they are taking up thier case which i happen to see on tv &;papers dominated by indian left then they are not true communists They are recognising religion and caste and even giving it a very high place. in thier list of causes to be taken up .Muslims causes that dominate thier public views are people who  follow thier  religion ferverntly, so do Christians , who not only follow but also convert others ferverntlyand SC .s are also have a  religion &; are caste based.   Which means Indian communists are a bogus lot .They are not non religious but very much pro religious..
Foisting thier obssesion on me for whatever ends is puzzling as it is futile .The secular parties who ape the communists in this do it because they will get a political divident.What will communists get it return for perfecting thier bleeding heart techniques on me  in here? They will never get voted to power here at Tamilnadu So they are  helping the Dravidian parties  foolishly.Nor will they be voted power in India.By making me react they are only helping thier arch enemies at the centre to do exactly opposite to my bitter reactions and win the hearts of  the secular lobby   Another politically foolish move i would say this of secular and Dravidian parties as well .They are digging thier own  political grave .by making me react to  minorities   in thier  need or greed for  appeasment and in that process they  are giving a chance to those ruling at centre  to strenghten their secular credentials which will finally come to threaten the old hats at  the Indian  brand of secualrism

Had i been a aidmk or a dmk or a congress i would have made sure that a blogger & writer  like me never comes across muslims christians and SC's  in my house, flat or outside,safeguard me from heart  attacks inducing reaction ,techniques  so that i donot get provoked or moved and bring back my life to its normal  pre 2012 state and integrate  me with my near  family and stop the hypnosis. and conversion Being thus would be political savy  of them.Being otherwise like it is now is asking for trouble on one hand and on other giving chance to ruling party at centre whom they constantly refer to as communal polarising etc a  seat in the lofty realms of Indian secularism which they have been riegning all this while.

Aidmk is ruling here where i live and congress at Bangalore which i visit .Both  are not showing this political safeguarding.Aidmk has gone one more step by allowing  and presiding  over attempts at my conversion giving 'communals'  who are not bothered about me personally but would love to use this and my bitter protests  

A message to the right. are well educated and who read  my blogs , writings &;tweets and use it and even act upon it .Your lack of trust in my character is traitorous.Do you have the mental ability and the courage to take  various risks i took &; still take in order to piece out this perverted change that overtook my life?
No investigation , no scientific analysis ,but ready to jump to conclusions regarding my character and assasinate it and even paint all Brahmin women as lusting after low life muslims   taking me as a example.Did it nevet occur to you all that how can a woman of 54  and mother of two grown sons and a husband of long standing be  suddenly struck by cupid? Are you all so stupid  as to swallow  the illusion created around me ?

 Your lack of trust in me hurts me more than left's perversion .It was precisely this lack of trust and instinct that ceded ground to the left.encouraging and emboldening them to make a mess out of my life.
It was indifference to my plight in 2012 when i kept asking for help when high decibel sounds were streamed into my head for a month ^&; making a nervous wreck out of me that has  given space to left that allowed the left  to impose itself on me and make me lose trust in institutions and my earthy connection to this land i dont buy the argument that it was done because i am a nut .which actual  doc would use such barbaric measures to cure his patient?It was acute mental torture and left saw that it wrecked me and made me pliant and & moved in .
I no longer feel that i am walking on the land sanctified by foot steps of Rama A feeling i always had since my child hood .That thrill and connect to this land   has gone .Thanks to your indifference and revulsion  towards me and allowing the left to throw a purdah over me .

When my tread was heavy i used to feel sorry for Bhuma devi for being a burden on her and marvelled at her patience.I hardly knew any sloka on her then but now i know but i no longer feel sorry for Bhumadevi  for having to  bear my burden .I have translated slokas on her but i no longer have that emotional connect with her .
Thanks to your ominious silence a cross has been planted forcibily in my 2014 September .I am a  hindu by birth and as per my records but after 2014 i am forced to keep on proving that i am a Hindu!I am a Hindu!By blogging extensively the images of Hindu gods and try and guard myself by constantly analysing as to what differentiates hinduism from other religions and practise only that .
Thanks to you all for making me feel insecure about my religious status which has made me make a big show of being a hindu outwardly which is eating away my quiet contemplation of the  Supreme and  to do a honest introspection of my karmas.
Thanks to your indifference and revulsion to me , i no longer draw comfort from the temples i visit which have been visited by my anscestors , aazhwars and acharyas .That reassuring feeling has been scientifically wiped out  since 2014.

I am only a intellectual Hindu now,.I translate reams of slokas read a lot of texts on Hindu religion  but my inherent connect with our sanatana dharma ,vedas, rishis ,rivers and heroes of epics  that made me feel that this is my land wherever i be whether north, south east or west has gone .It is also being scientifically chipped off.

Your silent co operation has made the job of left and minorities easy to take over me
The result of all this is that i am now a Hindu only at the tip of my tongue .

Thanks to you all the Hindu in me has been maimed .

Sunday, January 14, 2018

Thirupavai by Andal . Verses on Narayana. Meanings in English.

ராஜகோபால பெருமாள் --ராஜகோபால ஸ்வாமி கோவில்  மன்னார்குடி
                       Rajagopala Perumal --Rajagopala Swamy temple at Mannargudi.Processional deity
                       செண்பகவல்லி தாயார் ஸமேத ராஜகோபாலஸ்வாமி -ராஜகோபால பெருமாள்கோவில் மன்னார்குடி
Senbhaga Valli thaayar  sametha Rajagopala swamy -Processional deities of Rajagopala Perumal temple at Mannargudi.
கோதை  நாச்சியார்
Godha Nachiar --Andal - processional deity 
கோதை நாச்சியார் -பத்ரசாய் பெருமாள் --பத்ரசாய் பெருமாள்கோவில் ஸ்ரீவில்லிபுத்தூர்
Kodai nachiar [Andal] and Bhadrasayi perumal --Procesional deities of Badra sayi temple at Sri Villi puthur.

Thiruppavai consists of 30 hymns sung by Andal Andal aged around 15 years rose early in the morning of the month of Margazhi [December to January] & sang a song each day when they went to their friends house to wake them up ,asking them to join in bathing in the river before worshipping SrimanNarayana .

Andal was the precocious daughter of  a highly venerated aazhwar/saint by name Vishnu chittar/Peria aazhwar who lived in Srivalliputhur nearly 1300 years back .

These songs written by Andal is said to compress the knowledge found in Vedas .They are all in praise of Sriman Narayana in his  avatar as Sri Krishna.

The choice of the Tamil words is heady and one can never tire of reciting these hymns.several times over .
These hymns are recited in Sri Vaisnavaites households till today ,every morning in the month of Margazhi .It is recited by both men and women.Either all 30 hymns are recited every day or a hymn a day is recited till they conclude on Pongal day .It is good if they are recited after taking bath but can also be recited before taking bath ,The only requisite is that they should be recited in the morning preferably early in the mornings.

Note : The headings of each song has been given by a commentator  who has given the meanings of  the Pasurams/ songs. Headings  have not be given by Andal.

                   சூடி கொடுத்த நாச்சியார் அருளிச்செய்த
                      Choodikodutha Naachiar aruliseidha

தனியன் --

ஸ்ரீ உய்யக்கொண்டார் அருளி செய்தது

சூடி கொடுத்த சுடர்கொடியே !தொல்பாவை  பாடி அருள வல்லபல் வளையாய்
 --நாடி நீ வேங்கடவற் கென்னை விதியென்ற விம்மாற்றம்
நாம்  கடவா வண்ணமே நல்கு .

Thanian--By Uyyakondaar

choodikodutha sudarkodiye  !tholpavai paadiyarulavallapal vallaiyai!-naadi nee
Vengkadavarkennai vidhiyendra vimmatrum
naam kadava vanname nalgu.

        You are slim and dazzling like a lightening.
        You gave Sri Ranganathar the garland of flowers worn and discarded by You.
        You wear a lot of bangles .
         You have the ability to sing about the penances that damsels have kept since time immemorial
       You entreated Him forYour union with Sri Venkatanathar.
       Bless us also to attain that Supreme person


.ஆ ய்யப்பாடி கன்னிகைகள்  சிலர் மற்றை கன்னிமார்களை நோம்புக்கு நோற்க அழைப்பது .
               Aayapadi kannigaigal  silar matrai kannimargalai nonbhukku  norka azhaipadu

**1. மார்கழி திங்கள்  மதிநிறைந்த நன்னாளால்
நீராட போதுவீர்  போதுமினோ  நேரிழையீர் !
சீர்மல்கும் மாயப்பாடிச்  செல்வா  சிறுமீர்காள் !
கூர்வேற் கொடுந்தொழிலன்  நந்தகோபன்குமரன்                                                         ஏரார்ந்த  கண்ணி யசோதை யிளஞ்சிங்கம்
கார்மேனி  செங்கண் கதிர்  மதியம்  போல்  முகத்தான்
நாராயணனே  நமக்கேபறை தருவான்
பாரோர் புகழ்ப் படிந்தே லோரெம்பாவாய் 1.

--Pasuram --1

         Margazhi thingal madhi niraindha nunaalal,neerada podhiveer  podhumino neirizhaiyar,
        Seermalgum ayapaadi selva sirumeergaal koorvel kodunthozhilan nandagopan kumaran,yerandhakanni illang singham ,

        Kaarmeni sengan kadir madhiyym  pol mugathaan,Narayane nammakku parai tharuvaan,parere pugazh padindhe loremphavai .

Meaning of title--   Virgin girls of Gokulam invite other virgin girls to perform penance along with them.

Meaning--1.Hey girls                                                                                                                                                                    In the month of Margazhi  , on the auspicious day of the full moon all those young girls of Gokulam  , who would like to bathe in the river , please join us.

One who is son of Nanda gopan  , who bears  a sharp spear and pursues a fierce profession ,

One who is the lion cub  of Yashoda  , who has beautiful eyes,

One who is the hue of rain bearing clouds with red eyes and a face that is like a moon  , which radiates the brilliance of sun rays,

He is Narayana .He will grant us the boons that is appropriate to our penance,

Take part in this penance which is hailed all over the world.

              .நோம்பு நோற்பதற்கு மேற்கொண்டுள்ள நியமங்கள் தெரிவிப்பது .

 **.2  வையத்து வாழ்வீர்காள்! நாமும் நம் பாவைக்கு செய்யும் கிரிசைகள் கேளீரோ ,
பாற்கடலுள் பையத் துயின்ற பரமன் அடிபாடி நெய்யுணோம் பாலுண்ணோம் நாட்காலே நீராடி ,
மையிட் டெழுதோம் ,மலரிட்டு நாம் முடியோம் ,செய்யாதன செய்யோம் ,தீக்குறளை சென்றோதோம் ,
ஐயமும் பிச்சையும் ஆந்தனையும் கைகாட்டி உய்யுமா றெண்ணி உகந்தே லோரெம்பாவாய்

Pasuram 2--Nombu norpadarkku merkondulla niyamangal therivipadhu

* Vaiyathu vaazhveergal namum num pavaikku seiyum kirisaigal kellero,
Paarkadalul paiya thuindra paraman adipadi  neiyunnom paalunom naatkale neeradi
Maiyittu tezhudhom malarittu naam mudiyom seiyadhana seiyom theekuralai sendrodhom,
Aaiyamum pichaiyum aandhanayum kaikatti vuiyuma enrenni yugandhe lorembavai.

    Explaining the rules of the penance undertaken

Inhabitants of this earth! Listen to the vows we are binding  ourselves in this month long penance .
We will sing in praise of the sacred feet of Bhagwan who is reclining in a meditative repose in the milky ocean.
We will bathe early in the morning every day and will not partake  ghee or drink milk .Nor will we adorn our eyes with koilriyum nor deck our tresses  with flowers .
We will not do all that which is prohibited ,nor will we carry tales about each other .
We will give gifts and alms as much as possible without feeling boastful or be smug at our own munificence .
And we will experience Bhagwan in all things that makes our living possible[like food , water].

 .            உத்தமன் பேர்பாடி நோன்புக்கு அங்கம் என்று நீராடினால் மழை பெய்து நாடு செழிக்கும் ---

 **-3ஓங்கி உலகளந்த  உத்தமன் பேர்பாடி
        நாங்கள் நம் பாவைக்கு  சாற்றி நீராடினால்
        தீங்கின்றி நாடெல்லாம் திங்கள் மும்மாரி பெய்து
        ஓங்கு பெருஞ் செந் நெலூடு கயலுகள்
        பூங்குவளைப் போதில் பொறிவண்டு கண்படுப்ப ,
      தேங்காதே புக்கிருந்து சீர்த்த முலைபற்றி ,
     வாங்கக் குடம் நிறைக்கும் வள்ளல் பெரும்பசுக்கள் ,
     நீங்காத செல்வம் நிறைந்தே லோரெம்பாவாய் .

Pasurum 3.   Uthaman perpadi nonbhikku angamendru neeradinaal mazhai peidhu naadu chezhikum

* Vongi ullagallandha uthaman perpadi nangal pavaikku saatri neeradinal
theengindri naadellam thingal mumari peidhu vongu peruncheneludu kayal ugalla
poongkuvallai podhil porivandu kann paduppa thengadhe pukkirundhu seertha mulai patri
vanga kudam nirraikum vallal perum pasukkal neenghadha selvam niraindhe lorembjavai

introduction--This hymn of Andal on third day of Marghazhi is a exceedingly beautiful poetic picture of nature and country's wealth.It is also a proof of this country's limitless wealth as also Andal's  inexhaustible linguistic wealth.

Tittle--If the praises of the superior one are sung and bathing is done  as part of the penance then it will rain and the country will prosper--

meaning ---                                                                                                                                                In pursuance of our penance if we sing the names of the self sacrifising superior one who measured the entire world by stretching himself effortlessly [as Vamana avatar]
Without fail  this entire country will be blessed by rains , thrice a month!
Fishes will play in the water canals in the vast expanse of fields of ripened red  grains
And spotted bees after having their fill of heady nectar will drowse peacefully with closed eyes , in the soft and downy beds of the petals of flowers that will  bloom in profusion .
And the indestructible wealth of this land --the generous and gentle cows will grow steadily in numbers with readiness to be milked.
And  pots and pans will overflow with milk flooding the country!

                       பெணங்களின் மழை பாட்டு

4**  ஆழி மழைக்கண்ணா ஓன்று நீ  கைகரவேல்
      ஆழியுள் புக்கு முகந்து கொடார்த்தேறி ,
      ஊழி முதல்வனுருவம் போல் மெய் கறுத்து
    பாழியந்  தோளுடையப் பற்பநாபன் கையில் ,
    ஆழிபோல் மின்னி வலம்புரிபோல் நின்ற திர்ந்து ,
    தாழாதே சாரங்க முதைத்த சரமழை போல் ,
   வாழ   உலகினில் பெய்திடாய் நாங்களும் ,
  மார்கழி நீராட மகிழ்ந்தே லோரெம்பாவாய் .

  Pasuram --4.   Penngalin mazhai pattu
*Aazhi mazhai kanna ! Ondrum nee kaikaravel.aalliyul pukku mughundhu kodartheri,
oozhi mudalvan uruvum pol mei karuthu pazhian tholludaiya parpanabhan kaiyil
aazhi pol minni ,valumburipol nindra thirundhu thazhade sarangam udhaitha saramazhaipol ,
vaazha ulaganil peidhidai , naangalum marghazhi neerada magizhinde lorempavai!

                                                    Damsels song on rain.
Dear rain god! As majestic as the ocean! Do not keep anything for yourself.
After you enter the ocean inhaling the water and then ascending to the skies with great fanfare ,
And assuming the dark hue similar to the colour of the form of the  first sacred cause of everything , including Time,
Then turning even more darker and then flash lightenings that is like the shining disc [chakra] held in the hands of my Bhagwan, the one having broad shoulders ,
And then vibrating and thundering like the conch in Padmanabha's hands ,
And then if you pierce the earth like a shaft of lakhs of arrows similar to those unleashed from the bow Saranga , held in his hands
Then all the living beings will prosper ,
We ,who have taken the vow to bathe in the river in this Marghazhi month will be delighted!
Tarry  not! Start raining!

.      .தொழுது பாடி சிந்திக்க பிழைகள் எல்லாம் தீயினால் தூசாகும் .

5. மாயனை மன்னு வடமதுரை மைந்தனை  தூயப் பெருநீர் யமுனை துறைவனை ,
ஆயர் குலத்தினில் தோன்றும் அணிவிளக்கை தாயை குடல் விளக்கஞ் செய்த தாமோதரனை ,
தூயோமாய் வந்துநாம் தூமலர் தூவி தொழுது வாயினாற் பாடி மனத்தினால் சிந்திக்க ,
போய பிழையும் புகுதருவான்  நின்றனவும் தீயினால் தூசாகும் செப்பே லோரெம்பாவாய் .

Pasuram 5.           Thozhudhu paadi sindhikka pizhaigal ellam theeyinal doosagum.

*      Maayanai mannu vada madurai maindhanai ,thooya peruneer yamunai thuraivanai,
Aaayar kulathinil thondrum annivillakai, thayai kudal villakam seidha Damodaranai,
Thooyamai vandhu naam thoomalar thoovi thozhudhu vaayinaal paadi mannathinaal sindhikka,
Poya pizhaiyum  pughutharuvaan nindranavum theeyinaal doosagum cheppe lorempavai.

                               All follies will be burnt to ashes if ones worships, sings and meditates .

Hey girls! The magical one full of wizardy , one who has a long standing relationship with Northern Madurai[Mathura] and who has his form there ,
One who is resident of the place where the pure waters of Yamuna river flows by,
The beautiful and auspicious light of Yadava clan!
One by his very birth brought fame to the womb that harboured him.
We with pure hearts will worship him  with fresh flowers and sing his  praises aloud and meditate upon him in our hearts ,
So as to dispel all the mistakes that we may have done in the past as well as those follies we may commit unknowingly now and in future ,
It is assured that if we chant the name of Damodaran ,all our bad deeds will be burnt to ashes like cotton thrown in fire.

                    இனியாவது எழுந்திரு என்று ஒருத்தியை துயில் உணர்த்துதல்
                           [ திருப்பாவையின் முதலாவது பள்ளியெழுச்சி பாட்டு ]

        Inniyavadhu yezhundiru endru orruthiyai thuyilunnarthudal.
                          [Thirupavaiyin mudalavadhu palliyezhuchi pattu]

6.    புள்ளும் சிலம்பினகாண்  புள்ளரையன் கோயில்
வெள்ளை  விளிசங்கின் பேரரவம் கேட்டிலையோ
பிள்ளாய் !எழுந்திராய்  பேய்முலை நஞ்சுண்டு
கள்ள சகடம்  கலக்க கழிய்க்கா காலோச்சி
வெள்ளத்தரவில் துயில மர்ந்த வித்தினை
உள்ளத்துக் கொண்டு முனிவர்களும் யோகிகளும்
மெள்ள எழுந்தரி யென்ற பேரரவம்
உள்ளம் புகுந்து குளிந்தே லோரெம்பாவாய் .

* Pullum silambinakaan pullaraiyum koyilil vellai villi sangin prerarvum kettilaiyo?
Pillai! Yezhundirai , peimulai nanjunda  kalla sagadam kalakazhiya kaalochi,
Vellath tharavil thuyilamarindhu vithinai ullathu kondu munivargalum yogigalum,
Mella yezhundhu Hari yendra peraravum  ullum pugundhu kullirindhe lorempavai.

                          'At least get up now 'is the request to a girl who is still asleep.
                                   [Thirupavai's first hymn to awaken ]

Hey girl ! The birds have started chirping and the piercing sound of the white conch that is blown in the sannidhi of Garuda is being  heard.Hey petite girl ! Can you not hear this?

Seers and yogis  have seated the Bhagwan in their hearts , who once sucked the poisonous life out of the witch Bhoodhana who , also kicked to dust the devious cart that came in a tearing speed and  who is reclining in meditative repose in the swell of the milky ocean and who is seed of all.

These seers and yogis have woken up unhurriedly and are chanting Hari! Hari !

Allow these auspicious sounds to fill you with tranquility So wake up ! Arise ! 

Note .Meaning of lorempavai--'Hey girl' --Calling out to a girl.with familarity.

               கண்ணனிடம் ஈடுபட்டு மெய்மறந்து கிடைக்கும் ஒருத்தியை   
        எழுப்பவது .

7. கீசுகீ  சென்றெங்கும் ஆனைச்சாத்தன் கலந்து பேசின பேச்சரவம் கேட்டிலையோ ?பேய் பெண்ணே !
காசும் பிறப்பும் கலகலப்பக் கைபேர்த்து வாச நறுங்குழல் ஆய்ச்சியர் மத்தினால் ,
ஓசை படுத்த தயிரரவம் கேட்டிலையோ நாயக பெண்பிள்ளாய் நாராயணன் மூர்த்தி ,
கேசவனைப்  பாடவும் நீகேட்டே கிடத்தியோ தேசம் உடையாய் !திறவே லோரெம்பாவாய் .

Pasurum 7.Kannanidam eedupattu meimarandhu kidakum oruthiyai yezhupuvadhu .

*Keesu kee kendrengum annaichathum kalandhu pesina pecharavamketilaiyo!Peipenne
Kasum pirappum kalakalapak kaiporthuzhai vasananarunguzhal aaichiyar mathinaal,
Vosaipadutha thayiraravam ketilaiyo?Nayaga pennpillai! Narayana moorthy ,
Kesavanai padavum nee kete kidathiyo? Desamudaiyai! Thirave lorempavai.

     Awakening a girl who has lost herself in deep devotion to Krishna.

Hey girl! The musical notes of birds are resonating everywhere!
Impish girl! Can't you hear the sound of their pleasant conversations?
Necklaces made of coins, bangles and anklets are tinkling and jangling as the milk maids with fragrant tresses churn curd for butter,
Leader of women! Can't you hear the sounds of churning?
Now when  we are singing  the praises of Kesava the avatar of Narayana , early in the morning, why are you still in slumber?
Bright girl, awake and join us in our worship.

.          கண்ணனுடைய அருளுக்கு மிகவும் தகுதி வாய்ந்த ஒருத்தியை எழுப்பும் பாட்டு .

8..கீழ்வானம் வெள்ளென்று எருமை சிறுவீடு மேய்வான் பரந்தனகாண் ; மிக்குள்ள பிள்ளைகளும் போவான் போகாமல் காத்து உன்னைக் கூவுவான் வந்து நின்றோம் கோது கலமுடைய பாவாய் !எழுந்திராய் ,பாடி பறை கொண்டு மாவாய் பிளந்தானை  மல்லரை மாட்டிய தேவாதி தேவனை சென்று நாம் சேவித்தால்  அவாவென் ஆராய்ந்து அருளே லோரெம்பாவாய் .

Pasurum --8.  Kannanudaiya arullukku migavum thagudhi vaindha oruthiyai yezhuppum pattu.

*Kheezvanam vellen rerumai siruveedu meivan parandhanakaan mikkulla pillaigalum,
Povaan pogindrarai pogamal kaathunai koovuvan vandhu nindrom godhukalamudaiya ,
Paavai yezhundirai paadi paraikondu maavai pillandhanai mallarai matiya ,
Devadhi devanai sendru naam sevithaal aavavenraraiyin tharule lorembavai.

  Song to awaken a girl who is fit person to be blessed by Krishna.

Hey girl! The horizon has whitened and buffaloes are grazing the dew soaked grass,
We a group of girls who have set out to bathe have halted midway so that all of us can call out to you,
You are a beautiful girl! dear to Krishna ,Awake and arise.,
If we praise the qualities of Krishna which includes brave deeds like tearing open the mouth of the horse like asura and defeating the wrestlers sent by Kamsa,
And surrender totally to the lord of all devas with prayers seeking fulfillment of wishes , Bhagwan will melt and grant boons as per penances performed.

.     கண்ணன் வந்த போது வருகிறான் என்று போகாமலிருப்பவளை எழுப்பவது .

9.  தூமணி மாடத்துச் சுற்றும் விளக்கெரிய தூபம் கமழ துயில் அணைமேல் கண்வளரும் மாமன் மகளே ! மணிக்கதவம் தாள் திறவாய் ,மாமீர் !அவளை எழுப்பீரோ ?உன்மகள் தான்  ஊமையோ ?அன்றிச் செவிடோ ?அனந்தலோ ? ஏமப் பெருந்துயில் மந்திரப் பட்டாளோ மாமாயன் மாதவன் வைகுந்தன் என்றென்று நாமும் பலவும் நவின்றே லோரெம்பாவாய் .

Pasuram 9---Kannanvandhapodhu varugiren yendru pogamalirupavalai yezhuipuvadhu.

*   Thoomani maadathu sutrum villakeria dhoomam kamazha thulyilannaimel kannvallarum,
    Maaman magale manikadhavaum thaal thiravai mameer avallai yezhupeero un magal thaan,
   Oomaiyo andri sevido ananthalo yemap perunthuyil mandhira pattalo,
   Maamayan Madhavan Vaikunthan nendrum namum palavum navindra lorempavai

          Awakening a girl who is not performing ritual bathing as she has decided to worship Krishna as and when he comes.

   Hey girl! In a mansion that is made of peerless precious stones   and with light blazing in every corner and swirling with sweet smelling fumes, my mama's daughter who is sleeping on a soft bed is reluctant to get up .
Wake up ! And unlock the door studded with gems.
Maami ! Is your daughter dumb or deaf?Or is she fatigued ?
Has she drowned herself in deep sleep that she is unable to surface?
Or is she under a powerful spell binding her to her bed?
One who is full of wonders, The consort of Sri [lakshmi]Vaikuntanatha!
We are standing outside in the early morning chill, chanting his names.
Will you awaken her?

        கண்ணன் காதல் என்னும் ஸ்வர்கத்தில் இருக்கும் ஒருத்தியை எழுப்புதல். .

10.  நோற்று ஸ்வர்க்கம் புகுகின்ற அம்மனாய் மாற்றமும் தாராரோ வாசல் திறவாதார் ?
நாற்றத் துழாய்முடி நாராயணன் நம்மால் போற்றுப் பறைதரும் புண்ணியனால் பண்டொருநாள் கூற்றத்தின் வாய்வீ ழ்ந்த கும்ப கருணனும் தோற்றும் உனக்கே பெருந்துயில் தான் தந்தானோ ஆற்ற  அனந்தல் உடையாய் !அருங்கலமே தேற்றமாய் வந்து திறவே லோரெம்பாவாய் .  

Pasurum 10---Kannan kadhal yennum swargathil irrukum oruthiyai yezhupudhal

Introduction--This is a masterly  poem charecterised with wit and subtle humour.

* Notru swargam pugukindra ammanai matramum thaararo vasal thiravadaar,
Natra thuzhaimudi Naraynan nammaal potra paraitharum punniyanaal  pandorunaal,
Kootrathin vaiveezhindha Kumbhakaranum  thotramum unnakke perunthuyil thaan thandano,
Aatra anandha   ludaiyai  arungkalame thetramai vandhu thirave lorempavai.

     Awakening a girl who is in the heaven which is love for Krishna.

Hey girl!
        O leading lady ! You are reeling in the heavenly experiences of following the vows,
You are neither openning the door nor are you replying ,
We are praising the Pure One --Narayana  who adorns his hair with fragrant tulsi leaves .He is sure to reward us for singing his qualities.
But you are lost in deep and heavy sleep and arenot paying any heed to our calls.[expla--Like bhagwatas /devotees,immersed in their own world of spiritual experiences , immune to the distractions of the outside world]
Did Kumbakarnan cede his mammoth sleep to you for vanquishing him and sending him to the jaws of Yama?
My dear girl you are very lazy , yet we regard you as a precious jewel .
Wake up and open the door with a clear mind.

        எல்லாவகையுலும் மேன்மை பெற்றிருக்கும் செல்வியை யெழுப்பவது.

11.கற்றுக் கரவைக் கணங்கள் பல கறந்து செற்றார் திறலழியச் சென்று செருச்செய்யும்  குற்றமொன்றில்லாத கோவலர்தம் பொற்கொடியே !புற்றர வல்குற் புனமயிலே !போதராய் சுற்றத்து தோழிமா ரெல்லாரும் வந்து நின் முற்றம் புகுந்து முகில் வண்ணன் பேர்பாட சிற்றாதே பேசாதே ,செல்வ பெண்டாட்டி நீ ஏற்றுக் குறங்கும் பொருளே லோரெம்பாவாய் .

Pasurum 11 ---yellavagaillum menmai petrirukkum selviyai yezhupuvadhu.

* Katru karavai kannangal pala karandhu setrar thiralazhiya sendru seru seiyum
kutramondrilladha kovalar thum porkodiye putrara valkul punmayile! Podharai
Sutrathu thozhimaar yellarum vandhu nin mutrum pugundhu mughil vannan perpada
Sitradhe pesadhe selva pendati nee yetruk urungum porule lorempavai

                      Awakening a girl who is full of all meritorious qualities.
Hey girl!
O golden tendril of the blemishless cow herding clan whose livelihood is from milch cows but who are also so brave that they will defeat their enemies in the enemy's den itself,
You are blessed with feminity coupled with prosperity and beauty that is comparable to a peacock living in glens and are also blessed with the beauty of the hood of a cobra living in a ant hill .
Awake and arise!
We , your relatives and friends have collected at front of your house singing the sacred names of Bhagwan whose hue  is like the rain bearing clouds !
What is the purpose of your slumber,which is berefet of movements and speech?

     கண்ணனை பிரியமாலிற்கும் நற்செல்வனுடைய தங்கையை எழுப்புதுல் .

12. கனைத்திளங் கற்றெருமை கன்றுக் கிரங்கி நினைத்து முலைவழியே நின்றுபால் சோர நனைத்தில்லம் சேறாக்கும் நற்செல்வன் தங்காய் பனித்தலை வீழநின் வாசற் கடைபற்றி சினத்தினால் தென்னிலங்கைக் கோமானைச் செற்ற மனத்துக் கினியானை ;பாடவும் நீ வாய்திறவாய் இனித்தான் எழுந்திராய் ,ஈதென்ன பேருறக்கம் அனைத்தில்லத் தாரும் அறிந்தே லோரெம்பாவாய் .

Pasurum 12 -- Kannanai piriyamalirrukum narselvanudaiya thagaiyai yezhupudal

* Kannaithillangum katrerumai kandrukku iranghi ninaithu mulai vazhiye nindru paal sora
nanaithillam serakum narselvan thangai!Panithalai veezhanin vasarkadaipatri,
sinnathinaal thennilangai komanai setra manathikku iniyanai padavum neevaithiravai !
innitha yezhundirai eedhena per urrukum annaithiatharum arindhe lorempavai.

   Awakening the younger sister of a noble man who refuses to separate from Krishna .

'O' sister of a good and a noble man.The wealth of your brother is proclaimed by the fact that  buffaloes which  are yet to be milked  have flooded your courtyard with milk owing to their instinctive awareness of thier calf's needs and this milk flowing  from their udders  has turned the ground into slush ,
We are standing outside ,with cold mist falling on our heads ,singing the praises of one who is very pleasing to the heart  [Sri Rama].One who destroyed the lord of southern lanka with a ferocious rage.
Yet you are not opening your mouth .You are keeping silent ,
All the residents have woken up but for you.Why this deep sleep ?
wake up.

explanation--The brother of this girl is forever at service of Krishna and therefore has neglected his duty of milking his buffaloes .Hence the buffaloes are discharging milk to relieve themselves of pain .
Rama can neither tolerate enemies  of his friends nor his devotees sufferings .
Rama is so pleasant to heart that even his enemies eyes brim with tears in his presence  or whilst recalling  him.

                  நம் கண்ணழகை  நோக்கி கண்ணன் தானே வருவான் என்று படுத்திருப்பவளை எழுப்புதல்.

13.  புள்ளின் வாய் கீண்டானைப் பொல்லா அரக்கனை கிள்ளிக் களைந்தானைக் கீர்த்திமை பாடிப் போய் பிள்ளைகள் எல்லாரும் பாவைக் களம்புக்கார் வெள்ளி எழுந்து வியாழ முறங்கிற்று புள்ளும் சிலம்பின்காண் ;போதரிக் கண்ணினாய் !குள்ளக் குளிர குடைந்து நீராடாதே பள்ளிக் கிடத்தியோ ?பாவாய் !நீ நன்னாளால் கள்ளம் தவிர்ந்து கலந்தே லோரெம்பாவாய் .

Pasurum 13--Num kannazhagai nokki kannan thane varuvaan yendru padithirupavalai yezhupudal.

*Pullin vai keendanai polla arrakanai killi kalaindhanai keerthimai paadipoi,
Pillaigalyellarum pavai kallambhukaar velli yezhundhu vyazhamurangitru,
Pullum silambinakaan podharik kanninai kulla kullira kudhaindhu neeradadhe,
Palli kidathiyo pavai nee nannallal kallam thavirindhu kalandhe lorempavai.

              Awakening a girl who is sleeping with the self assurance that Krishna will come on his own             accord bewitched by her eyes.

All the girls have reached the place where the penance [of  bathing in the river in the morning cold]has to be performed,
They are all singing the praises of One who tore open the mouth of a bird -- the illusory form taken by the asura Bhakasura.,
They are also singing the praises of the valiant deeds of Bhagwan who effortlessly plucked the ten heads of wicked Ravana.
Venus has risen and Jupiter has set [indicating the break of dawn] and the birds are calling out welcoming the dawn and are flying out of their nests in search of food,
Little girl! You are blessed with eyes which are lotus like as well as doe like .You are as pretty as a doll !
Avoid this deceitful enjoyment of thoughts of Krishna all by yourself by dozing on the bed  .
Awake and arise and join our devout group in this auspicious day .

                   எல்லாரையும் தானே எழுபவதாக சொல்லிவிட்டு மறந்து உறங்குகிறவளை உணர்த்துதல் .

14. உங்கள் புழக்கடைக் தோட்டத்து வாவியுள் செங்கழுநீர் வாய் நெகிழ்ந்தாம்பல் வாய் கூம்பின காண் செங்கற்பொடி கூரைவெண்பல் தவத்தவர் தங்கள் திருக்கோயில் சங்கிடுவான் போதந்தார் எங்களை முன்னம் எழுப்புவான் வாய்பேசும் நங்காய் ! எழுந்திராய் ,நாணாதாய் !நாவுடையாய் !சங்கோடு சக்கரம் ஏந்தும் தடக்கையன் பங்கயக் கண்ணானை பாடே லோரெம்பாவாய் .

14 Pasurum               Yellaraiyum thane yezhupavadhaga sollivittu marandhu urangugiravallai unnarthudhal

*  Ungal puzhakadai thottathu vaviyul sengkazhuneer vai neghizh dham paalvai koombhinakaan,
  Sengal podi koorai vennpul  thavathavar thangal thirukoil sanghiduvaan podhandhaar,
 Yengalai munnum yezhupuvaan vai pesum nangai! Yezhundhirai naannadhai navudaiyai
 Sangodu chakaram yendhum thadakaiyun pangayak kannanai pade lorempavai

     Awakening a girl who has promised to  wake up every one but has forgotten her promise and is fast asleep.

Lotuses have bloomed in the pond in your backyard and lillies have closed their petals,
Sanyasis whose teeth are white without any stain [of beetul nut ]and wearing saffron clothes  are proceeding to thier sacred temples to blow the conch,
Dear young girl , you had promised to awaken us but you have gone back on our word and are fast sleep!
Yet you are not ashamed ,
However we donot hold this against you ,since you possess the ability to talk sweetly .
Arise to sing the praises of the lotus eyed One who holds the conch and chakra in his sinewy  arms.

expla --Lotus eyed One refers to Sriman Narayana .

                   உறங்கும் நங்கையும் உணர்த்தும் நங்கையரும் .

15.   எல்லே !இளங்கிளியே !இன்னம் உறங்குதியோ சில்லென் றழையேன் மின்நங்கைமீர் !போதர்கின்றேன்.                                                                         வல்லையுன்  கட்டுரைகள் பண்டேயுன் வாய்றிதும்                                            வல்லீர்கள் நீங்களே நானே  தானாயிடுக ,ஒல்லை நீ போதாய் ,உனக்கென்ன  வேறுடையை  எல்லாரும் போந்தாரோ ?                                                                     போந்தார் ;போந்தெண்ணிகொள் ,
வல்லானை கொன்றானை மாற்றாரை மாற்றழிக்க மாயனை பாடே லோரெம்பாவாய் .

15 pasurum   --- Urrangum nangaiyum unnurthum nangaiyarum [Sambhashanai]

        yelle yillangkilliyeinnum urungudhiyo?silendrazhaiyen  min nangai meer ! Podharkinren.
        Vallai un katturaigal ! pande un vaiyaridhum
        Vallergal nengale nanedhan ayiduga .Ollai nee podhai ,unnakenna verudaiyai?Yellarum                        pondharo?pondhar pondhennikol.
       Vallani kondranai matrarai matrazhikka vallanai Mayanai pade lorempavai.

                Sleeping damsel and explaining damsel [conversation]

    Hey young  parrot ! Are you still sleeping?
    Ladies donot call out to me shrilly.I'll be up in trice.
    You are a expert wordsmith, of which we were aware of even earlier,
Oh yes! You are all smarter than me, yet if you all think that i am smarter than you all so be it,
    Has everybody arrived?
    What prevents you from joining us?All of us have gathered ,Kindly get up and make a head count of us all,
  Arise to sing the praisesof Mayan [Krishna] who killed a strong elephant and who  is capable of destroying his enemies in face to face combats.

16--     நந்தகோபனின் வாசல் காப்பானை எழுப்பதல் .

    நாயகனா  நின்ற நந்தகோபனுடைய ,
   கோயில் காப்பானே! கொடித்தோன்றும் தோரண ,
   வாயில் காப்பானே  மணிக்கதவம் தாள் திறவாய் ,
  ஆயர் சிறுமியரோமுக்கு  அறைபறை ,
  மாயன்  மணிவண்ணன் நென்னலே வாய் நேர்ந்தான்,
  தூயோமாய் வந்தோம் துயிலெழப் பாடுவான் ,
 வாயால் முன்னமுன்னம்  மாற்றாதே அம்மா நீ ,
 நேய நிலைக்கதவம் நீக்கே லோரெம்பாவாய் .

Nayaganai nindra Nandagopanudaiya koil kappane !Kodithondrum thorana ,
Vayil kappane.mannikadhavam thaal thiravai aayar sirimiyuromukku arai parai .
Mayan manni vannan nennale vainerndhaan thuyomaivandhom thuyilyezhapaduvaan.
vaayaal munum munum matradhe amm anee neya nilaikadhavaum neeke lorempavai .

                 Awakening the gate keeper at Nandagopan's mansion

In preceding 10 pasurums girls were awakend .In the following 7 pasurums Krishna is being awakened.

Gate keepers of the heroic Nandagopala's mansion with its festooned entrances and flag staff  , unlock the gem studded doors.
Yesterday the turquoise hued magician had promised us, the girls of yadava clan that he would pronounce his boons today,
With a pure heart we have gathered here  to awaken him and hear the boons he had promised to grant us
Sir, donot deny our request and kindly open the double doors that have embraced each other tightly and fondly.

          நந்தகோபன் ,யசோதை கண்ணன் ,பலராமன் என்று எழுப்புதல்.

17.அம்பரமே தண்ணீரே சோறே அறஞ்செயும் எம்பெருமான் நந்தகோபால !எழுந்திராய்                                                                                                           கொம்பனார்க்கெல்லாம் கொழுந்தே !குலவிளக்கே !                                   எம்பெருமாட்டி யசோதாய் !அறிவுறாய்                                                                         அம்பரம் ஊடறுத் தோங்கி உலகளந்த உம்பர் கோமானே !உறங்காது எழுந்திராய்.                                                                                                                             செம்பொற் கழலடி செல்வா ! பலதேவ !ஊம்பியும் நீயும் உறங்கேல் ஓர் எம்பாவாய் .

Pasurum 17--Nandagopan, Yashodai,Kannan,Balaraman yendru ivargalai yezhupudhal.

      Ambarame thunneere sore aramseiyum emperumaan nandagopala yezhundhirai,
      Kombhanarkellaam kozhundhe kulavillake emperumati yashodai arivurai,
      Ambaramoodaruthongi ullagallandha umburkomane urrungadhu yezhundhirai ,
      sempor kazhaladi selva baladeva umbiyum neeyum urrunge lorempavai

                 Awakening Nanda gopala ,Yashodha, Krishna and Balarama .

        Swamy Nandagopala , you gift clothes , water and food to the satisfaction of those seeking   alms.Please  wake up.
       Leading lady Yashodha you are like a unfurled fresh young leaf and you are the auspicious light of your  matrimoniol house .Please realise that it is time to wake up .
       Lord of gods you  once measured the  entire space as well as this earth by growing immensely  tall and filling every inch of the universe with your  body , please donot sleep, wake up !
   Prosperous Balarama your feet is shod in reddish gold fleets.You and your younger brother Krishna must awaken from  slumber.

18-----நப்பின்னை பிராட்டியை துயில் எழுப்புவது ]ராமானுஜருக்கு உகந்த பாசுரம் ]
Pasurum --18 --Nappinai pirattiyai thuil yezhupavadu  [ramanujarukku ugandha pasurum]

உந்து மதகளிற்றன்  ஓடாத தோள்வலியன் ,
நந்தா கோபாலன் மருமகளே நப்பின்னாய் ,
கந்தம் கமழும் குழலி கடைதிறவாய் ,
வந்தெங்கும் கோழி அழைத்தனகாண் மாதவிப்
பந்தல்மேல் பல்கால் குயிலினங்கள் கூவினகாண் ,
பந்தார் விரலி உன் மைத்துனுன் பேர்பாட ,
செந்தாமரைக்   கையால் சீரார் வளை யொலிப்ப ,
வந்து திறவாய் மகிழ்ந்தே லோரெம்பாவாய் .

 Undhu madhagallitraan vodadha tholvaliyan nandagopalan marumagale nappinai,
  Kandhum kamazhum kuzhali kadaithiravai vandhengum kozhi azhaithanakaan madhavi,
 Pandhal mel palkaal kuilinnagal koovinakaan pandhaar virrali un maithunun perpada ,
 Senthamarai kaiyaal seerar vallai olippa vandhu thiravai maghizhindhe lorempavai

                      Awakening Nappinai piratti [consort of Krishna]

Nappinai! You are the daughter- in- law of the broad shouldered Nanda Gopala , who is as strong as a elephant in musth and who never retreats from a battle.
You have scented tresses that spread their fragrance  , please open the door.
Flocks of koels are cooing on the trellis which are entwined  with flowering creepers,
 Nappinai! You have soft finger tips.We have assembled here to sing the sacred names of your husband ,
 Krishna ,
Do join this devout gathering  joyfully with all your heart by opening the door of your house with your lotus like hands by tinkling the  bangles that adorn them .

Note --Nappinai is the southern name for Radha.

explanation--  Devotees strive to reach Bhagwan through the good offices of his kind and compassionate consort.

                     நப்பின்னையை மறுபடியும் எழுப்புதல்.

19.   குத்து விளக்கெரிய கோட்டுக்கால் கட்டில்மேல் மெத்தென்று பஞ்ச சயனத்தின் மேலேறிக் ,
கொத்தலர் பூங்குழல் நப்பின்னை கொங்கைமேல் வைத்து கிடந்த மலர்மார்பா !வாய்திறவாய் ;
மைத்தடங்க கண்ணினாய் !நீ உன் மணாளனை எத்தனை போதும் துயிலயெழ ஒட்டாய்காண் ,
எத்தனை யே லும்  பிரிவாற்ற கில்லாயால் தத்துவம் அன்று தகவே லோரெம்பாவாய் .

Pasurum 19--           Nappinaiyai marubadiyum yezhupudhal

   Kutthu villakku yeriya kottukaal kattil mel methendru panchasayanathin mel yeri ,
   Kothalar poongkuzhal nappinai kongaimel vaithu kidandha malar marbha vai thiravai ,
   Maithadang kanninai neeyum mannallanai  yethanai podhum thuyilyezha vettai kaan ,
   Yethanai yellum pirivaatra killayaal thathuvum andru thagave lorempaavi

                                Awakening Nappinai again

   Krishna , you are sleeping over a soft downy mattress which is spread over a cot supported by ivory legs in a room lit by huge oil lamps in the soft embrace of Nappinai who has decked her hair with bunches of flowers,.
Broad chested Krishna ,open your mouth and utter few words.
Nappinai you have eyes that are darkened by koilyirium.You are not awakening your wedded husband.
The sun is climbing higher and higher .It is time to wake up .Yet you are not waking up your husband since you are unable to bear the separation from him even for a few seconds  ,
This selfishness doesnot behove you and your benevolent nature.

Note --the ivory legs of the cot were said to have been made from the tusks of the elephant Kuvalayapeedam which Krishna had killed when it was sent by Kamsa , to trample Krishna to death.

pancha sayanam  denoted either mattresses that were made from 5 materials like cotton , silk , white wool , flowers and stalks.or  mattresses that had the the following 5 qualities  like-beauty, coolness, softness , fragrance and white colour.

.         எங்களை இப்போதே நீராடச்செய்வாய் என்று நப்பினையையும் அதற்க்குமுன் கண்ணனையும் எழுப்புதுல் .

    20.   முப்பத்து மூவர் அமரர்க்கு முன்சென்று கப்பம் தவிர்க்கும் கலியே !துயிலெழாய் !
செப்பம் உடையாய் !திறலுடையாய் !செற்றார்க்கு வெப்பம் கொடுக்கும் விமலா !துயிலெழாய் ;
செப்பென மென்முலை செவ்வாய் சிறு மருங்குல் நப்பின்னை நங்காய் !திருவே !துயிலெழாய் !
உக்கமும் தட்டொளியும் தந்துன் மணாளனை இப்போதே எம்மை நீராட்டே லோரெம்பாவாய் !

Pasurum 20 ---Yengalai ippodhe neerada seivai yendru nappinaiyum ,adharkku mun kannanaiyum yezhupudhal.

                Muppathu moovar amararkku mun sendru kappam thavirkum kaliye thuyilyezhayoi,
                Seppamudaiyai thiraludaiyai setrarkku  veppang kodukkum vimala thuyilyezhayai,
                 Seppenna men  mulai sevvai  sirumarungkul nappinai nangai thiruve thuyil yezhai,
                ukkamum thatolium thandhu unn mannalanai ippodhe yemmai neerate lorem pavai .

             Awakening Krishna and Nappinai so that all the girls can fulfil their vow of bathing in the river at that very instant

       'O'Timeless One ,You  remove  the fears of all the 33 devas at the very instant when they arise in them  .Awaken from your sleep!
     'O'Pure One You are honest   as well as able.You are capable of putting the heat on the foes of your devotees .Awaken from your sleep.
    Nappinai ! Mahalakshmi !  You are a young woman who is slim waisted , rosy lipped with petite mouth and soft skinned .Awaken from your sleep.
   Grant us the audience of your wedded husband and gift us the two requisites of this penance -  fan and mirror so that we may bathe in the river immediately .

            நப்பின்னை உள்ளிட்ட அனைவரும் கண்ணனது வீரத்தை புகழ்ந்து துயில் உணர்த்துதல் .

21.ஏற்ற கலங்கள்  எதிர்பொங்கி மீதளிப்ப மாற்றாதே பால்சொரியும் வள்ளற் பெரும்பசுக்கள் ,
அற்றப் படைத்தான் மகனே !அறிவுறாய் !ஊற்றம் உடையாய் !பெரியாய் !உலகினில் ,
தோற்றமாய் நின்ற சுடரே !துயிலெழாய் மாற்றார் உனக்கு வலிதொலைந்து உன் வாசற்கண் ,
ஆற்றாது வந்துன் அடிபணியுமாபோலே ,
போற்றியாம் வந்தோம் புகழ்ந்தே லோரெம்பாவாய் .

Pasurum 21. Nappinai ullitta anaivarum kannanadhu veerathai pughazhindhu thuyil unnarthudhal

   Yetra kalangal yedhir pongi meedhallippa maatradhe paal soriyum vallal perum pasukkal
    aatrap padaithaan magane arivurai vootra mudaiyai peryai ulaginil,
Thotramai nindra sudrae thuyilyezhai maatrar unnakku vallitholaindhun vasarkunn,
  Aatradhu vandhunadi panniyuma pole potriyaam vandhom pughazhindhe lorempavai .

                Including Nappinai  ,all praise Krishna's valour when they are trying to awaken him .

         ' Nandagopala is the owner of a large number of cows which are so healthy and generous that they    make the milking pans  constantly overflow with their frothy milk .'O' son of Nandagopala wake up !
         Your sincerity in protecting your devotees is beyond question .You personify the inner strength of   Vedas You are also above Vedas.Wake up !
       You are  infinite and bright and have taken avatar in this world .Awaken from your sleep.
       Your foes lose thier strength on coming face to face with your prowess and surrender at your feet at  your gateway.
         We have reached your entrance singing your praises  .

                 கண்ணன் தன் கண்களால் மெல்ல மெல்ல கடாட்சிக்கவேணும் என்று பிரார்த்திப்பது .

22  .  அங்கண்மா  ஞாலத் அரசர் அபிமான பங்கமாய் வந்து நின் பள்ளிக்கட்டிற்கீழே ,
சங்கம் இருப்பார்போல் வந்து தலைப்பெய்தோம் கிங்கிணி வாய்ச்செய்த தாமரைப் பூப்போலே  ,
செங்கண் சிறுச்சிறிதே எம்மேல் விழியவோ ?திங்களும் ஆதித்தியனும் எழுந்தாற்போல் ,
அங்கண் இரெண்டுங் கொண்டெங்கள்மேல் நோக்குதியேல்
எங்கள்மேல் சாபம் இழிந்தே லோரெம்பாவாய் .

Pasurum 22.  --Kannan thun kanngalal mella mella kattatchikka vennum yendru  prathipadhu.

 Angannamala gyallathu arasar abhimana pangamaai vandhu nin palli katirkeezhe ,
 Sangam irrupaarpol  vandhu thalai peidhom kinginni vai seidha tamaraipoo pole ,
 Sengann sirusiredhe yemmel vizhiyavo thingalum aadhithiyanum yezhundarpol
 Angannirendu kondengal mel  nokkidhiyel yengal mel sabhum izhindhe lorempavai

                  Praying to Krishna to open his eyes slowly to bless them .

 A huge crowd of rulers who held sway over vast tracts of bountiful lands .who once preened over their superiority of not being  challenged  or defeated in the earth have all assembled at your bedside humbled by your power,
We the ordinary mortals have also joined them and are thirsting to reach you.
Won't yor eyes that is as red a lotus bud that has unfurled its petals slightly to the size of the mouth of tiny bells adorning anklets , look in our direction?
Kindly bless us to be free of the curse of separation from you by favouring us with divine look of those two eyes of yours that posses the brilliance of sun and coolness  of the moon that have risen together?

explanation---It is fallacious of rulers to think that they  own the land they rule.It is actually owned by Sriman Narayana .Vamana avatar was taken by Bhagwan to establish this fact.
  Comparing Krishna's eyes to sun and moon implies this--His eyes are cooler than moon because he pours his blessings without any limit on those who follow Him .They are hotter than the sun to those who do things against his will.
Girls are requesting him to open his eyes slowly as they would not be able to bear his  immeasurable generosity in one go.They can bear his enormous kindness only in small doses spread over a period of time.

      யசோதை இளங் சிங்கத்தை நோக்கி ' நீ சிங்காதனத்தில் வீற்றிருந்து விண்ணப்பம் கேட்பாய்' என்பது

Pasurum--23   Yashodai illamsingathai noki nee singadhanathil veetrirundhu vinnapam ketpai yenbhadhu.

**   23          மாரி மலை முழைஞ்சில் மன்னிக் கிடந்துறங்கும் ,
                சீரிய சிங்கம் அறிவுற்றுத் தீவிழித்து ,
                வேரி மயிர்பொங்க எப்பாடும் பேர்ந்துதறி
               மூரி நிமிர்ந்து முழங்கிப் புறப்பட்டு ,
               போதருமா போலே நீ பூவைப்பூ  வண்ணா உன் ,
                கோயில் நின்று இங்ஙகனே போந்தருளிக் கோப்புடைய
              சீரிய சிங்கா சனத்திலிருந்து யாம் வந்த ,
               காரியம் ஆராய்ந்    தருளே லோரெம்பாவாய் .  

Maari malai muzhainjil mannikidandhu urungum seeriya singam arivutru theevizhithu ,
Veri mayir ponga yeppaadum perndhuthari moori nimirindhu muzhanghi purapadum
podhuruma pole nee poovai poo vanna ! unn koilnin ringane pondharulli koppudaiyai
 seeriya singha sanathalilirundhu yaamvandha kariyum aarai tharule lorempavai

  To Yashodha's young lion cub [Krishna] "Please  sit on your throne and listen to our petition "

Like the majestic lion that wakes up from its sleep in a cave -its shelter in rainy season ,
Opening its eyes that glitter like  sparks of fire , framed by uniquely fragrant lush mane,
And stretching its muscular yet lithe body and shaking itself out of its laziness and announcing that it is no longer inactive or lethargic by raising its head and roaring and striding out of its cave ,
Krishna , you who are like a blue hued flower , leave your palce of residence and come to our place here and seat yourself on the beautiful oranate thorne and examine our pleas and bless us.

expla-- The girls are requesting Krishna to leave his bed and seat himself majestically ona throne like a emperor that he is and listen to thier petitions.

inner meanng--When a person comes to the end of his thether and makes a heartfelt plea to be rescued , Bhagwan comes forward immediately and majestically to help .

poetic --The description of lion waking up from its deep slumber has been so well brought that the scene comes alive before our eyes.

        கண்ணனின் நடைஅழகும் வடிவழகும் கண்டு வாழ்த்துவது .

Pasurum 24. Kannanin nadai azhagum vadivazhagum kandu vaazhthuvadhu
24.  அன்றிவ் வுலகம் அளந்தாய் அடிபோற்றி ,
சென்றங்குத் தென்னிலங்கை செற்றாய் திறல்போற்றி ,
பொன்றச் சகட முதைத்தாய் புகழ்   போற்றி ,
கன்று குணிலாவெறிந்தாய் கழல் போற்றி ,
குன்று குடையா வெடுத்தாய் குணம் போற்றி ,
 வென்று படை கெடுக்கும் நின்கையில் வேல் போற்றி ,
என்றென்றுன் சேவகமே ஏத்திப் பறை கொள்வான் ,
இன்று யாம் வந்தோம் இரங்கே லோரெம்பாவாய் .

Andriv ullagum allandhai addi potri sendrungu thennilangai setrai thiral potri,
pondra sagadam udhaithai pugazh potri kandru kunnila verithai kazhal potri
kundru kudaiyai yedduthai kunnam potri vendrupagai kedukum ninkaiyil vel potri
yendryendrm sevagame yethi paraikollvaan indruyam vandhom irange lorempavai

                          Praising Krishna's gait and form

One who measured the world in days gone by ,auspiciousness  be to your feet ,
You went to Lanka in the south and destroyed it , auspiciousness be to your fame ,
One who kicked to death the asura  sagadasuran to death , auspiciousness be to your fame,
One who flung the Rakshas who had assumed the form of a calf at the Rakshas who had taken the form of custard aple , auspiciousness be to your sacred feet ,
Auspciouness be to your nature that lifted the Govardhan hill and held it as a umbrella during a fierce storm,
Auspiciouness be to your hands that holds the spear  that brings victory and destroys enemies '
Praising  your countless valorous deeds  we have come today to seek your blessings.Kindly condescend.

         பறையென்னும் வியாஜத்தால் தங்களை அங்கீகரிக்க வேணுமென்று பிரார்த்திப்பது .

25. ஒருத்தி மகனாய் பிறந்து ஒருத்தி மகனாய் ஒளித்து வளர ,
     தரிக்கிலா நாகித் தான் தீங்கு நினைத்த  கருத்தை பிழைப்பித்துக்  கஞ்சன் வயிற்றில் ,
 நெருப்பென்ன நின்ற நெடுமாலே !உன்னை அருத்தித்து வந்தோம் ;பறை தருதியாகில் ,
திருத்தக்க செல்வமும் சேவகமும் யாம்பாடி வருத்தமும் தீர்ந்து மகிழ்ந்தோ லோரெம்பாவாய் .

Pasurum 25.        Parai yennum vyajathaal thangalai angeegarikka vennumendru prarthippadu

    Oruthi maganai pirandhu vor iravil oruthi maganai ollithu vallara
trikila naaghithan theengu ninaindhu karuthai pizhaipithu kanjan vayitril'
neruppena nindra nedumale unnai aruthithu vandhom paraitharudhi yagil
thirurthakka selvamum sevagamum yaam paadi varruthum theerindhu magizhindhe lorempavai

                      Praying for recognition by Bhagwan

Being born of a woman[Devaki] and then hidden and carted away on that same night to grow up as another wman's [Yashoda's ] son ,
O Tall and towering Bhagwan , you lit the fire of fear in the envious Kamsan's belly .We petition to you to heed to our requests and grant us boons,
We will sing in praise of your wealth -Lakshmi and her infinite wealth as well as your brave deeds .

explanation-- First five sentences illustrate beautifully the avatar of Krishna and the reason behind taking that avatar.--the annihilation of wicked and evil persons.

    நோன்புக்கு வேண்டிய உபகரணங்களை வேண்டிக்கொள்வது .

26.  மாலே ! மணிவண்ணா !மார்கழி நீராடுவான் மேலையார் செய்வனகள் வேண்டுவன கேட்டியேல் ,
 ஞாலத்தை எல்லாம் நடுங்க முரல்வன பாலன்ன வண்ணத்து உன் பாஞ்ச சன்னியமே
போல்வன சங்கங்கள் ,போய்ப்பா டுடையனவே   சாலப் பெரும்பறையே ,பல்லாண்டு இசைப்பாரே ,
கோல விளக்கே, கொடியே விதானமே ,ஆலின் இலையாய்!அருளே லோரெம்பாவாய் . 

    Pasurum 26.--Nonbikku vendia ubhakaranagalai vendikollvadhu.

Maale mannivanna margazhi neeraduvaan melaiyarseivannangal venduvanna kettiyel,
gyallathaiyellam nadunga muralvanna pallanna vannathun panja sanniyame,
polvanna sangangal poiyappa uadaiyavanesalap perumparaiye pallandu isaipare,
kola villakke kodiye vidhaname aalinilaiya arulle lorempavai .

                        Praying for the essential materials for thier penance

Narayana! Turquoise blue hued One! We are doing this penance of bathing in the morning cold  of the winter month of Margazhi .as was ordained by our anscestors , as the means to seek boons from you,

One who reclines on a banyan leaf  in the form of a infant after swallowing all the worlds and universe at the time of great  deluge [Pralaya], listen and grant us the following materials to enable us to continue with our penanace.
Shells to blow, shells that resemble your swan like milky white conch  -Panchya janya ,whose sound makes the enemies in this world to tremble , huge drums to beat , devout Vaishnavaite singing groups,auspicious lamps,shelter over our heads  and flag staffs to announce our presence .

     நோன்பு நோற்றபின்பு தாங்கள் பெரும் சம்மானம் கூறுவது .

Pasurum 27 -Nonbhu notra pinbhu thaangal perum sammanum kooruvadhu.

27  .கூடாரை வெல்லும் சீர்க் கோவிந்தா !உன்தன்னைப் ,
பாடிப் பறைகொண்டு யாம் பெறும் சம்மானம் ,
நாடு புகழும் பரிசினால் நன்றாக ,
சூடகமே தோள்வளையே தோடே செவிப்பூவே ,
பாடகமே என்றனைய பல்கலனும் யாமணிவோம் ,
ஆடையுடுப்போம் அதன் பின்னே பாற்சோறு ,
மூட, நெய் பெய்து முழங்கை வழிவாரக்  ,
கூடியிருந்து குளிர்ந்தே லோரெம்பாவாய் .

Koodarai vellum seer Govinda un thanai paadi parai kondu yaam perum sammanum,
naadu pughazhum parisinaal nanraaga soodagame tholl vallaiye thode sevipoove,
padagame yendranaiya palkalanum yaamannivom adai udupom adhanpinye parsor,
mooda nei peidhu muzhangai vazhivara koodi irundhu kullirindhe lorempavai

          Explaining the rewards the girls get after performing the penance

'O'Govinda! You have qualities which would conquer all those who refuse to bow before you,
The reward we will get for singing your praises is the undying fame for this country,
We will wear earings,armlets, amulets bestowed on us by You and Nappinai  .
We will also wera silk clothes ,
After that we will partake rice payasam overflowing with ghee ,that will drip down our elbows , and thus end our penance,
Govinda!we will live together in pleasant harmony!

Explanation --The girls are not seeking recognition for  the severe penance that they had undertaken,a whole month .They are contented with the fact  that the country will become wealthy and famous owing to thier penance.and that the country in turn will recognise the importance of this penance. 

    உபாயம் ஒன்றும் அறியாத பிள்ளைகள் தயவுசேவை என்று விண்ணப்பம் செய்வது .         

Pasurum--28--Ubhayam ondrum ariyadha pillaigal dayavuseivai endru vinnapam seivadhu.

28. கறவைகள் பின்சென்று கானஞ் சேர்ந்துண்போம் ,
அறிவொன்றுமில்லாத ஆய்க்குலத்து உன்றன்னைப்
பிறவி பெறுந்தனைப் புண்ணியம் யாமுடையோம் ,
குறைவொன்று மில்லாத கோவிந்தா உன்றன்னோடு ,
உறவேல் நமக்கிங் கொழிக்க வொழியாது ,
அறியாத பிள்ளைகளோ மன்பினால் உன்றன்னைச்
சிறு பேரைழைத்தனவும் சீறி யருளாதே ,
இறைவா  நீதாராய் பறையே லோரெம்பாவாய் .

Karavaigal pinsendru kannum ser indhu unnbhom,arivilladha aayakulathu unthanai,
piravi perundhanai punniyum yamadaiyom kuraivondrum illadha Govinda! un thanodu,
urravel nammakinghu kozhika ozhiyadhu!Ariyadha pillaigalom anbinaal unthanai,
siruper azhaithanavum seeri aruladhe Iraiva! nee tharai paraiye lorempavai.

                 Requesting Bhagwan to show leniency towards ignorant girls like themselves.

We eat and nourish ourselves by grazing cattles in forest,
We the yadavas are a clan that is devoid of knowledge and wisdom,
How ever by your birth -'Govinda -The flawless One ,' in our clan  we have been greatly blessed .We are also  grateful for the same,
The relationship between You and us is such that it cannot be destroyed by either of us,
'O''Bhagwan' we the ignorant girls must be forgiven for calling you with utmost familiarity and by common names ,We did it out of  our sheer love and devotion to You ,
Grant us boons that according to You befit us!

Explanation -Sri Krishna  is Narayana ,.Narayana is  the name of Bhagwan originally.But when he assumed Krishna avatar the Gopikas called him by various names with utmost familiarity  Hence they are seeking forgivness for reffering to BhagwanNarayana with familiarity  .This is similar to Arjuna seeking forgiveness of Sri Krishna when Sri Krishna showed his Vishwaroopam to Arjuna making Arjuna realise that his friend and cousin Sri Krishna was no ordinary mortal but the Supreme Brahman ,Narayana himself.

Inner meanings--
1. First  line makes it clear that there is no Gurukul or other knowledge imparting insitutions that need to be attended to attain Moksham.
2.Second line ignores the artificial barriers of education and caste to attain Him .
3.The fourth line high lights the flawless nature of Bhagwan,
4.It also establishes the indestructible and eternal relationship between Bhagwan and human beings.
5.The seventh line seeks forgivness for sins committed
6.In the eighth line boons are sought directly from the only reality -BhagwanSri Krishna.

       திருப்பாவையின் தனி பெரும் கொள்ளகையை வெளியிடும் பாசுரம் .

Pasurum 29-- Thirippavaiyin thani perung kollgaiyai velliyidum pasuram

29 .சிற்றஞ் சிறுகாலே வந்துன்னைச் சேவித்து உன் ,
பொற்றா மரையடியே போற்றும் பொருள் கேளாய் ,                                             பெற்றம்மேய்த்    துண்ணும் குலத்தில் பிறந்த நீ
குற்றேவேல்   எங்களை கொள்ளாமல் போகாது
இற்றைப் பறை கொள்வான் அன்றுகாண் கோவிந்தா
எற்றைக்கும் ஏழேழ் பிறவிக்கும் உன் தன்னோடு ,
உற்றோமே யாவோ முனக்கே நாமாட் செய்வோம் ,
மற்றைநங்  காமங்கள் மாற்றே லோரெம்பாவாய்

Sitrangsiru kalai vandhunai sevithu un potrar marai adiye potrum porull kellai,
Petrram meithunnum  kulathil pirandha nee kutravel yengalai kollamal pogadhu,
ittrai parai kollvaan andrukaan Govinda yettraikum yezh yezh piravikkum unthanodu
utramae yavom unnake naam aatseivom matrai num kamangal matre lorempavai

    Pasuram that reveals the  unique and main  idealogy of Thirupavai,

'O''Govinda  Do listen to to the reason behind us all praising our golden feet early in the mrning.
You have taken birth in the clan that makes a living out of grazing cows,
 Please do not commit the crime of not accepting our devotion,
 We have come  seeking boons from you today after keeping our penance for a long period of time ,
It is this 'Govinda ' that in all our seven into seven births  and your avatars we should have a close relationship with you ,
And that we will serve none other than you,
Please remove all those desires that render fruitless our above mentioned prayers and the main purpose behind our penance.

explanation --The main boon sought by the young girls keeping penance is to render services to the sacred feet of Sri Krishna for all times to come and to never separate from him in all their  rebirths and in all his avatars and to do service, puja and have  heartfelt devotion only to Him and to no other God.

      இப்ரபந்தம் கற்பவர்  திருமாலின் திருவருள் பெற்று ஆனந்தம் அடைவார் .

 Pasuram 30--Ipprabhandham karpavar thirumalin thiruvarul petru anandan adaivar --[phalasruti]

வங்கக் கடல்கடைந்த மாதவனைக் கேசவனை ,
திங்கள் திரு முகத்துச் சேயிழையார் சென்றி றைஞ்சி
அங்கப் பறைகொண்ட வாற்றை அணி புதுவைப்,
பைங்கமலத் தண் தெரியல் ,
பட்டர்பிரான் கோதை  சொன்ன ,
இங்கு இப்பரிசுரைப்பார் ஈரிரண்டு மால்வரைத்தோள் ,
செங்கண் திருமுகத்துச் செல்வத் திருமாலால் ,
எங்கும் திருவருள் பெற்றின்புறுவ ரெம்பாவாய்

Vanga kadal kadaindhu Madhavanai Kesavani thingal thirumugathu  seiyizhaiyar senru irainji,
anga parai konda aatrai annipudhuvai paingkamalath thuntheriyal battarbiran kodai sonna ,
sangathamizh malai muppadhum thappame ingi parisuraipar  yeer rirendu maalvaraithol,
sengann thirumugathu selvaThirumalal  yengum thiruvarul petrinbhuruva  rempavai

   Those who learn this prabhandham will be blessed by Sriman Narayana  .[the beneficial effects of learning and reciting Thirupavai]

The legend of moon like bright countenanced damsels adorned in ornaments and keeping penance and seeking boons  from Madhavan /Kesavan ,who churned the milky ocean for amurthum , is related by Andal of Srivalliputur  ,the daughter of Bhattar piran[Periaazhwar], who adorns herself in cool and pleasant garland of lotuses ,

Those who recite all the 30  hymns written in Sanga [ancient Tamil] Tamizh will derive lasting bliss owing to the blessings of the red eyed, four shouldered , handsome and prosperous Sriman Narayana  .

                                  ஆழ்வார் திருவடிகளே சரணம்
                                   Azhwar thiruvadigale saranam
                               [I surrender to the sacred feet of Aazhwar]

   சீரார்  தூப்புல் திருவேங்கடமுடையான்  திருவடிகளே சரணம்
                Seerar Tupul Thiruvengadamudaiyan thiruvadigale saranam

               [ I surrender to the sacred feet of TupulSri Vengadamudaiyan [Sri Desikan] who is full of auspicious qualities]

