Monday, March 31, 2014

Fairly good news.

Saw the news that Nancy powell has quit as US Ambassador  to India  owing to her mishandling of dk[sg ]case .So , it was this old woman along with local traitorous political and media accomplices ,who was roasting me for the past 3 months in this vexatious --'prestige issue' viz the free  ingress into US of Sonia.g !Good riddance to her crazy schemes and senile ideas that belittled the sound democratic values of her country as well as of mine .

Hope the new ambassador is not tempted to put the pincer on me  in this vexatious issue..

written and blogged on 1.4.14

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disappointing news of the day

That Uma bharathi will not be pitted against Sonia .g in upcoming lok sabha elections.What a let down .I was looking forward to fiery speeches and Uma's victory.


Sunday, March 30, 2014

Resolution of the day

To keep a close watch Obama's foreign policy .Abandon reacting to the the terrific show being put up by indain politicians,that  is rallies and on tv,.an exciting diversion from the usual debates and be upto date with Obama's foreign visits and itinerary and find out the lenght of his tenure in his office.A boring and tiresome self inflicted work but having bitten twice for my much prized middle class preception [manipulated with help of traitorous locals] i need to be on guard.
The road ahead is long, boring but the fruits will be spiritual.Standing one's ground refusing to cow down or allow oneself to be the source of deception of some unsuspecting   people world over  even at face of tremendous pressure exerted, is by itself spiritually uplifting.

Shifting back for support.

Dear viewers i did feel that sacredness of this blog created for me by my late son Vidat was lost owing to the ingress of politicians through it into my house and  for exploiting me to suit their agendas namely in tackling /causing confusion in that anna/aap movt, in thwarting  modi's rise, and as a forcible pawn in foreign policy  with peripheral benefits of supplying ideas to journos and speech writers.                                                        Yet i feel that if i am in this blog my battle will not be  lonely one and i expect it to be a long one having totally lost trust in all politicians  with the feeling  my late son Vidat will watch over me ,guide me and give me the strength to be myself and not to compromise my views and ideals in face of continuos onslaught by politico's , national as well as international of all hues which includes aap and assorted groups as well as media houses  hence i have decided to shift back to writing in this blog                                                                                                                                                                     My writings on religion, history and pilgrimages would however be on my other blog sujataism2.