Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Comunal violence bill.

Read an  article on communal violence bill on the net.

On  reading the several provisions referred to in it, the bill appears to be very draconian and very very heavily loaded in favour of minorities and very very heavily loaded against the majority community which in here means Hindus.Is this the present govt's answer for pota? A tit for tat?

I was  ruminating and analysing the political fall out if this act came into force.

Its immediate benefit would be for Cong and other Secular parties ---that is minority wooing parties in extremes by foisting a sense of security[false] and the  feeling of being avenged, on minorities who would register their gratitude at the time of voting.
But in the long run this bill could prove to be the nemesis of Cong and pseudo secular parties[this is only an assessment not prediction and nor am i looking forward to such a scenario, though i am more or less a rightist]

1. Riots occur in lower startas of society . The segment that votes religiously.If this bill is pressed into action with the usual over enthusiasm that characterise these parties these days, so as to make them turn a blind eye to real situation  ,resentment will build up amongst the Hindu -viz majority to such an extent that they would lose trust in these parties and their resentment could boil over to the streets and could make them boycott these parties for ever.

2. The middle class is never involved in riots due to its natural abhorrence to blood shed and violence.So that part of the bill will not touch it. But if the forced integration the  lofty  notion of idealistic few living,  away from ground realities ,history [both communities have learnt not to tread on each others toes  ,having fought ,lived and adjusted with each other over the centuries] and sensitivity to religious beliefs , that this bill envisages that is dictating as to whom a person should rent his house etc would touch a very raw nerve.Not only at the blatant encroachment on the fundamental right to property that every civilised nation guarantees its citizens but also on equally  dangerous and sensitive issue, that of core religious beliefs and practises.

 Cut to the basics most Hindus [ unlike me and others living along with Muslims] are extremely finicky in their eating habits.Generally A veg Hindu will not let out his house to another Hindu if he is a non veg or even live near his house Then how will he tolerate minorities  with eating habits that goes against the basic religious belief  that of according a deep respect to cows , and the taboo against consuming its flesh , digest?An taboo religiously followed even by non veg Hindu.Wasn't it the greased cartridges which triggered the 1857 mutiny [,that is, it was the immediate cause apart from others] and didn't the Britishers become wiser after the event and restrained themselves from interfering in the socio religious practises of its colonial subjects with commendable restraint?

This forcible integration would breed resentment specially against the party that spear headed the bill The sense of betrayal and being short changed would bring a back lash that will be shown  at the elections..

3.The bjp which has no dilemma, guilt or shame of its  Hindu heritage which is basically secular and if it does not resort to excessive appeasement of minorities for sake of votes ,a trap that Cong has fallen into which is actually pleasing none, would become the natural gainer.

Acting as a rightist i shouldn't be pointing out all this .Just keep mum or make the right noises and secretly jump with joy at the prospect of rich harvesting of votes this bill would bring one day or the other to bjp.

As a blogger i am merely reacting.

And as one stuck in memory of Cong during my grand fathers time i feel sorry for the suicidal course it seems bent on taking by distancing itself more and more from its original confident [and not self effacing] secular Hindu moorings and edging closer and closer to be labelled as very partisan with its balance tilted to such an extreme that it could be one day called as  ,Muslim party of India and lose its much touted inclusive tag.  .

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