Thursday, November 28, 2013


The interview of Sri Jeyendra Saraswati which was devoid of rancour or exhilaration  on a daily soon after his acquittal that  the only regret in the decade of his trial  he had was his inability to help tsunami victims personally as he was interred [the seas exploded a month  after his imprisonment] coupled with my recollections of the indignities such a gentle and pious seer had  to suffer in the hands of a crude policeman[who died later]which was  shown on TV and the silence with which he suffered these tortures as well as all the hostilities and wariness of  those very same who had once  feted and revered  him moistened my eyes.
My heartfelt prostrations before the holy feet of the seer and i sincerely hope that all the good work that his holiness was forced to abandon would henceforward be executed by him without any further obstacles.

Monday, November 25, 2013

Reactions to news .

The relaxation of sanctions on Iran is good news for me not due to any romantic notions of civilisational ties etc pedalled by secularists ,which would mean that we should have even more closer ties with Africa where the first ancestor of all of us is said to have been born,but because my LPG gas cylinder may cost less and petrol prices could fall and so would prices of commodities ,travel fare etc.
The govt may be relieved at the prospect of making amends. That is try and bring down prices before it exits. The opposition a wee bit disappointed for losing a nice electoral plank if prices  fall. 

On Arushi case it was obvious to the public after the second cbi investigation which corroborated the original findings of the local police that the father did the act under grave provocation and the mother chose to be a loyal wife.

              How ever the timing of the verdict to co incide with 'violence against women's  day ' has me pondering at the political angle.Another news raging till yesterday regarding sexual assault on a young woman journo by Tehelka editor that would have had the ruling dispention in tenterhooks at the terrifying prospect of yet another spontaneous civil society movement of net savy indignant youngsters waving palcards and flags in indiagate area  has been in one stroke pushed to the background. An suspicion that  there could be some nexus between some segments of executive with some segments of judiciary  is naturally aroused.

Over all the political class and  its minions are  simply too smart for a guileless person like me who is also mesmerised ,diverted and constantly provoked to take a stand by the highly voluble and suggestive media channels.

Photos of Sri Narasimhar temple near Kollegal

Photos of Keerthinarayana temple at Talakad -

 The original sanctum .Not in use now.
The original entrance ,since it is the only surviving structure of the 1000 year old temple  after the temple crumbled down a decade back,the main deity is housed  under the gopuram itself.

Photos of Satyakala.

 Vimanum of perundevi thayar
 The path leading from the temple to the banks of river kaveri where Desikan meditated
 Rice fields on the way
 The very tree--fig  under which Desikan sat and meditated.
 A close up of the tree withered by time
 A view of the Vardharajar temple
 Perundevi Thayar.

Desikan's sannidhi in the temple.His processional deity is placed on the turtle like slab of stone on which he sat and meditated .

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Satyakala ..

Today 19 th morning visited Satyakala at Kollegal .The way to and fro from Mysore was flanked by rice fields in pretty green slabs . A very fertile area.

Nearly all boards  in towns and villages are only in Kannada so couldn't make out as to which building was ,what.
Satyakal is a small village amidst very lush paddy fields,being right besides river Kaveri.The purpose of our visit was to see the ancient deity of Sri Vardhrajar ,who was worshipped by Sri Desikan in 13 th cent AD when he took refuge in this tiny hamlet after fleeing persecution by invaders from north at his original place of residence at Sri Rangam.He stayed here for 12 years and went back when the threat was removed.It was also an exercise in tracing Sri Desikans trail across the south. 

The village reeked of prosperity but the roads were poor and  muddy and were turned to  sludge by a slew of tractors used in the farming operations.But the small temple is very well maintained thanks mainly due to the generous contributions of NRI 's ,mostly US based .The temple that was once said to be in a very bad shape has been  very well renovated  with halls, kitchens and toilets added for the convenience of pilgrims.The temple was empty save for the priest and a watchman's family.

The turtle like stone slab on which Desikan is said to have sat upon and meditated daily is housed in his sannidhi at the temple.Till 1920 it lay on the bank of the river a short distance away and was brought here for preservation.It made me pause and compelled me to sit before this humble seat of that wise and learned acharya and to meditate and try and  gather at least in a little measure the strength it must have absorbed by his sacred presence to see me through in my lonely battle.

The theertham --the taste of  the  holy water offered by the priest was  incredibly sweet unlike in any other temple i visited.What sweetened it? The fact that it was kaveri river water or simply something more?.

A short walk on a mud road flanked by banantrees , lush paddy fields right next to the gently flowing kaveri river is the fig tree under which Desikan sat and meditated .It is no longer in full spread as it is said to be in his days.But the trunk though dried and stunted seems to have survived  letting off few leaves to keep it going.
Desikan wrote 'abeedhitatva' a sloka to dispel fear and restore courage in this very scenic and serene spot and recited it several times.This sloka in later year inspired Harri hara and bukkha to establish the Vijayanagar empire that ruled the south for several centuries and its kings built several temples with great enthusiasm.
As and when Desikan wrote this sloka would he have foreseen such a tremendous event in the political history of  medieval India  ,that his heart felt sloka would sow ?Desikan was a scholar, poet, wise and seeped with bhakthi..A  man of religion alone who studiously avoided rulers and kings.Yet ,may be he did.Can't say.

As we passed over river kaveri its gentle unhurried flow seemed to murmur an assuring massage that any one will come and go but i will be going on and on seeing more and more . A detached witness to changes in human history and an affirmation of permanence and solidity amidst rapid changes and insecurities of life.

written on 19 .11.13   9pm in train from mysore to chennai

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Friday, November 22, 2013

Visit to Melkote CheluvaNarayana Temple -

Chella pillai Perumal and His consorts at Melkpte Temple

Chelluva narayana temple at Melkote
On 18th noon after an insipid lunch at the hotel we left for Melkote by cab to have a darshan of Chelluva Narayana and  also see the idol of Ramanuja which he himself is said to have conscreted transferring  some his Powers and part of his self at  the request of the populace of melkote who couldn't bear the separation from their beloved acharaya as and when he decided to repair back to Srirangam.

For several miles the landscape was lush and picturesque.Bouquets of rose tinted flowers atop slender white and tall boughs of sugar cane swayed bewitchingly and a carpet of green rice fields with a dusting of gold ,the colour of ripening rice spread as far as the eyes could behold.An pleasant surprise and a delicious feast to eyes gone weary of seeing only man made machines ,crowding the streets ad distancing oneself from what one is madeof--earth, water, air and sky.
All the small and quaint houses on the road side were painted red with some advt or the other.

The landscape turned a bit arid and stony as we neared Melkote and spotted the Narsimhar temple atop a hill where Prahalada is said to have meditated.It therefore predates the Narayana temple below.

The town is just as i remember it .Not much changes .The Narayana temple was built by Hoysala ruler Vishnu vardhan in 11 th cent ad after he embraced Sri vaishnavism ,taken in by the personality and the healing powers of Ramanuja who had taken refuge in his kingdom after fleeing violent  sectarian persecution by a fanatical chola king  in his hometown in Tamilnadu  .This temple enshrining chelluva narayana was consecrated by Ramanuja.

Many figurines adorning the temple depict dasaavatar, various classical poses and mudras of dancing girls, rishis performing yoga and so on.Many of the figures have their limbs loped off.But the granite pillared mantap with its rich carvings of dancing Krishna performing various feats are intact.An cunning carving of an animal that looked like an elephant from one angle and like a horse from another angle caught my attention.The woven basket like filigree work in stone on several pillars are a testimony to skill and artistry of the sculptors of days gone by.
The main as well as the processional deity are bewitching.So is the idol of Ramanuja.The beauty of the panchaloka [--alloy-]-processional deity known as chellapillai was mesmerising and made me wonder whether there was any credence[ as the dates from history  simply don't match ,there was no sultanate at time of Ramanuja , it came after him, maybe this story has been spun for communal harmony  ] in the story that when ramanuja came seeking this particular idol from the Delhi sultans spoils of war and was allowed to take it ,the  young daughter of the sultan who played with this idol and was her favourite couldn't bear the separation and therefore followed Ramanuja hoping to retrieve it  and passed away.
A tiny figurine at the base of  the idols Naryana somewhat like Lakshmi caught my eyes. The priest explained that it was that of Bibi nachiar  --the daughter of that sultan ,installed there in commemoration of her unsullied and deep devotion to chella pillai.

The climb to the hill enshrining Narsimhar was strenuous.The skies drakened and the nambi narayana [also consecrated by ramanuja] temple in the next stop a few kms away was closed.

The lights were out and the village--Thodanoor was plunged in early darkness of the night.Yet i didn't want to miss having a look and feel of the lake said to have been dug by ramanuja during is exile in here.

Fireflies flitted and a pale Venus shone through cloudy skies as i sprinkled the water over head and watched the silent dark lake.Not a single person was around.Was such a huge lake actually dug by Ramanuja?Most probably.Digging wells and ponds for good of people is enjoined in our shastras.He had a large gathering of devoted disciples and they had a lot of time at disposal being forcibly kept away from their regular hectic religious activities .

On our return the colourful fields had become dark and forlorn silhouettes ,reminding one of constant cycles .They were carefully tended so that they may grow lushly only to be reaped to make  a living and then to be  cut and disposed off.

written on 19 .11.13  9 pm tuesday in train

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Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Interpretation of intellectualism--comment on a news item

As per the observation of A. Roy the Booker prize winner an 'so called' intellectual is one who advocates non violent methods to protest against injustice , exploitation etc and it is implicit in this snide observation that a real intellectual is one [probably referring to her self] who will either have the guts to endorse or wilfully turn a blind eye to methods of protest which could be termed as violent and is violent.

Each person is entitled to define what constitutes intellectual honesty or intellectualism.

But in here it is the intellect of Mk Gandhi that has a large currency of influence over masses as well as intellectuals and we all know what he preached and practised and not of Mao the leader of a neighboring country whose violent preachings also we are well aware of.Whilst the formers views apart from shaping the minds within this country has also shaped and managed minds and is still shaping minds of many world over whilst the latters influence was limited to his country  and is waning even therein.


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Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Comunal violence bill.

Read an  article on communal violence bill on the net.

On  reading the several provisions referred to in it, the bill appears to be very draconian and very very heavily loaded in favour of minorities and very very heavily loaded against the majority community which in here means Hindus.Is this the present govt's answer for pota? A tit for tat?

I was  ruminating and analysing the political fall out if this act came into force.

Its immediate benefit would be for Cong and other Secular parties ---that is minority wooing parties in extremes by foisting a sense of security[false] and the  feeling of being avenged, on minorities who would register their gratitude at the time of voting.
But in the long run this bill could prove to be the nemesis of Cong and pseudo secular parties[this is only an assessment not prediction and nor am i looking forward to such a scenario, though i am more or less a rightist]

1. Riots occur in lower startas of society . The segment that votes religiously.If this bill is pressed into action with the usual over enthusiasm that characterise these parties these days, so as to make them turn a blind eye to real situation  ,resentment will build up amongst the Hindu -viz majority to such an extent that they would lose trust in these parties and their resentment could boil over to the streets and could make them boycott these parties for ever.

2. The middle class is never involved in riots due to its natural abhorrence to blood shed and violence.So that part of the bill will not touch it. But if the forced integration the  lofty  notion of idealistic few living,  away from ground realities ,history [both communities have learnt not to tread on each others toes  ,having fought ,lived and adjusted with each other over the centuries] and sensitivity to religious beliefs , that this bill envisages that is dictating as to whom a person should rent his house etc would touch a very raw nerve.Not only at the blatant encroachment on the fundamental right to property that every civilised nation guarantees its citizens but also on equally  dangerous and sensitive issue, that of core religious beliefs and practises.

 Cut to the basics most Hindus [ unlike me and others living along with Muslims] are extremely finicky in their eating habits.Generally A veg Hindu will not let out his house to another Hindu if he is a non veg or even live near his house Then how will he tolerate minorities  with eating habits that goes against the basic religious belief  that of according a deep respect to cows , and the taboo against consuming its flesh , digest?An taboo religiously followed even by non veg Hindu.Wasn't it the greased cartridges which triggered the 1857 mutiny [,that is, it was the immediate cause apart from others] and didn't the Britishers become wiser after the event and restrained themselves from interfering in the socio religious practises of its colonial subjects with commendable restraint?

This forcible integration would breed resentment specially against the party that spear headed the bill The sense of betrayal and being short changed would bring a back lash that will be shown  at the elections..

3.The bjp which has no dilemma, guilt or shame of its  Hindu heritage which is basically secular and if it does not resort to excessive appeasement of minorities for sake of votes ,a trap that Cong has fallen into which is actually pleasing none, would become the natural gainer.

Acting as a rightist i shouldn't be pointing out all this .Just keep mum or make the right noises and secretly jump with joy at the prospect of rich harvesting of votes this bill would bring one day or the other to bjp.

As a blogger i am merely reacting.

And as one stuck in memory of Cong during my grand fathers time i feel sorry for the suicidal course it seems bent on taking by distancing itself more and more from its original confident [and not self effacing] secular Hindu moorings and edging closer and closer to be labelled as very partisan with its balance tilted to such an extreme that it could be one day called as  ,Muslim party of India and lose its much touted inclusive tag.  .

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Monday, November 11, 2013

Photos of Kattumannar koil.

 Nearer view of  back of sannidhi of sri Nathamuni at Veeranarayana temple at Kattumannar.This is said to be the original residence of Sri Nathamuni which is  very close to the sanctum.

 Veeranarayana temple at Kattuimannar

Photos of Thiruveendhapuram, Devanathan Temple

 Devanathan temple at Thiruveendhapuram as seen from steps leading to Hayagreeva  temple in nearby hillock
The hayagreeva temple conscereted by Sri Desikan in oushadhari hillock in thiruveedhapuram near cuddalore tn

The place of residence of Sri Desikan at thiruveedhapuram

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Sloka from gita.

Prakrter guna sammudhah,
sajjante guna karmasu,
tan akrtsna -vido mandan,
krtsna -vin  na vicaleyet.

              Men deluded by the dispositions of Nature ,get attached to work prompted by these dispositions
Those who know the whole Truth should not unsettle these dull witted men of imperfect understanding.

29 th verse chapter 3-- yoga of action.

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chogm in Sri Lanka and indian representation.

My view on this .Since the Northern province of that country has elected its own Tamil CM it is his right and duty to take care of Tamil needs there in.It would be simply churlish to insult a democratically elected President of a friendly neighbouring country with whom our ties are from time immemorial by boycotting the meeting.
Yes a  war has taken place . Horrors in war is nothing new in this subcontinent or even world wide.It is un palatable but one has to move on.
I hardly move with anyone so i don't know  nor have i  felt the supposedly palpable  emotions on this issue in here at Chennai or TN .Nor am  i well versed in foreign affairs to grasp the China threat.

My simple reasoning is that since the affairs in that country have taken a better turn, that is no longer killings or mass exodus, it is wiser not to poke the' humanitarian nose' whether real or political  that is getting longer and longer these days into internal affairs of sovereign countries .

The news that our PM is not attending the chogm  came as a disappointment to me.This may make india not only to lose its  leverage with Sri lanka to do more for theSri lankan Tamils therein  but  also lose  the  good will and gratitude of the Sri lankan people as a whole to India. Hence i am constrained to observe   that as       Bharat has weathered a lot and survived mainly due to the inner yearnings and longings of its people as a nation at a given point of time in its very long history and would do so in future also.


Thursday, November 7, 2013

Tapping in by constant provocation and jaw reading.Bonded labour and slave trade of ideas and emotionsmodern times.

so ppts today's[6.11.13] keyword was' loyalty' just who are u and why this constant hypnosis?what is that u ppts want to make out of me?imposition writer in a diary read by all? parrot? idea giver-- that is tapping into my recently opened inner world  without any qualms?Am i such a 'genius' or are all those around more mediocre than me or simply sheer exploitation specially by the insatiable beast 'the media' , 1 known scoundrel which is obvious is , a popular news paper and its large retinue of cheap labourers coached to hound and provoke and supplied with gadgets to tap in,there are definitely other hidden scoundrels as well  in the media, on daily basis whilst the politicos do it on and off ?just what ppts just what?
 or is it to prove that i am only a parrot and easily brain washed to those who may believe in my originality ,and remove the halo around my head that is the sting in my writings?another trick?what comes out of me is bound to cause confusion  oh yes now i see it  maybe as osho has observed politicos thrive on creating confusion and  in keeping probs alive.ppts just get lost
                                                                               Why this unquenchable thirst and unabating greed to drain and by employing  24/7 process to exhaust me to your own detriment?[the same tenacity shown in scams--my current hostage like state is a living example of such conscienceless greed ]just for having an ordinary Hindu view point  ?so i am the dangerous enemy,that would mean millions of middle class honest and law abiding Indians  also who in ppts wisdom need to be constantly engaged with.crazy and desperate notions with the help of the media that serves the political classes of all shades specially the' Two Nationalist parties' and to one discerning enough a pathetic attempt but with persistence of the motto that 'perseverence pays'to keep itself ,a parasite and much hated class [most view it as such and with personal experience of  very close encounters for the past 2 years ,so do i now ] alive and relevant.   .i thought our enemies were outside our borders.

In fact the person or persons living in  and around responsible for alerting the decision makers with help of technology and deviousness that would rival the NSA scandal to possibility of execution of ideas picked up in random to put to political use  ,  that toys with the lives of ordinary as well as the  extra ordinaries,  along with the carriers as well as such perverse decision makers  and all those in the know, that is their rivals who are turning a blind eye even after i joined their camp are the ones that need to be put in solitary confinement and constantly monitored and brain washed to round off the rough edges  or simply be shut away.