Sunday, May 6, 2012

The scales have come down.

Like i said before there are two sides to truth.One that it is bitter and the other that it is funny.

I always regarded my neighbors a diverse group on a even keel.As decent hardworking middle class people involved primarily in giving their children a better deal.I particularly admired my Muslim women neighbours, all in my age group, since every one of them work as lectures and teachers and also successfully manage their houses.Their sons the age of mine had even started to work in the same office.

Now the scales have come down.It is bitter for me to swallow that the neighbours i viewed in the same manner as all others in my complex should feel no compunction to spy on me due to religions inherited at birth!

Shame on those who have sown such deep discords that make ordinary people to stoop to such levels.Or is the suspicion so deeply ingrained that it requires but a gentle prod by those who are waiting to cash on it ,to blow it up?How can you meet my eyes in the landing madame?

What none of those hate filled posts after posts of Hindu fanatics could nt achieve these despicable actions of placing religion and politics over good neighbourliness and humanity has achieved in single stroke.

The seeds of suspicions that i had often scorned at when they were often given voice to in my circles against other religionists all these years, has been successfully sown.

Distrust and division has raised its ugly head .For the first time in my 54 years of life i find the urgent need to bond more closely with my own community and to be only with my community.

Congrats to the one who has nearly achieved this feat that was next to impossible in my dictionary!A feather in your in your cap!This karya karta richly deserves to be on top in the roll of honour of terrorist outfits that are out to disrupt communal harmony.

Why don't i confront straight away?The cloak and dagger aspect of this entire continuing saga makes the real seem unreal.So with what can i confront?

The funny part is [ it helps me deal better with this extraordinary situation i find myself in with a bit of humour] am i an endangered species like a tiger or lion that i need to be radio collared ,with spy cameras and bugs god knows actually the spy knows where they are littered in my house?
Whilst i am mixing the ingredients for sambhar in my kitchen i am suspected of actually mixing chemicals for a bomb?
That whilst i talk to my brother over the phone i am actively plotting to over throw the
govt in a midnight coup?
That whilst i have my daily quotas of arguments with my retired husband a regular routine of our long married life, who often irks me by getting into my way in this small apartment especially after the tragedy that befell us ,that i am instigating people to riot?

That when i shop for sarees and petticoats i am actually ducking behind reams of clothes [an impossible feat with my bad knee] to hand over messages to my mythical group of terrorists?

That whilst i am rummaging through books in the lending library i am actually sending coded signals to my cohorts?

That when i draw money from the ATM to buy groceries i am actually indulging in hawala transanctions?

That when i visit a kindly old woman's charitable trust to donate the annual fees of a poor girl student a sum of RS 2000\whom i am actually sponsoring from my very modest means that i am actually paying a hefty hafta for some shady procurements and armaments?

That when i am on a pilgrimage i am actually scouting the area to launch attacks on innocents?

That when i buy 2 mozham malli --jasmine- from the corner flower seller to adorn the portrait of Sri Rama i am actually ordering a wreath for my intended victims?

That my posts on Hinduism and enlivening my travelogues with a dash of politics is actually done with an eye on 2014 elections to bring BJP to power and be rewarded with scraps and loaves of offices tossed at me for the unpaid and unasked for services rendered which i would grab greedily?

That i am giving such lengthy explanations so that the supreme ruler f this realm would overlook my intransigence and redeem my sinful soul with utmost compassion?

That i am actually putting up a brave face at this well co-ordinated underhand cowardly tactics to break my nerves though i am a wreck?

Shame on you each and every one of you who harbour such dirty,putrid,perverted and vile thoughts about me.

Some one out there is terribly paranoid.


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