Wednesday, April 18, 2012


Whilst waiting for the signal to change near the very silk store at Ernakulam, that Shahruk khan was endorsing with a lopsided leer on our entire route, saw glossy cars of every shape and size brand new and shiny gliding by, that reminded me of Chennai.

After a pleasant week of eat ,travel and pray a ,break from my monotonous routine i was going back.
Back to boredom, back to house work and back to my computer with my nanny waiting anxiously to hover over me.

The thought of my protective nanny made me laugh.Not one of those driving down the street know about me ,nor i them.An unknown Indian like them .Yet to my nanny i am some thing precious and famous who is in need of constant snipping, monitoring and sheltering!

Photo: Eranakulam city.


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