Wednesday, April 18, 2012


On the way to Eranakulam from Guruvayur visited Kalady the birth place of Adi Shankaracharya.
How could i give it a miss after traveling all the way from Chennai and it was barely a few miles away ?
The temple is beautiful ,situated on the banks of the river Periyar /Poorna on the very place a young Shankara visited often and is said to have been snared by a crocodile that let go off him only when his widowed mother Arayamba finally gave in to her only child's keen desire to take up sanyas at so tender a age.

The temple dedicated to Saradambal has a stone lamp post within, that indicates the cremation spot of Shakara's mother.The cremation was performed by Shankara himself in pursuance of the the promise extracted by his mother in lieu of her granting him permission to take up sanyas ,that he would do so though the orthodox sections of the society frowned upon a sanyasi to undertake funeral rituals of a close relative.This was first discovered only in 1910 by 33 rd Shankaracharya of Saradambhal peetam who along with the generous support of Raja Rama of Travancore built this temple.Their satvic portraits adorn a portion the wall inside .Lillies in a colour i have never seen before,' purple' were in full bloom in the pond within.

The dedication and the burning desire in one so young to revive Hinduism that was slowly gathering dust ,to its former glory and to establish it as the religion of this sub continent , all on his own,is really astonishing! And it all started from here ,a remote corner in Southern India!

He seems to have taken birth only with this sole mission in mind and expired soon after at a young age of 32 ! Innumerable achievements in scholastic field and incomparable contribution to Hinduism at a breakneck speed in those slow paced times!


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