Monday, August 1, 2011


The Bhagwat gita says:

The wise call him a sage,
Whose undertakings are devoid of self centred objectives ,
And whose works have been burnt by the fire of knowledge ...........................................19 th hymn of 4 th chapter.

Further a sage is one who is...

Tyaktva karma phalasangam nitya trpto nirasrayah|
Karmany abhipravrtto pi nai va kincit karoti sah|| ..............................20 th hymn of 4 th chapter

Without attachment to the fruits of action, ever satisfied and free from from calculations,
he transcends the workings of Karma even though engaged in action!

The thin, small statured,dark and old priest who gave me a detailed description of the temple and narrated its history to the minutest detail on my very first visit to Villakoli or Deepa prakasar temple at Kanchipuram ,a km away from Sri Vardharajar perumal temple, 4 years back is still officiating!

With a inner light brightening his dark face and a natural smile without the slightest trace of deceit or malice , the old priest was relating the history of the temple in broken English to a Telugu man and his family ,from Andra pradesh.He also sang the hymns of Aazhwars who have worshipped here and explained in detail Desikan the 14 th century Acharya's accomplishments.Desikan was born next door.

He was totaly absorbed in his narrative extolling the sacredness of the place ,the deity and the various traditions associated there in.All this transfer of information and knowledge was without any expectation in cash or kind. His sheer devotion to the deity and the cause is truly amazing and touching. He didn't mind one bit the measly offering on the aarti plate by that pilgrim . He continued with the same energy and enthsiasm his absorbing ,pious narrative and rounded it of by offering a handful of curd rice as prasadam , that is ensured free, to any one visiting the adjacent Desikan sannidhi , by a trust.

I remember distinctly that it was this prasadam [ lowly ,humble and distasteful to many] which was given to me by this kindly priest that comforted me greatly when I first visited this shrine as a very sad and lonely person.
Kulasekhara aazhwar's heartfelt observation made 1300 earlier is very apt and came to my mind
"A true bhakhtha is worthy of veneration and eyes that do not see him have not served their purpose".
Photo. The neat garden along the circumbulatory passage of the well maintained VillakoliPerumal temple.


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