Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Andal and Thondaradipodiazhwar----comparison

The two Vaishnavaite saints of 8 th and 9th century AD respectively have expressed their deep devotion to Sriman Narayana [Vishnu] in several hymns, in Tamil.

Andal's verses have a beauty that only those who know Tamizh can appreciate and savour thoroughly. But of course it goes without saying that the underlying bhakthi can be felt by one and all.The languid fragrance of her verses linger on and the thirst to drink in its literary and spiritual merits is never satiated , though I recite the 30 verses of Thiruppavai every Marghazhi [nov to dec] months,which every Sri vaishnavaite is enjoined to do so.

Thondaradipodi aazhwars verses are also full of literary merit and is seeped with Bhakthi!I detect in them a staunch defence of Narayana ---Vishnu in his hymns, in all probability it is a reaction to the onslaught of Hinduism by other religions at the times at which he lived .I can also feel his anger at man made hurdles like birth and caste and his disdain for such obstacles in the path of true devotion to god.

Thondaradipodi aazhwars verses are very lively and frank and without having to say it,is soaked in Bhakthi.A perusal of them always succeeds in elevating my spirits whenever they droop.

His compositions consist of 45 verses codified as Thirumaalai. Each of them are of 4 lines.

His other creation is Thirupalliyezhuichi. They are 10 in number .They implore Sri Ranganathar the reigning deity at Srirangam temple, to awaken when the day breaks over the world.

The following are some of the hymns of Thondaradipodi aazhwar that I have translated.


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