Thursday, August 19, 2010

Out of sync?

I was taken aback at the results of a sample survey conducted by a magazine,that majority of Indians regard the leader of a century old trading and industrial house as their role model.

I was all along of the view that Indians would have considered a scholar or a social worker or a philanthropist as a role model .If the preference of those who were surveyed is to be taken as representative of Indians aspirations at large , it is for money.And who creates maximum wealth is worthy of veneration and emulation !

A 17 th century bibliophile of England is quite in sync with my views when he deplores his people's apathy to scholars , philosophers [scientists]and poets and attacks a system that pays more to entertainers than to intellectuals.And points out that the ancient rulers of Greece and Rome had their favourites only men of learning.

[courtesy R.D and Bhavans journal]


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