Sunday, April 18, 2010


A chief justice of a neighbouring state weathered all the protests of practising lawyers and barbs of the media for acquiring vast swathes of land in this state with unflappable cheer.In a recent development he was shifted to the other corner of India as the CJ of a smaller state that is buried in the snowy depths of Himalayas !

A couple of decades earlier this state was unapproachable and could be reached only by long and arduous travel ,first by train and then by horse back.But now one can be in Sikkhim in a jiffy . And the news zoomed back that the lawyers of that High court were up in arms against this shunting of a tainted person to preside over them .They wanted to know in what way they were lesser mortals than those in a state he was not allowed to preside ?

The judge seems to be hanging in mid air .None of the lawyers want him !

This peculiar situation reminds me of the predicament of Trishanku in our ancient lore.Once sage Vishwamitra sent his ardent devotee Trishanku , on his plea,in his mortal form to the heavens and the enraged celestials pushed him back to earth ,since a person can reach the heavens only after shedding his body .This defiance of the Devas irked the volatile Viswamitra who again sent his devotee back to the heavens only to see him, plummeted back to the earth !
The Devas didn't want him and the sage couldn't let his devotee down . Trishanku was thus tossed around and was suspended in mid air !He was neither here nor there !

A rapprochement was finally reached between the two warring parties and the sage created a separate heaven out of his yogic powers, several notches lesser in importance than that of the Devas presided over by Indra, and seated Trishanku on its throne! This came to be known as Trishanku Swargam.


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