Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Video of 10rs balm The severe warning to me.

The date is 18 th feb and not 17th ,Took this video today in morning ,This is a warning to me for speaking in my house or even writing in my house or for blogging  anything that is against secularism  and which is coupled with reference to authorities .A warning which is 10 on scale 10 .This warning has to be noted down in my diary or book or come on net and blog or tweet it.I have ignored this warning earlier and met with minor accidents, tooth pains ,chest cold ,hence i have started noting it.It is probably issued for my previous blog on the chronology of the way i was made to discharge in temples,
I stand by what i have observed and blogged ,as it is the truth.Persons who did this to me were counting on my sense of shame to keep this as a secret.Pondered over it and felt that it is the persons who are doing this to me with their one pointed  obssession with secretions and workings of my private parts who need to feel ashamed and hide what they are doing to me slyly.,Is making me discharge in percinits of sacred temples secularism?if hindus are doing it ,this is self abnegating form of secularism.I' ll call it secular fanatism  If minorities are doing this then  it is sheer communalismWhy should i feel ashamed of some else.s acts  of abusing my body without my consent when i am not doing any such thing to any one or interfering in other people lives whether for gain or power or otherwise?
The vendor looked like a muslim from lower strata.He delayed his rounds in reaching my window where i was standing waiting to take his video till i wrapped a dupatta over my nighty .A sense of decorum  Nothing wrong .But i  find it  is hypocritical in those who are in this dirty racket to practise it.They donot mind being used to give me abnormal sensations in my private parts ,a strange Hindu woman older than most of them .going about her work in her house maintained by her Hindu husband but are assailed by sense of decorum when they see me as i am in my house.I was even given a shock in my lower spine when i dared to look at myself in the bathroom mirror of my house immediately after GE of 2014 ,A severe vibration as a punishment.,which made me lose my temper against political authority in  here and in centre and made me  pour it in  my diary  and was made to go through hell for doing so

on top.Photo of the vendor selling the 10rs balm


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