Saturday, March 16, 2013

Psuedo opinion makers.

Definition of Liberals in India.
  ' kleptocrats in a feeding frenzy of ideas of those [ the true minorities  whose originality is indigestible by the envious lot  who are otherwise an much envied,  large set of ,conformists]  whose rights and liberties have been written off'!
To my recent astonished discovery they also include leading lights whose fame from a mere flicker to a flaming torch has been fanned by a host  of  supposedly prestigious awards .from overseas!

If  the youth of this country who are fired with ideals and principles become privy to the perfidies of these so called principled, wise and enlightened personages  [liberals of all hues in the 2 main public professions] i need not spell out the outcome.Till such time Psuedo opinion makers your veneer of originality and honesty is intact. 

Will any body bother if  i  grudgingly [ no other go] appreciate the presentation[from the view point of such and such liberal in a constructive manner as against destructive] of  the trigger ,but not the manner in which it was filched [by listening in after a large dose of kgb's spicy serums]?since it would be justified under larger public good a la communist way of totalitarian way of thinking and belief and yet go about calling themselves liberals --the guardians of individual rights and freedoms!World is full of contradictions and why should i expect anyone be an  exception?



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