Tuesday, March 13, 2012

RTI regarding acquisition of my cyber space.

I am tempted to file an application under RTI act against the party in power, govt and concerned ministries as to ...

1.Why am i being censored,monitered and controlled on line?

2.Why am i prevented from uploading my videos and photographs in my personal blog?

3.Since my posts are not inflammatory, communal [i have not derided any religion ] and do not incite any one to violence and is not a threat to the nation ,what is the basis for censoring them and acquiring my cyber space forcibly?

4. Why aren't the censorship norms uniform?There are more critical articles and graphic pictures uploaded than mine ,whose authors are given a free hand whilst mine is being tied?

5.Why are citizens prevented from expressing their views on politics, economy ,society and religion,more so in cyber space?Is this the sole prerogative of the privileged few like --politicians and journalists? are the rest of us ---1.2 billion dumb dodo's and robots?Who become parias,unseable and unhearable once the ritual of voting is done with?

6.Why is my phone being tapped?Does speaking one's mind fearlessly on issues constitute a threat? To whom and to what? To the nation or to those having an inordinate thirst for power and are therefore suspicious and fearful of every one and any one all the time?


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