Saturday, December 31, 2011

Vande mataram.

Several momentous events took place that shook India in 2011 and she weathered it all!

Firstly the Ayodhya verdict.Iam going a little back in time to 2010.The decision that made the entire nation hold its breath in fearful anticipation.One man who stood tall taking the situation under controlwas M.Bhagwatji .His fiat to his country men neither to riot nor to celebrate the decision that was to be pronounced ,was remarkable statesmanship. The fact that not a single fire cracker was burst to celeberate the favorable decision ,shows how this man who was always away from public gaze could at the time of reckoning come before us and hold us under his sway in the right way.He held the country together.

Second the tear streaked faces of senior cricketers and the unalloyed joy on the junior one'sin winning the World cup shows that ,to the much reviled cricketers at their thirst for money,that country does come first.

Third,the sad news that Mrs S.G ,who wanted to ensure that all in India are fed was herself unable to feed in those weeks at a hospital.

Fourth the fast of an old man amongst waving of flags by young one's ,that seemed never ending.Every one was caught in a tangle ,unable to extricate from its vice like grip that seemed to strangulate the Constitution itself.
Did my one liner 'Anna take anna' lead to a many impassioned pleas to end the fast first and then talk,do the trick?I will never know.But if so,i am mighty glad to have done my bit for my country.

The unity of the parliament where all its elected members looked like hostages,poor souls and the inspiring speeches that follwed is what democracy is all about.

The senior leaders ,Advaniji,Manmohanji and Pranabda who have the power to make or break in their palms ,though bent in age ,stood tall in their flexibility, magnanimity and statesmanship and stamped on all those running riot in different directions that the Constitution is supreme and democracy is here to stay ,to govern Bharat for years to come.

What a year !Jai hind!

Indian of the year.....'Youth'.
Their prayers in unison was awarded with the World cup and their idealism and determination for rooting out corruption saw the tabling of lokpal bill in the parliament.

Their icons 'Sachin' and 'Anna'.

Note :I had written this a month back.


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