Thursday, September 2, 2010


I went up to the terrace at 7 pm.It was a beautiful star lit sky! Venus ,a bright jewel in the western sky was shining in creamy lustre between two stars!An incredible sight!,

On seeing these eternal points of light all my fears of life and death vanished . When I have the moon the stars , the sun ,the sky for company why should I feel lonely?I have millions of friends twinkling at me from the sky. They are always there.One among those celestial companions is my son .

Why should I worry that he is alone?Such worries attack me within the confines of four walls . Once out in the open seeing those stars ,the moon and the rare glimpse of birds flying high in a v shape with the moon light glinting on their wings,across the sky, my fears worries ,sorrows and cares slip away.
Which ever part of the earth I travel ,these friends will follow me!

The significance and symbolism of our ancient practise ,the bride groom pointing out the stars Dhruva ,Vasishta and Arundhati in the sapta rishi mandalam to his bride the very night of the marriage,hoping and praying for a stead fast married life ,and to maintain the purity and chastity of the new relationship life long ,and to be blessed with children, strikes me only now!`

In the flush of youth ,with its accompanying brashness and impatience I had denounced several Hindu practises and rituals as archaic .Now ,mellow and several knocks later I recognise the value of the farsighted Vedic practises .The timeless quality that has ensured its survival all through the ages.

As I look up at the Sapta rishi's [great bear constellation] ,they wink down at me and say 'Hello Sujata' we have seen a long line of your ancestors looking up at us ,at least once ,certainly ,at the time of their marriage,centuries after centuries.

What more assurance do I need?My ancient custom which is still followed will keep this invisible but firm continuity and sense of belonging alive!

May be one day my great,great grand child may look up at the SaptaRishi's ,Arundhati ,,Vasishta and Dhruva on getting married and spot me twinkling up there!


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