Monday, September 30, 2019

Photos of processional deities of Srinivasar at Tirumala from Bramhotsavam 2019- 30th September.Pedda Sesha vahanam

Srinivasar/Malayappa swamy

Srinivasar, SriDevi and BhuDevi on Pedda Seshavahanam



Sri Devi

Sri Devi



Tirumala temple's vimanum

Srinivasar of Tirumala temple

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Images of utsavar moorthies/processional deities at Padmavathi thaayar's Pavitra utsavam at Trichanur temple.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

POK is ours.

 It amused me to no end when several years back leaders of various political parties in a rare show of unity passed a resolution declaring that JK and POK is integral part of India.It seemed so very Don quixotic.On one hand political leaders were bending backwards to condone terrorists attacks in our cities and papers were full of articles that advised us all to understand the religious sensitivity behind such attacks and warned us of serious repercussions if India dared to retaliate .In such a situation suddenly out of the blue came this resolution from cosy comforts of the parliament which was full of bravado which was not seen on the ground .It was like a  joke .Naturally it amused me.

The reception of Indians since the inception of terrorists attacks whose link was always traced to Pakistan to such horrifying events was lauded for their spirit of tolerance and our capacity to forgive endlessly and forget immediately and  move on with our lives  instantly .Maybe the family of the innocent victims of this Pakistan sponsored shadowy war [the papers and govt kept saying that Pakistan was behind all attacks] thought the rest of us to be callous and brutally indifferent, but we were all lulled into belief that it was our noble spirit shining through and we  wore this as our badge of honour.We did wear it for years together.
All those who made fun of our fatalistic attitudes and Hindus belief in Karma' that our suffering at present life is owing to some dark sin committed in our past lives, were now happy to endorse it .It came in handy.

When the present Govt Abrogated article 370 i couldn't believe that it actually was done.Do political leaders in here have so much gumption so as to touch a sacred holy cow and fell it?Yes the leaders who decided and acted were from a non congress  party whose convictions are different , yet to brave all the odds like the threats that were often dangled over us like that of Arab countries stopping oil or that Pakistan would in hot fury drop a nuclear bomb on us and that riots will take place all over India ,is highly praiseworthy.[none of the so called threats that our  papers, TV channels  and politicians   kept claiming will happen ,has happened .]

The back of India that started bending  , straightened up .

Soon after announcing the abrogation of article 370 the HM of India made a passionate reply  in Parliament that he would lay his life for getting back POK.At that time i thought that it was the usual theatrics that politicians indulge in the heat of the moment. But subsequently when several senior leaders of the ruling party started speaking about regaining  POK from Pakistan's clutches and merge it with JK , i sat up .Even the Vice president said so.!Maybe this govt may actually regain POK .

As of now my views on POK is tepid .It is somewhere up north .After my childhood acquaintance with a Kashmiri family and a brief visit to JK in my youth i  have no  link or connection to Kashmir.I wasn't even  when Kashmir was occupied by Pakistan yet if i read the news one of these days that India has driven out Pakistanis from the land it has taken from us and that it has been merged with India i am sure to feel happy and joyful I,will  applaud the move and register my heart felt appreciation .

I often ponder about Pakistan's interest  in Kashmir.I ve heard that it is Pakistanis of Punjabi origin who dominate Pakistan .in all fields and that they look down upon Indian Muslims  who have migrated to Pakistan after partition from various parts of India,and call them as Mohajirs in derogative manner and treat them  like second class citizens.There were also reports of blood shed in never ending conflicts between the two in Pakistan.Hence it makes me conclude that their often mouthed declaration that their heart beats for Kashmiris [whose language and culture is different] and that their heart twists at the plight of Kashmiris is nothing but a drama .Crocodile tears are being shed to cover their real intention , viz their lust  for a neighbour's  beautiful land.They just want the land.

The fact that Pakistan is intolerant towards  their own citizens viz Muslims who are not of Punjabi origin shows that what they want from us is not Kashmiri people but our land inhabitated by Kashmiri people and is trying to take it by hook or crook.

In here there is  a group of people who keep insisting that Kahmiris need a healing touch and that their hearts and mind should be conquered by love , compassion, etc , etc and by gently administering all the virtues found in  religious texts.
Why should we go out of our way to show such sublime noble part of our nature only to Kashmiris and not to rest of the states and people in India?  Weren't we all be made to do this precisely for past some many decades , by extolling  Kashmiriyat and ,mutely acquiescing to every concession given to Kashmiris ?But Over the years it seems that Kashmiris have only become more rude, harsher towards us and very head weighted.Should we try winning their hearts for another 100 years?

I can guarantee from my experience in JK in 1982 that this highly pampered 'special'peoples' heart will never be won .The fabled Kashmiriyat which meant interdining, inter marriages between Muslims and Hindu pandits and easy social mobility between the two no longer exists.Iguess it was squashed out within two to three decades after Independance .The culprit being our  greedy and sly neighbour Pakistan who has sown the seeds of poison and delusions amongsts Kashmiri leaders and people and watered it .The toxic results of which  is being reaped now.
Kashmiris who think that all thier problems will vanish once they become detatched from Indian state and become a  autonomous state are living in a fool's paradise.  In such a case either Pakistan or China will gobble it up .Would any right thinking person leave a wealthy India for a poor Pakistan?

  If China takes over the Fundamental right to protest which Kashmiris are demanding will be replaced by demands for fundamental right to think .The Kashmiri identity that they are so worried about would totally cease to exit .They may all be herded into camps for de radicalising and brain washing.Look around in India is any Muslim in a detention camp? They are living side by side with Hindus in harmony and prosperously.without interfering into each others life and beliefs.

I am from a state  where the passion for separate autonomous Tamilnadu was whipped up in my teenyears .I admit even i  fantasised about this .To be free of all those people around us and up North dominating over us and looking down upon us.So  others thinking in lines of separatism doesn't shock me .Thankfully this absurd thinking that has the ability to stir emotions were dropped by leading politicians ..Now TN is one of the most advanced state in India,

They would be even more foolish if they think that rest of us will start settling in Kashmir.Will any of us leave our cities and towns , far from its comforts and relatives and friends circle and settle in  Kashmir? At the most we will visit it for a week to enjoy its beauty .the way we have been doing all these years .It is even more absurd to compare to us to Israelis.Isrealis were landless people for 1000's of years and suffered horribly in the hands of Hitler which has given the determination to brave all odds.We are not in the same category.There are any number of plots available to be purchased by any Indian in tourist paradise  like Goa or in Himalayas  or even nearer my home in ooty or Kodaiokanal but are  we  buying them?No .We just visit these places for few days in summer  for a break and are back to our usual routine in our cities .

 When North and south Vietnam has been merged,East and west Germany has been merged into one why can't POK  be merged into Indian state of Kashmir ?Why should this artificial barrier between people of same land continue to exist?

It is time all the politicians around  quit being hypocrites mouthing high sounding  meaningless words and shedding crocodile tears over the  fragility of  Kashmiris pshyche and admit openly and frankly that what we want is our land , yes the fight is over our  land over which Pakistan has illegally encroached and had the nerve to gift a part of it to China. It is a fight to reclaim our land from Pakistan as well as China.We have every right to do so..This is the truth ..There is no need to feel apologetic  or diffident about it .

One nation one poll.

This a very good idea.If implemented it will give more time as well as energy to elected head of state govts  and to the govt at centre  to do full justice to  governance and policy implementation.

Monday, September 9, 2019

Rohini- on Chandrayan 2

As soon as i read the request made by either by  ISRO or Govt [don't remember as to who made the  request] to the public , to come forward with a suitable name to the spot where Chandrayan 2 was to make a soft landing , i immediately started rummaging over my  stock of names drawn from Hindu mythology .I zeroed upon  Rohini.The star named Rohini in the Hindu almanac was the favourite wife of Chandran --The moon god.She stood by him through thick and thin. It is also a star used in astrology and in astrological predictions.
      My fingers itched to tap the keys and publish it in  my blog and also send it to the the concerned agency.when i came upon a news item about Chandrayan 1 which said that Chandrayan landed on the moon on November 14 and the spot it crash landed is named Jawahar after our  first PM.It is his birthday.Which could mean that our very first landing on the moon was deliberately timed to co incide with Nehru's birthday.Technical expertise and political manoeuvring clicked!

This news item put a stop to my name giving quest.Why should i wade into politics?

There was a lot of media hype over the impending soft landing on moon with several TV channels[English ] boasting  about India's prowess and gloating over it .There were also a lot of informative discussions with ex-scientists in the panel educating the viewers  about what was happening and what was in store.Nearly every channel was beaming news only about the impending landing for hours together non stop thus fanning expectations to a crescendo  .
This made me wonder , what if something untoward happened? What if the orbiter and Lander crashed out?Just a momentary thought.I wasn't wishing , but only observing.
I didn't stay up awake to watch the live telecast of landing that was to take place in early hours of 7 th , September but was out of bed very early in the morning eager to know as to what happened to the landing.
Was disappointed that it didn't make it .It had disappeared from the radar when it was very near the lunar surface , just a few seconds away from a touch down .Hence it had in all probability crashed .So near yet so far.Why couldn't  our scientists achieve this? Don't they have the cut to make it to the top league in space exploration?The boasting, hype and gloating in the media for hours together before the run up to this final moment made me think in this uncharitable way .
Didn't NASA lose so many astronauts in their space exploration missions?Weren't Kalpana Chawla  and others blown to bits just a few kms above the earth on a space shuttle mission?And US is supposed to be the leaders in Space missions and years ahead of us.At least we didn't lose any life.

Then i wondered at the accident or the deviation  occurring just a few seconds away from the soft landing .A landing that was touted to make us enter the special league of handful of countries who have engineered such landings in past .Was there a sabotage? My first suspect are the Chinese .Since they have so many orbiters revolving around the moon with one having been sent early this year may be used some ray or missile to derail the soft landing.Would they have done so out of enimity?Next  the US has many orbiters .,even they could have derailed the lander out of jealousy.

How ever I kept my hopes  alive on learning that the orbiter is very much alive and revolving around the moon and that  it could capture a picture of the lander within 24 hours and if it did so then it would mean that the lander is intact and has not broken to pieces.                                                             The  ISRO chief who was woebegone and looked dejected on 7 th was back to his cheerful self  on 8 th and  beamingly informed us on TV that the lander had been located .Good news.However  the lander with a life span of 14 days  was still mute .It was not communicating with ground or with the orbiter.

As per news papers Chandrayan 1 was commissioned by Vajpayee but was  completed  and sent up to the moon during Congress rule  .This Chandrayan 2 was commissioned by Manmohan Singh and it was completed and sent up to the moon in Bjp's rule.

It looks like as if the soft landing was not timed to coincide with the PM's birthday which is but 10 days away.
Maybe the lander may start communicating on 17 the September , the birthday of our PM.