பத்மாவதி தாயார் திருச்சானுர் கோவில்\Padmavathi Thaayaar Trichanoor Temple |
பத்மாவதி தாயார் திருசானுர் /Padmavathi ThaayaarTrichanoor Temple |
ஸ்ரீநிவாஸர் --ஸ்ரீ வேங்கடேஸ்வரா கோவில் திருமலை/Srinivasar -Sri Venkateswara temple Tirumala
Sri Suktum.
1** ஹிரண்யவர்ணாம் ஹாரிணீம் ஸ்வர்ண ராஜதஸ்ரஜாம் |
ந்த்ராம் ஹிரண்மயீம் லக்ஷ்மீம் ஜாதவேதோ ம ஆவஹ || Hiranyavarnaam harineem swarna rajatas rajaam/
Chandram hiranmayeem Lakshmeem jathavedho ma avaha //
Sriman Narayana , You own all wealth and You are full of knowledge and are of pure fame'
I [a person engaged in Your services and desiring fulfillment of my needs]pray to You to allow MahaLakshmi , who grants and confers all that is good which is desired,
who is capable of dispelling all sins ,
who adorns Herself in a variety of gold and silver ornaments ,
who inspires happiness in all,
who is brimming with gold and other wealth,
who is very beautiful , who is easily accessible ,And who is capable of granting any boons prayed for ,
to come near me.
तां म आवेह जातेवेदो लक्ष्मीम मने पगामिनीम् |
यस्यां हिरण्यं विन्देयं गामश्वं पुरुषा नहम् ||
தாம் ம ஆவஹ ஜாதவேதோ லக்ஷ்மீ நபகாமிநீம் |
யஸ்யாம் ஹிரண்யம் விந்தேயம் காமஷ்வம் புருஷா நஹம் ||
Thaam ma aavaha jatha vedo lakshminabha kamineem/
yasyaam hiranyam vindheyam kamashvam purushnaham//
Sriman Narayana You are omnipresent in nature,
i want to serve MahaLakshmi whose greatness is beyond the grasp of mind and speech,
Who has the perfect form and beauty ,
Please send Her to be near me and also ensure that She never departs from my side.
She has the fame that She is capable of granting everything desired for, therefore I am seeking gold, cows, horses and servants from Her.
அஷ்வா பூர்வாம் ரதமத்யாம் ஹஸ்தி நாதப் ப்ரபோதிநீம் |
ஷ்ரியம் தேவீ முபஹ்வே ஸ்ரீர்மாதேவீ ஜூஷ்தாம் ||
Ashwa poorvam ratha mathyam hasthinadapra bhodhineem/
Shriyam devi mupahavye shrimadevi jooshathaam//
She is inseparable from Bhagwan who creates, sustains and controls everything and who is All pervasive .Hence She is seated in the centre of the hearts of all jivas ,
She is the first to awaken to the distress calls for help in the manner in which She awoke to the plea for help by the king of elephants -Gajendra,
She moves around joyfully with Her cavalry and army of chariots ,,
She resides in lotus gardens .Hence She is awakened by the trumpeting of elephants who are greatly fond of lotuses,
She is awakened by the hymns of praises sung in sweet voices by Kukulu, Kurundar, Thamanakar and Saliliyar who are in the form of elephants and who are seated in the auspicious petals of lotuses ,
She is seated in the sacred chest of Bhagwan,
She is engaged in the sport of creation of the universe,
She dazzles with incomparable beauty,
By reciting this mantra I pray that the Dharmic consort of Bhagwan , who is enjoying the sport of creation, maintenance and destruction , to come near me.
Let MahaLakshmi who grants every boon prayed for by anyone, to accept me as a plaything like a ball and show me Her affection
காம் ஸோஸ்மிதாம் ஹிரண்ய ப்ராகாராம்
ஆர்த்ராம் ஜவலந்தீம் த்ருப்தாம் தர்ப்பயந்தீம் |
பத்மே ஸ்திதாம் பத்ம வர்ணாம்
த்வாமி ஹோபஹ்வயே ஷ்ரியம் ||
Kaamsosmitham hiranya prakaram aardhram jwalantheem thruptum tharpayantheem/
Padme sthitham padma varnam twami hopahavye shriyam//
She is personification of bliss who is to be worshipped by anyone striving to climb out of the deep cavern of sins ,
She has a smiling face
She resides in sacred temples that has golden ramparts abounding them
She is always cool and pleasant owing to Her kindness,
She illumines the world with the magnetism of Her sacred body ,
She is greatly satisfied by minuscule obedience to Her Will ,
She satisfies everyone by bestowing in full measure all that which is sought,
She is seated on a lotus whose colour is like Her pinkish red sacred body ,
She has the softness and the fragrance of a lotus ,
I pray that MahaLakshmi who very easily bestows boons to everyone to be near me.
சந்த்ராம் ப்ரபாஸாம் யசஸா ஜ்வலந்தீம் ஷரியும் லோகே தேவ ஜு ஷ்டாம் உதாராம் |
தாம் பத்மநேமீம் ஷரணம் அஹம் ப்ரபத்யே அலக்ஷ்மீர் மே நஷ்யதாம் த்வாம்
வருணே ||
Chandram prebhasam yashasaa jwalantheem shriyum loke deva jooshtaam udharaam/
Thaam padmanimeem sharanam aham prapdye alakshmeer nashyathaam tvam vrunne//
She is full of happiness, She has a auspicious and godly sacred form which is made of Suddha Sattvam material,
She bestows four types of Purusharthum which gladdens those who pray to Her.
Her effulgence can burn down enemies to ashes ,
She is adored by MahaVishnu,
She hears the distress call for help from the world and immediately brings it to the notice of Her Hero/consort,
She pervades everything in order to control them,
She removes all sins ,
She pleases everyone with Her qualities ,
She inspires servitude to Her by one and all,
She bestows every boon desired by those seeking them from Her , yet She feels ashamed that She had not done enough!
She comes to Her devotees when they place lotus at her feet,
'Oh' MahaLakshmi of infinite fame, I am unable to take care or protect myself hence i have decided to seek Your protection,
You are my mother.O Mother i pray to You to fulfill my wishes .
6 **
ஆதித்யவர்ணே தபஸோ தி ஜாதோ வநஸ்பதி ஸ்தவ வ்ருக்ஷோ அத பில் வ : |
தஸ்ய பலானி தபஸா நுதந்து மாயாந் தராயாச்சா பாஹ்ய அலக்ஷ்மீ ||
Aaditya varno thapasodhi jatho vanaspathi sthava vriksho atha bhilvaha/
Thasya phalani thapasya nudhanthu mayanth thrayachcha bhahya alakshmi//
'Oh' Bright light! You are capable of removing external darkness as well as internal darkness known as ignorance
MahaLakshmi Your qualities are equal to Naryana -The Protector of all.
The auspicious Bilva tree which is best amongst trees and which is the tree of Your liking ,was born out of Your Will,
The fruits of that tree owing to penances performed at yagnas are capable of removing falsehood,bad habits and sins that stand in the way of worshipping and experiencing Bhagwan.
It also destroys all inauspiciousness that is contrary to Your nature .
உபைது மாம் தேவஸக :கீர்த் திச்ச மணிநாஸஹ |
ப்ராது பூ தோஸ்மி ராஷ்ட்ரே ஸ்மின் கீர்த்திம் ருத்தீம் ததாது மே ||
Ubhaithu mam devasakha keerthichcha manninasaha/
pradhu bhoothosmi rashtresmin keerthim rudhim dhadhathu mey//
'Oh'Lakshmi ! Let Bhagwan who is a friend of Nitya suris come near me and bless me,
I desire the precious jewel called fame with honour,
Have i not been born in the region of of Your prestigious reign?
Please grant me prosperity that is worthy of praise.
க்ஷு த் பிபாஸா மலாம் ஜ்யேஷ்டாம் அலக்ஷ்மீர் நாஷயாம் யஹம் |
அபூதி மஸம் ருத்திம் ச ஸர்வான் நிர்ணுத மே க்ருஹாத் ||
Kshuth pipasam malaam jyeshtaam alakshmeer nashayam yaham/
abhoothi sumrudhim cha sarvaan nirnudha mey grihath//
'Oh' Lakshmi! Make me capable of destroying hunger, thirst, desires of senses , mental depravations and inauspiciousness.
Your elder sister Alakshmi -who should never be seen,is causing me untold miseries .
Grant me the ability to destroy all those miseries caused by her .
Please remove and destroy from my house all that which is inimical to the improvement of my house, garden, servants wealth and food grains.
கந்தத் வாராம் துராதர்ஷாம் நித்ய புஷ்டாம் கரீஷிணீம் |
ஈஷ்வரீம் ஸர்வ பூதானாம் தாமி ஹோபஹவ்யே ஷ்ரியம் |||
Gandha dwaraam dhuradharshaam nithya pushtaam karishenneem/
Eeshwareem sarva bhoothanam thaami hopahavaye shriyam//
I pray to MahaLakshmi ,
who is worthy of being worshipped by auspicious pastes , fragrant smoke and by other puja materials ,
who bestows good fame,
who is inaccessible to impure persons,
who is always contented,
who is full of indestructible wealth,
who possess fields that are ploughed and are ready for sowing ,
who is capable of performing anything without any obstruction,
who is the mistress of all animals,
who also enters them and controls them from within,
whose fame is beyond description,
To grace my house with Her presence and brighten my house.
மனஸ காம மாகூதிம் வாச :சத்ய மஷீமஹி |
பஷூனாம் ரூப மன்னஸ்ய மயி ஸ்ரீ :ஷ்ரயதாம் யஷ ||
Manasa: kamamakoothim vachcha: satyamashemahee/
pashunaam roopamannasya mayee shri :shrayathaam yasha://
Owing to Her grace let Lakshmi bestow on us eternally all the things that please us,
all that which we dream of and imagine ,
all that which we request by words spoken from mouth,
also cows, other animals and graneries full of food grains,
'Oh' MahaLakshmi You are capable of granting all the above and therefore You are bound to grant this devotee of Yours all the above as well as virtuous fame.
கர்தமேன ப்ரஜாபூதா மயி ஸம்பவ கர்தம
ஷ்ரியம் வாஸய மே குலே மாதரம் பத்மமாலிநீம் ||
Kardamena prajabhootha mayee sambhava kardama/
shriyam vasaya me kule maatharam padmamalineem//
'Oh' Kardama Prajapathi ,You have the power to control Your senses .You adopted Lakshmi as Your daughter,
I am a devotee of Lakshmi.Make Her show Her kindness towards me.
Lakshmi is the Mother of the world who adorns Herself with garlands made of lotuses ,
May She live forever in my clan without departing even for a moment .
आप :सृजन्तु स्निग्धानि चिक्लीत वस मे गृहे /
नि चे देवीं मातरं श्रियं वासये मे कुले ||
ஆப :ஸ்ருஜந்து ஸ்நிக்தானி சிக்லீத வஸ மே க்ருஹே |
நிச தேவீம் மாதரம் ஷ்ரியம் வாஸய மே குலே ||
Aapaha: srujanthu snigdhani chikleetha vasa mey gruhe/
ni cha deveem maatharaam shriyam vasaya mey kule//
'O' Chikleethars, You guard the inner chambers of Bhagwan,
My house should overflow with unlimited ghee,milk,honey, oil and similar liquids [since Narayna and Lakshmi are living in the house ]
Come to my house , reside in it and guard it,
Guard Lakshmi well who is the Mother of this world, who creates the universe as a sporting activity, who easily grants boons to those requesting Her for it and is therefore residing in my house.
ஆர்த்ராம் புஷ்கரிணீம் புஷ்டிம் பிங்களாம் பத்மமாலிநீம் |
சந்த்ராம் ஹிரண்மயீம் லக்ஷ்மீம் ஜாதவேதோ ம ஆவஹ |\
Aardhraam pushkarineem pushtim pingalaam Padma malineem/
chandram hiranmayeem lakshmeem jatho vedo ma aavaha//
Lakshmi pleases and mitigates our sufferings with a glance from the corner of Her eyes,
She worships Bhagwan with lotuses,
She has infinite wealth and auspicious qualities ,
She has a golden hued body,
She wears garlands made of lotuses,
She makes everyone happy ,
She has limitless wealth like gold and so on,
She can be meditataed upon by all,
Sri Vishnu ,You have infinite knowledge .Make Lakshmi to come and stay near me.
ஆர்தராம் ய கரிணீம் யஷ்டிம் ஸுவர்ணம் ஹேமமாலினீம் |
ஸூர்யாம் ஹிரண்மயீம் லக்ஷ்மீம் ஜாதவேதோ ம ஆவஹ ||
Aardraam ya: karinnem yashtim swarnam hema malineem/
sooryaam hiranmayeem Lakshmeem jatho vedo ma aavaha //
MahaLakshmi has a cool and pleasant nature,
She is devoid of anger
She constantly pleases Bhagwan so that He would forgive the mistakes of chetanas[ /atmas /selves ,]
She encourages dharmic rites like yagnas,
She is worshipped in a devout manner by all ,
She adorns Herself with golden necklaces and chains,
She pervades everything created by Her and Bhagwan and controls them ,
She is full of beauty,
'Oh' All Knowing Bhagwan , bless me by making MahaLakshmi to enshrine Herself near me.
தாம் ம ஆவஹ ஜாதவேதோ லக்ஷ்மீம் அநபகாமினீம் |
யஸ்யாம் ஹிரண்யம் ப்ரபூதம் காவோ தாஸ்யோஷ்வான் விந்தேயம் புருஷானஹம் ||
Thaam ma aavaha jathavedho Lakshmeem anapagaamineem/
yasyaam hirannyam prabhoothum gaavo dasyo shvaan vindeyam purushanaham//
Oh All powerful Bhagwan! Please ensure that MahaLakshmi of infinite virtues and sublime influence to come near me and never depart from me.
I seek in plenty,gold cows, servant maids , servants , horses and vehicles from her .
பத்ம ப்ரியே பத்மினி பத்மஹஸ்தே பத்மாலயே பத்மதளாயதாக்ஷி |
விஷ்வப்ரியே விஷ்ணு மனோ அனுகூலே த்வத் பாத பத்மம் மயி ஸந்நி தத்ஸ்வ ||
Padmapriye padmini padmahasthe padmalaye padmadalayathakshi/
vishwapriye Vishnu mano anukule tvat pada padmam mayee sannidhatsva//
Mahalakshmi is fond of lotuses,
She is the best amongst women,
She holds lotuses in her hands
She is seated on a lotus ,
She has eyes that are like the petals of lotus
She has affection for all,
She never goes against MahaVishnu's will,
'Oh' MahaLakshmi place Your lotus like sacred feet on my head .
ஷ்ரியை ஜாத :ஷ்ரியஆநிர்யாய ஷ்ரியம் வாயோ ஜநித்ருப்யோ ததாது |
ஷ்ரியம் வஸாநா அம்ருதத்வமாயன் பஜந்தி ஸத்ய :ஸவிதா விதத்யூன் ||
Shriyai jatha:shriya aaniryaaya shriyam vayo janithrupyo dhadhathu/
Shriyam vasaanaa amruthvamaayan bhajanthi satya:savitha vidhathyoon//
The purpose of my birth is to experience the wealth known as servitude to Bhagwan,
In the quest to remove the achetanas that eclipse my true Self ,' Oh' MahaLakshmi provide me the means ,such as stable wealth and long life to achieve this goal.
Those who lead a life of constant thoughts centred on Lakshmi ,will be freed from cycle of birth and death and become freed atmas.
When such freed selves reach the sacred feet of The Lord of Vaikuntum , they will be shorn off sins, old age, death, sorrow, hunger and thirst and acquire the ability to get whatever they want and the ability to act as per their will without any obstruction from any quarter .
ஷ்ரியம் ஏவைனம் தத் ஷ்ரியாமாததாதி |
Shriyam yevainam tat shriyamadadhaathi/
That Brahman confers on the devotee of Lakshmi the wealth called eternal servitude to Him in increasing order.
ஸ ந்தனம் ருசா வஷ்டக்ருத்யம் ஸந்தத்தம்(சந்தத்யை பாடாந்தரம் )
ஸந்தீயதே ப்ரஜயா பஷூபி :ய ஏவம் வேத |\
Santhanam rucha vashtakruthyam sandhatham ,[santhathyai paattaanthram]
Sandheeyathe prajya pashubhi :ya yevam Ved /
The recitation of these Rig Vedic Kila mantras will attract the inseparable couples's attention and the devotee will a lead a life without any separation from son,daughter, cow , horses and wealth.
ஓம் மஹாதேய்வயை ச வித்மஹே விஷ்ணு பத்தினை ச தீமஹி
தந்நோ லக்ஷ்மி ப்ரசோதயாத்
Om mahadevyai cha vidhmahe Vishnu patanyai cha dheemahee/
Thanno Lakshmi: prachodhayath//
Let us recite these mantras and do pujas to receive fromSri the consort of Narayana Her blessings. Narayana along with His consort Sri grants four types of Purusharthams .
Let us meditate constantly on His consort Sri.
Let Narayana encourage us in our meditation.
हरि ओं
' Hari Om "
References --Sri Lakshmi Stotrams [meanings in Tamil]- published by Sri Narsimhapriya trust