Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Inhuman rights.

Several years back i saw a Hollywood film about the travails of a unwed teenaged [17 yrs] white mother ,in the u.s.A real life story that shocked me ,bringing down the scales so to say,the regard and admiration i had for the highly affluent western society's charitable and humanitarian nature and their highly democratic governments that flaunted their credentials as impeccable in protecting and respecting individual liberties and freedoms as against the state .

The young mother was struggling to take care of her baby ,on her own and somehow managed to do just about but not in step with prevailing standards of living.
Then came a stern and dried up woman, a social worker,who came to her house inspecting and decided that she was not competent to take care of her baby and forcibly takes away that infant with the help of the police turning a deaf ear to piteous pleas and cries of that young mother .
After several years and in better financial circumstances ,she petitions the court and after a long struggle she regains the custody of her child.

What shocked me was the utter callousness and indifference shown to a young womanmother 's emotions , by the State .It is the highest form of cruelty to separate forcibly a mother and her infant.
Why make all this boastful rhetoric's of being the torch bearers of individual liberties to the entire world and give lectures on human rights,etc, etc, to lesser evolved [in their eyes] species like us when a mother can't even keep the child she has carried and painstakingly delivered.It is a cold blooded denial of a basic right of an individual.

Why label Hitler as fascist when he snatched away blue eyed and blond haired babies at birth from their unwilling parents , to be raised as Aryans ,as the future rulers of the world in a sanitised environment run by the State when the same thing is being done in the name of welfare of the child in these Western democracies?.

What is the guarantee that foster parents would not abuse the child so generously handed over to their care?If not overtly in a physical manner it could covertly --emotionally and psychologically.

After seeing that film the great wall of admiration i had built at their humanitarian approaches and staunch belief in individual liberties came crashing down.And was terribly glad and relieved to be born in this country where the State or any religious entity never interferes in the individual right of any person to raise his or her child in the manner that pleases them ,whether one is economically and emotionally fit to do so or not.

We have whole families raised on platforms, way sides ,by beggars, rag pickers, vagabonds ,gypsies or the very poor , freely and merrily.Even if our State had the were withal ,i doubt whether it will ride rough shod over emotions and attachments in the name of societal good.There would be no societal sanction for such acts either.

On this count there is true individual liberty in here.

PS. So far so good.Hope no pseudo human rights activists agitate for such inhuman laws in our country ,in the future.


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